Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Amos Walton refused to accept the nomination for commissioner of the2nd district, and gave out in various ways that he would not be a candidateunder any consideration, so it was considered that Harbaugh had no competitionand would surely be elected. So no attention was paid by the Republicansto that matter. When, on election day, both the Democrat and Greenback ticketscame out with Walton's name, it was a surprise, and was a still greatersurprise to the Republicans when Walton came out sixteen votes ahead. Itseems that there had been a still hunt for votes for Walton, and altogetherit was about the sharpest political management of the campaign.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
John P. St. John, Republican: 1,905
G. W. Glick, Democrat: 1,625
Charles Robinson, Greenback: 265
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Listen, ladies, and I'll tell you
By the powers of my art,
Of the lovely silks and satins,
Just the darlings of your heart.
Just the sweetest, just the cheapest, that
Were ever seen in town;
Just what you have been desiring for that
Beautiful new gown.
Every shade and tint and color
That "La Mode" decrees the style,
You will find, and oh! Such prices will
Surprise you all the while.
Cloaks and Dolmans of the neatest fit
Latest style and lowest Prices at J. R. Lynn's.
The lady who feels so sorely grieved because
Her new, beautiful, all-wool carpet turns
Out to be half cotton, says she
Did not get it at Lynn's.
MORAL. Always buy your carpets
And all other goods of J. B. Lynn
Who does not misrepresent them.
Ohio has gone Democratic, but the
People go to Lynn's because, in so
Doing, they are sure of getting good
Goods and saving money.
The business men, farmers and laborers
Of this city and county can save
From 12 to 25 per cent, by buying
Their overcoats of J. B. Lynn.
Ladies of Winfield! Are you aware
That Lynn has the most complete
Stock of Dry Goods and Notions
Ever brought to this county.
An elegant line of Carpets, ranging in price
From the Hemp, at 25 cents a yard to the
Best Boaz Brussels; nothing like it ever
Presented to the people of Winfield.
Beautiful Plush and Velvet. You will find it at Lynn's.
Blankets here so soft and white,
Blankets flaming warm and red,
Blankets for a wintry night;
You should have them for your bed.
Blankets larger than the longest,
Sure to cover toes and head;
For the aged, for the youngest;
Come and get them for your bed.
If our blankets you but purchase
You may laugh at Winter's dread;
Nestled closely 'neath the surface
Of those blankets on your bed. J. B. LYNN
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Attend the supper at the Opera House Friday night.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
MARRIED. T. J. Jones and Miss Lou Fause were married Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
BIRTH. Mr. S. A. Cook is the happy father of a bran new boy, born Friday.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Attend Col. Copeland's lecture at the Methodist Church Monday evening.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Looking-glasses from 25 cents to $50 at the Champion Furniture Store.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Remember the supper at the Opera House Friday evening, from 5:30 to 10o'clock.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
BIRTH. D. Rodocker, our photographer, is a happy dad. The little girlwas born Saturday.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Ex-Commissioner Gale and wife returned from a visit to their old homeweek before last.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Capt. Siverd sports a new overcoat. We have been waiting five years togive him this personal.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The remains of Dr. Schofield were taken back to Indiana Monday, accompaniedby members of his family.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
By. Terrill spent several days of last week in the city. He has soldout his hotel in Joplin and is going west.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Don't forget the supper by the ladies of the Christian Church at theOpera House Friday evening, from five to ten o'clock.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Stick a pin here. P. H. Albright & Co., will buy mortgages, whetherthey run for one, two, three, four, or five years.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Burkhalter had the misfortune to lose their babyboy. It died Monday evening and was buried Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Agent Allen, of the Wells Fargo, entertained a number of his Democraticfriends Friday evening in honor of Glick's election.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Tom Quarles and his wife plead guilty before the court Tuesday to stealingHurd's buggy. They have not yet been sentenced.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The board of Vernon Township are tightening up and repairing the ironbridge west of town. They will also complete the grading.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
P. H. Albright & Co., will pay liberally for any product of CowleyCounty that is unusually large and fine. They desire to make a collection.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
George Williams and Gene Wilbur came down from Rock Wednesday to hearthe news. It is unnecessary to add that they went home sick.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
C. R. Mitchell's majority, according to the official vote, is thirty-one,J. W. Weimer's one hundred and twenty, and J. J. Johnson's, twenty-four.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
David C. Beach now occupies the building recently built by A. H. Doaneon Ninth Avenue. It makes a neat and conveniently located law office.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The first knowledge Winfield folks had of Amos Walton's candidacy waswhen the returns began to come in. Amos kind of sneaked in, as it were.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The long deferred cold spell came on Saturdayjust in time to spoil theDemocratic ratification. It proves that the clerk of the weather is noton their side.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. T. R. Bryan is excavating for the foundation of his new buildingnext to Lynn's store. It will be seventy-five feet deep and one story high,of stone.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Allen returned from Illinois last week and will remain abouta month. He expects to spend most of his time during the next year in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The next House will contain two of the brightest young Republicans inKansas. Wirt W. Walton and J. R. Burton were elected by good majorities.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Judge B. L. Brush is in the city attending district court. He doesn'tlook a whit less jolly than before he was elected county attorney of ElkCounty.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
A. J. Uhl of Douglass has recently sold 136 Merino bucks for $4,460.His sales during the last year amount to $12,000. How is this for sheepfarming in Kansas?
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Uncle John Cochran was the oldest man who voted in Winfield last election.He is eighty-three years old and has voted a straight Democratic ticketall the time.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Abe Steinberger came down Saturday and spent Sunday shaking hands withhis many friends in this city. His "Grip" is still booming,emphatically and unanimously.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Lovell H. Webb has been appointed and confirmed as City Clerk in placeof D. C. Beach, resigned. This is a deserving compliment to our young friendand one which he will honor.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The bloodhound in one of the Uncle Tom's Cabin companies broke loosethe other day and ate up the donkey, and a local paper blames him for robbingthe public of the best actor in the troupe.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The firm of Harter Bros., has been changed to J. N. Harter, Joe havingpurchased Charles' interest in the stock. By the way, Winfield is witnessinga good many changes in firms in the last few weeks.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
We were surprised to receive a call Friday from Mr. J. W. Browning, aformer citizen of Cowley. He had just returned from Missourithis time probablyto stay. He says Missouri is no place for a man to raise a family; has noschoolhouses and the people take no pride in their schools. He says Cowleyis the best place he can find.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Heretofore Winfield has been served with excellent telegraphic facilities.The operators at both depots have been gentlemanly and obliging and workedas well for the interests of the public as for that of the Company. Thistime the result has been different. The main desire with one of the operatorsseemed to be to get as much money for as little work as possible. The otheroperator had his wires tampered with and could do nothing, so the town waspractically without newsa thing that has not occurred heretofore. The Superintendentwould make friends and money for his company by placing a man at the receivingoffice in Winfield who looks more to the interests of the company and thepublic and less to what he can make out of it himself.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. W. A. Lee, of Winfield, Kansas, has been with us two weeksis wellpleased with our town and thinks that in the near future it will be a largeplace, being the right distance from Springfield and the outlet from mostof the pineries. He, with the help of his younger brothers, has done a noblework in building his aged mother a nice, comfortable frame house on theirfarm two miles north of town. This work was started last fall, but throughsome mishap it fell through. He has made short work of it and the familyhave moved into it. Mountain Grove Prospect.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The Democrats on the street Saturday seemed to have imbibed more of thespirit of their party than those in the hall. They shouted and roared anddanced around a little bon-fire and finally inaugurated three free-for-allfights and went home with styes in their eyes. One patriotic citizen, livelierthan the rest, was yelling hoarsely, "`Rah for 'ell!" As we havenot heard of a person of that name, we presume he was merely indicatingwhat he wanted in the next party platform.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
A. H. Green informs us that on his late visit to Las Vegas he stoppedwith our old friend, John W. Belles, who formerly resided in the southeastpart of our county. Glad to hear John is doing well in his new home andthat he has accumulated considerable property. He was one of Cowley's bestcitizens, and the residents of Las Vegas can depend upon finding him a No.1 man in every respect.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
This is a good year for young men. Tom Waller, governor elect of Connecticut,is one of "the boys," and Comptroller Pattison, Pennsylvania'sreform governor, is a stripling. Then Governor Cleveland, of New York, isa political tyro, and the young voters generally have led in smashing thebosses. Young blood tells, and we reckon Cleveland is old enough to be thenext Democratic candidate for president.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. G. W. Prater brought us in some splendid specimens of apples fromhis orchard last week. They were Wine Saps and Missouri Pippins, large andwell formed and perfect in color. Mr. Prater is having excellent successwith his fruit, as indeed are all persons in Cowley who give their orchardsthe right kind of attention.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
We have been sad, ineffably sad, for the past week and have sufferedthe haughty smile of the cantankerous Democrat without a murmur, but todaywe have been crushed to earth: utterly broken up and ruthlessly torn asunderby a circular from a Kansas City whiskey man who offers to sell it to theunfortunate "as low as seventy-five cents a gallon."
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
DIED. Last Saturday morning our city was startled by the sudden deathof Dr. N. M. Schofield, at his residence in this city, of heart disease.He got up in the morning sound and well, but suddenly ill, and died in afew minutes. The Doctor was one of our best citizens, and his loss is deeplyfelt by hundreds of friends. [Another column states they took his remainsback to Indiana.]
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The magnificent overture played by the COURIER BAND at the Republicanrally on the 31st, and which we have heard highly complimented by numbersof our citizens, was composed and written by George H. Crippen, the leaderof the band. It is a production that Mr. Crippen and our citizens may wellbe proud of.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Wirt W. Walton was elected representative from his district in Clay Countyover one of the strongest men in the county by 300 majority. Wirt is worthyof every honor his people heap upon him. He is one of the fellows who makethemselves worthy of a position before they ask for it.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
LOST. Rev. D. Thomas lost two weeks ago on the Burden road between thisplace and Silver Creek, an overcoat and a valise of clothing. There wereletters in the valise addressed to M. K. Thomas. The finder will be rewardedby leaving the same at this office.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
A large number of the Knights of Pythias of Wichita came down Tuesdayto institute a lodge here. This is one of the finest drilled lodges in thestate, and presented a magnificent sight as they marched down Main street.The lodge instituted here numbers about thirty.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The skating rink is becoming one of our most popular resorts. It is ahealthy, invigorating exercise, and most of our people seem to be availingthemselves of it. The COURIER BAND was present Friday night and discoursedsome excellent music.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
On the second Friday of November of next year the Baptist State conventionwill be held in Winfield. It was held this year in Atchison, and its sessionat Winfield will be the first ever held in Southern Kansas. They all wantto come to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The market today (Wednesday) on wheat shows some improvement over lastweek, the best being quoted at 66 cents. Corn holds firm at 32 cents. Hogsbring $5.50, hay $5.00. But little produce of any kind is being marketed.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
A new iron fence is being put around the Courthouse, and the groundsare being filled in and graded. The grounds are to be laid out and plantedto trees, and will no longer be the unsightly, barren plot it has been heretofore.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. George Crippen, leader of the COURIER BAND, received a magnificentnew clarionet Tuesday. It is a splendid instrument and in George's skillfulhands, will soon be made to produce wonders in the way of music.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Frank Manny has been raising the German Carp. He stocked his pond sometime ago, and reports them doing nicely. It is his intention to raise themquite extensively if he succeeds with the first stock.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
W. M. Allison came over Saturday, looking exceedingly sour. William isone of the most unlucky individuals, politically, in the state. He oughtto have held onto his democracy while he had it.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Messrs. Tomlinson & Webb, a couple of gentlemen from Nebraska, havepurchased John Earnest's grocery store, and took charge last Wednesday.Mr. Earnest intends removing to Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
There will be an examination of teachers Saturday, November 18, at 9o'clock a.m., in the Winfield High School building. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Notice. Parties indebted to Harter Bros., will please call and settleinside of 30 days and oblige J. N. Harter, successor to Harter Bros.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mr. John S. Rash was down from Harvey Township Wednesday and gave ussome important matters of news from that locality.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
J. C. Fuller is confined to his room with illness resulting from overworkand nervous debility.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Mrs. Emily Houston has returned from a two weeks' visit to Wichita andWellington.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Democratic Enthusiasm.
Last Saturday was set apart by the Democracy of Winfield for a grandlove-feast. For twenty-five years they had been occupying a "cave ofgloom," cut off, politically speaking, from the good things of thisworld, and were in excellent shape to rejoice over a streak of sunshine,even if they couldn't tell where it came from. So Saturday morning cannonswere fired, bands were hired, and the decks cleared for action. The clerkof the weather did not seem to partake of their enthusiasm and gave thema cold, raw day. No exercises were held during the day, but in the eveningseveral hundred gathered at the Opera House, when, after some excellentmusic by the Dexter and Courier Bands, the speaking began. The chairman,Mr. Chas. C. Black, after a neat little speech congratulating Democratson their victory, introduced as the first orator, O. M. Seward, an allegedRepublican. In respect to Mr. Seward, we pass over his remarks. They weredisgusting alike to Republicans and Democrats and decidedly out of placein a ratification meeting. The audience seemed to realize the pitiful positionin which he had placed himself and sat through his desultory and ramblingaddress in painful silence. Its brevity only was commendable.
The chairman then introduced Hon. J. Wade McDonald. His speech was well-timed,clear, and concise, and delivered with that purity of diction and eleganceof rhetoric which he alone can command. He followed the history of his partyfrom its inception to the present time, told in vivid language of the gloriesit had achieved, and drew a bright and attractive picture of what it woulddo in the future. He made many bright, telling points and was applaudedto the echo. After paying a glowing tribute to the church and the good ithad accomplished for the world, he went for the ministers and church membersfor their participation in the prohibition agitation, in a lively manner,charging them with "sinking below a common level by going arm in armwith the ward politician and political shyster who was betting his moneyon the results for whose success they were praying." His position onthis question was illogical. It is the duty of the minister of the gospeland christians generally, to work for any cause that tends to amelioratethe condition of mankind and raise them to a better and happier sphere,whether it be in the pulpit, at the prayer meeting, in the highways, by-ways,or in politics; and the only way to prove that they were out of place inworking for the success of prohibition, is to show that it was morally andsocially wrong. In this Judge McDonald was arguing against his own convictions,for he is himself a prohi- bitionist, and believes it is right. Judge Tiptonmade quite a lengthy talk after which the meeting adjourned. Altogetherit was a cold, unfeeling sort of a ratification, without enthusiasm or spirit,and was a severe disappointment to the more exuberant Democrats.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
A most contemptible trick was played upon the operator at the Santa Fedepot Tuesday night. Arrangements had been made to receive dispatches directfrom Topeka over that line. Up to half past eleven o'clock the wires workedall right. After that time the operator found he could not get news in orout of his office. Search was made for the cause of the difficulty, butnone could be found, so the wires were abandoned. Daylight brought a solutionof the difficulty. A piece of wire had been laid across the wires just outsideof the building, which completely cut the circuit into the office. The endsof the wire were turned down so that it could not slip off, and the factof its being placed so as to only affect the Winfield office and no otherson the line, indicates the connivance of an expert. Parties interested havea clue to the perpetrator, and the matter has been placed in the hands ofthe proper authorities. The person who conceived this bright and shiningidea of cutting off electricity, will hear something drop before many moons.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Fatal Accident.
DIED. Last Saturday a fatal accident occurred in Harvey Township, resultingin the death of Zachariah Harris, a relative of Geo. Harris, of that township,and a native of Mattoon, Illinois. He was husking corn for Geo. Harris,and Saturday morning took an old breech- loaded carbine and went out intothe field to shoot at some geese. He loaded it from the muzzle and blazedaway, when the breech-pin flew out, striking him between the eyes and knockinghim senseless. He afterward came to, walked to the house, and ate his dinner.Soon after dinner he began to act strange, and in an hour was raving. Hedied Saturday evening. Examination showed that a piece of the skull hadbeen pressed in upon the brain.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Review March.
The above is the title to a new piece of music composed by Ed. E. Farringerof this city. We are not a connoisseur in music, but we hear many complimentson the music and its author, who is quite a young man, but he has genius,industry, and ambition, and will be sure to take rank among the musicalcomposers of the times. The author has favored us with a copy, for whichhe has our thanks.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
For Sale. I will sell cheap for cash one lot on Main street and somegood residence lots.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
DIED. Mrs. Mattie J. Bair, wife of J. M. Bair of Floral, died Tuesdayevening. The bereaved husband and four children have our heartfelt sympathies.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
CATTLE SALE. We will sell at public auction at Smith's Sale Stable onNinth Avenue, Winfield, on Saturday, November 25th, 1882, commencing at10 o'clock a.m., the following described property: 33 head of cattle, 24head two-year-old steers. 12 milk cows. 4 heifers and 1 Durham bull. Termscash. WILSON & HUFF.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Attention Comrades.
There will be a meeting of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R., Saturday,Nov. 18, 1882, at 3 o'clock p.m., sharp. Don't fail to come; important business.T. H. SOWARD, Post Com'd.
J. E. SNOW, Act. Adj't.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
I have put in a stock of coal at the stand formerly occupied by G. A.Rhodes, on South Main Street. Coal sold in the bin or delivered to any partof the city at lowest cash prices.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
It will do your souls good to see the new goods in furniture, mirrors,pictures, and frames that A. B. Arment is receiving weekly at the ChampionFurniture Store, South Main Street, west side.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup in chair. Roll called.Present, Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; City Attorney andClerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Petition of A. B. Graham and 10 others for sidewalk on west side of block187 and on south side of block 186, was read. On motion of Mr. Gary, thatpart of the petition relating to sidewalk on west side of block 187 wasgranted and the Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance in accordancetherewith.
Ordinance No. 165 providing for the construction of sidewalks on thewest side of block 187; on the north side of blocks 87 and 107; and on theeast side of block No. 145, was read and on motion of Mr. Read was takenup for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were adopted.On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows:Those voting aye, were Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; naysnone, and the Ordinance was declared adopted.
Communication from S. L. Gilbert declining to remain on the bond of T.H. Soward as Police Judge, and asking to be released therefrom, was read.On motion of Mr. Gary, the communication was placed on file and the clerkwas instructed to notify the Police Judge that he must file a new bond bythe next meeting of the Council.
David C. Beach again tendered his resignation as City Clerk, which wasaccepted. The Mayor appointed Lovell H. Webb to the position of City Clerkfor the remainder of the term, he to file his bond for approval at the nextregular meeting. On motion, the appointment of the Mayor was confirmed bythe council.
The Finance Committee reported favorably on bills:
Winfield COURIER, Printing, etc.: $57.00.
A. T. Shenneman, Board Prisoners: $42.00
Reports adopted and warrants ordered for the amounts of same.
The Finance Committee reported on Clerk's quarterly statement for Sept.15th that they had examined the same and found it correct. Reports adopted.On Police Judges report for June the Committee reported that they foundit correct. Report adopted.
The following bills were presented, allowed, and ordered paid.
H. L. Thomas, street crossings and culverts: $44.24.
City officers salaries, Oct.: $67.90.
Dr. Geo. Emerson, medical attendance: $5.00.
Bill of A. B. Arment for coffin for City poor, $7.50, was approved andrecommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
E. H. Lintrell and W. B. McConnels made a statement concerning the finesassessed against them in Police Court for violation of the Ordinance relatingto licenses. The Mayor for the reason that the violations were technicaland unintentional, remitted their fines. The action of the Mayor was onmotion approved by the Council, and the City Clerk was instructed to informthe Police Judge of the same.
On motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the Police Judge tomake his reports for months of Sept. and Oct.
Council then adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
AD. W. L. BERNARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR. Will attend especiallyto diseases of women and children, having had twenty-two years practice.Will be found at his residence third house east of Santa Fe depot, 14thAvenue North.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
PARK & PARK, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Winfield, Kansas. Office overHudson Bro.'s Jewelry Store. Diseases of the Eye and Ear a specialty.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
AD. Get terms of all the other loan agents in Cowley County, and thengo to the office of P. H. Albright & Co., and get them discounted. Wecan and will loan at a less rate of interest than any other firm in thiscounty. P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
AD. Many of my friends have as much as asked me why I sold out my Implementbusi- ness and stock. First I sold no stock, second only a part of my business,reserving the right to sell Sulky Plows and Corn Planters with my improvements.I also can handle Buggies, Windmills, Pumps, and have a right to start abusiness anywhere in the county outside corporate limits of Winfield. Iexpect also to keep as far as possible repairs for all the goods I havesold, and make good any warrantees on sales I have made. I have not as muchas thought that I would leave Winfield or Cowley County, and want to sayto my many friends that as soon as I get shaped up in new quarters, comearound and have a drink of cold water with me and make yourselves at home.I am grateful indeed for past favors. W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Ad. FARM FOR SALE: A very desirable quarter section of land located inNinnescah Township, adjoining the town of Udall, in Cowley County, Kansas,will be sold cheap for cash, or part cash and time to suit the purchaser.For further particulars inquire at Udall, of R. B. COLLINS.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
AD. No. 1 Warranted Cast Steel Saw only one dollar. Red Front Building.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
AD. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. The best assortment of foreign and domesticgoods can be found at A. Herpich's Merchant Tailoring establishment, whichwill be made to order in style or sold by the yard. A cordial invitationis extended for an examination of goods and prices. A. HERPICH, Hudson Bros.Block.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
El Dorado will have another railroad by January 1.
The G. A. R. Posts throughout the state are devising entertainments forthe winter.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: We rejoice that the grand political caldron will soon ceaseto boil, and that ere long the affairs of the county and state will soonassume its normal condition.
The first ice of the season showed its phiz Saturday morning.
Mr. Wells has sold his farm to Mr. Metcalf. Consideration $2,500.
The farmers are all busy gathering corn, and of course are happy, onlyas the prosperous farmer can be.
Mr. Eastman had his barn, hay, and corn crib destroyed by fire on Fridayof last week. He estimates his loss at $500. It is the old, old story ofchildren playing with matches.
Ben Timmerman, formerly of this neighborhood, met with a very seriousaccident, which cost him his right arm. Like many others, he was the victimof carelessness and a shot gun.
MARRIED. Miss Nancy Timmerman promised to obey Will Beach on last Sunday.The nuptials were performed in the presence of a very select party of friendsand relatives. We would just rise to remark that we never smokewell, hardlyever.
The lyceum at the Holland schoolhouse was reorganized Saturday night.It promises to be a success. Question for debate: Resolved, Thatallowing the Indians rations is a drawback to their civilization. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Prairie Grove Items.
EDS. COURIER: Prairie Grove is bound to shine.
Stock is still on the range doing well.
Farmers are cribbing the golden corn this fine weather.
Mrs. Limerick is teaching us a good school.
Miss Fannie Pontious is teaching on Rock Creek, and her sister Hattieat Richland.
A literary society was organized last week, with J. O. Vanorsdol president.It will meet every Friday evening.
New houses, granaries, and improvements of various kinds are seen onevery hand. Immigration is through.
Our Sunday school is progressing finely with A. Limerick, superintendent;J. W. Douglass, assistant superintendent, and Miss Mattie Vanorsdol secretary.
There were lots of Democrats and Greenbackers at the polls election daystating they were temperance men, but voted for free whiskey. Consistency,though art a jewel. R. J.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882. Editorial.
Geo. H. Weaver died suddenly of heart disease at his store in Leavenworthon Tuesday, Nov. 14th, aged 64.
Mr. Weaver was our leading salesman in the dry goods house of Daniels,Millington & Co., in Leavenworth in 1862 to 1865, and there we learnedto esteem him highly for his many noble qualities of head and heart. Hehad been the pioneer dry goods merchant of that city, and since that timehe has built up in that city one of the best dry goods houses in the state.He was a leading Methodist, a strong Union man, and was always foremostin every good work.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I heard it suggested the other day that it was about time"X" was writing something for the COURIER, and I guess it is.
Election being over, we have all settled down and are quiet and harmless.A few old Democrats will still shout, and a few St. Johnites groan. As arule we are waiting for results.
Corn is about cribbed and the boys are looking over the neighborhoodfor suitable floors for dances, and the brethren are beginning to agitatea donation for the preachers.
Our literary is well attended and is quite interesting. We propose todecide the tariff question next Friday night.
Our school is quite large already. About 60 scholars are enrolled, makingan assistant a necessity. Mrs. Green, our teacher, is in many respects asuperior woman. She can "keep school" and no mistake.
I notice our old friend Geo. Foughty is back again. His first love isstrong. Geo., you might as well settle. You can't be happy anywhere else.
It is currently reported that the new stone house south of town is soonto contain a bride, and that the old folks over on the south road soon moveto Winfield and leave the farm to Frank and Mrs. Frank. I would suggestthat life is short, and delays are dangerous.
I see by the Telegram that Josh has formed an alliance with PaulPry. Glad to have either or both of them with us again, but regret thatill health should be the cause. The health of this community is splendid.I don't know of a case of sickness among us. This is a poor place for doctors,lawyers, or constables. Don't remember of a disturbance within a year.
Wheat looks well, corn has been a good crop, and our folks are beginningto enjoy life a little better than of old. We are still losing a few ofour people, but as a rule a better class are taking their places, so wesuffer no loss.
A. T. Gay has been making us all ashamed of our potato crops, as usual,by getting more and better quality than any of us.
Our staid old friend and neighbor, O. P. West, still stands firm on Greenbackprinciples and looks with hope to 1884. Our people are generally pleasedwith J. J. Johnson's election and expect to hear a good report from himthis winter. He ought to know what farmers need.
'Twill soon be time for prairie fires. Would it not be well to let thegrass rot instead of burning it as we have been so many years?
I understand there is some talk of building a Presbyterian Church inthis locality. I think it might be accomplished without much difficulty.Our people appreciate those things and would respond liberally and cheerfully.
For want of news, I will, as our talented Q. M. Says, "leave thefloor." X.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Careless Shooting.
EDS. COURIER: About three o'clock last Saturday afternoon, three men,one looked to be about forty, the other two about thirty, came as we supposedfrom town, riding in a spring wagon, driving a gray on the off side, andgot a black on the near side. As they got opposite the residence of HenryHawkins, one of them shot a quail that was flying in front of the houseclose by the window. The quail was driven by the shot through the window,and landed on the floor about half way across the room, where a little babewas sleeping. No harm except a window pane and curtain badly wrecked. Wethought they were under the influence of liquor or had but little brains;we did not know which. Those carrying guns should be careful about shootingaround dwellings or barnyards.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
J. C. Fuller has been quite ill for two weeks past, but is now recovering.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
A. J. Truesdell has made final settlement in his Bissell guardianshipmatter.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
M. L. Robinson is making some changes and improvements in his residence.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
John Willis has received a magnificent diamond pin as a present froma friend.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Sheridan school is prospering finely under the management of E. I.Johnson.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Conklin returned home last week and will spend a short timewith his family.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
James L. Huey has submitted final report as guardian of the estate ofAlbert Chamberlain.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. G. L. Brown, of Sheridan, is enjoying a visit from his brother andnephew, who reside in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
A handsome diamond ring to be voted to the most popular lawyer in Winfieldduring the Bazar Nov. 28, 29, and 30.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mary I. Byram is appointed foreign guardian for the estate of FrancisJ. and Rosa Roberts, residents of Iowa.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
M. S. Roseberry has made final settlement as guardian of the estate ofArizonia Hostetter before the Probate Court.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Rev. Rose came down from Douglass Monday and made us a pleasant call.He is doing effective work for his charge.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The administrator in the Nance estate has filed a petition for an orderto sell the real property belonging to the estate.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Rev. Rose is holding a series of meetings at the Walnut Valley churchat present which will continue possibly two weeks.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Petition has been filed for the sale of real estate belonging to Francisand Rosa Roberts, and will be heard December 2nd at 10 o'clock a.m.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. E. B. Carr, a relative of Messrs. Longshore and Burt, of Sheridan,and a native of Illinois, has been visiting here for the past week.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
W. M. Corn, of Sheridan, is entertaining a brother and nephew from Illinois,who came out to inspect the beauties of sunny Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Sheridan Township is the banner St. John Township in the county. Hermajority was forty-one: three larger than for the balance of the ticket.[NOTE: ST. JOHN DEFEATED.]
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The guttering on Main street is progressing very slowly, only four lotsso far being completed. The council should hurry this matter up a bit.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
If you want a good social time and dinner on Thanksgiving day, go toManning's Hall on Nov. 30. Dinner between 12 and 3 o'clock p.m. Tickets35 cents. The greatest event of the season will be the grand ball at theOpera House, on Thursday evening, November 30th. Everybody invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Henry E. Asp has been remarkably successful in his cases recently. Twoof his clients, Bassywather and Vanmeter, were cleared at this term of court.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. Perry is making many valuable improvements to his residence propertyon east Tenth Avenue. His house is now one of the neatest and most comfortablein the city.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
DIED. We have just learned of the death of Mrs. Pinnix, of Sheridan,which occurred some two weeks ago. She was among the early settlers in thatneighborhood and leaves a large family. [PAPER HAD PINNIX...??? PHINNIX?PHINNIS? WHO KNOWS?]
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
A large number of deer are being brought in from the Territory. A lotof Winfield sports- men will go down this or next week, after which timegame will probably be scarce there.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The gold medal awarded to J. N. Harter for the best score, by the Sportsmen'sClub, is now in the possession of that gentleman. It is an excellent trophyand Mr. Harter may well feel proud of it. One is awarded annually. We expectto have one before the next democratic president is elected.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Our street commissioner needs to be reconstructed on different principlesbefore he becomes an absolute success. We observe that he has dumped severalloads of rubbish right smack in the mouth of the culvert on 10th and Loomisstreet, completely stopping the drainage at that point. At any rate he isa good hand at stopping sewers. Wake up, Ben, and give us an exhibition.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The supper by the ladies of the Christian Church last Friday eveningwas one of the most successful of its kind ever held in Winfield. They furnishedtheir guests with an abundance of splendidly cooked viands and delicaciesof every kind. The profits were over $100.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The following officers were elected at the institution of Walnut ValleyLodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias.
S. L. Gilbert, P. C. C.
Quincy A. Glass, C. C.
C. C. Green, V. C. C.
P. F. Jones, P.
Wm. Whiting, M. Of F.
L. B. Stone, M. Of E.
P. H. Albright, M. At A.
G. H. Buckman, K. R. & S.
C. C. Harris, O. G.
Geo. Hudson, I. G.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Resolved,That a vote of thanks be tendered by this Lodge to P. G. C. Lyon andD. G. C. Harris, of the Grand Lodge, and to Warwick Lodge No. 144, for theirattendance and service in the institution of this Lodge."
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
One of the busiest men in Winfield is Dr. W. T. Wright. From morningtill night, day in and day out, his office is besieged by crowds of anxiouspatients, each one wanting their case attended to first. Aside from thishe hardly ever gets a full night's rest, and is continually out at all hoursand in all kinds of weather. Were it not for his continual good nature andcareful observance of the laws of health, he would certainly go down underthe load. If anyone will be able to rejoice over a well-spent life, it willbe Dr. W. T. Wright.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We learn from the Leadville Chronicle of a stage robbery in whichone of Cowley's boys was somewhat interested. It occurred on October 25thnear Leadville, and Bob McCollim, son of A. J. McCollim, of Fairview, wasone of the victims. The robbers, two in number, held the coach up, madethe passengers get out, and went through them, Bob McCollim and his partnerlosing their watches and four thousand dollars in notes and checks. Theysubse- quently succeeded in stopping payment on most of the checks, butare being put to a great deal of trouble.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The jury in the Vanmeter case brought in a verdict of not guilty Mondayafter having been out about forty-eight hours. The verdict was renderedon a technicality, the prosecution neglecting to prove Man-walking-above'sname. The facts of the stealing were clearly proven, but the law steps inand clears the culprit. The result will be that he must be tried on a newcase at a heavy additional cost to the county. The workings of law to theuninitiated are very queer.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Cheyenne Indians, Man-walking-above and Lone-Dog, who have been attendingcourt as witnesses in the Vanmeter case, are remarkably fine looking, welldressed fellows. Their blankets are of fine texture and their trappingsgaudy. The interpreter who accom- panied them was Ed Carter, a noted character,and for years one of Custer's main scouts. He is a half-breed, a fine lookingman, and seemingly very intelligent.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We were pleased to receive a call from Professor M. J. Stimson, lateof San Francisco, California, last Friday. The Professor is an old friendof Geo. H. Crippen, and George and others are trying to prevail upon himto locate here. He is one of the most thorough musicians and music teachersin the country, and an intelligent and cultivated gentleman. We hope hewill conclude to stop with us.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Last Friday Messrs. Horning and Whitney had on exhibition in their storea beautiful marble grate for a fireplace. It was certainly a work of artas well as of comfort. The grate was of galvanized iron, mounted in highlypolished and carved marbleized iron, together with mantle and side piecesof the same material. It is intended for the residence of Mr. H. E. Silliman.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
At the recent election O. F. Boyle was elected Commissioner of La PlataCounty, Colo- rado, by five hundred majority, running ahead of his ticketseveral hundred votes. Frank Baldwin was also elected representative bya handsome majority and ran way ahead of his ticket. Our "formerlyof Winfield" men seem to take well in the silver state.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We received a very pleasant call from Col. Copeland Tuesday. He is asentertaining in conversation as he is before an audience, and talks witha nervous vigor that is most convinc- ing. He will be with us again Fridayevening, December 1st, when he will deliver his lecture on "The Mistakesof Bob."
His lecture on "Snobs and Snobbery" Monday evening was highlyappreciated by the large audience which greeted him. It was sparkling withwit and pathos and displayed rare bursts of eloquence.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Teachers are making inquiries about Thanksgiving day and other holidays.While there are no legal holidays in Kansas, school boards frequently giveThanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years day to the teachers in the publicschools. This is right as well as generous.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Miss Dinnie Swing of Chicago, a niece of Mrs. Warnock of this city, anda relative of Prof. Swing of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. Joe Conklin. MissSwing has just returned from an extended European trip, and we hope hervisit to our little city will be a pleasant one.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Henry Goldsmith has been making some changes in his store preparatoryto getting in his Christmas stock.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Black Scurvy.
There is a family in Cedar Township in this county, which have been livingamong the Indians in the Territory during the summer, and are dying offone by one with a loathsome disease called "black scurvy." Thefamily consisted of a man, his wife, and seven children. Two of the childrendied before the family left the Territory and two have died since. The otherthree are down with the disease and one of them is very badly off and issure to die soon less it has proper care and good medical attention; neitherof which have hitherto been given to any of the family. Those who have died,lingered in great suffering, calling for water and other attentions, whichthere were none to give. The father and mother are both sick and so mentallyenfeebled as to be indifferent to their fate or that of their children.They are surrounded by filth and infested with vermin. The disease seemsto be contagious and the neighbors fear to go there and relieve them. Itis the saddest case ever heard of in this county and something should bedone at once for their relief, in the name of humanity, decency, and civilization.
This black scurvy, or whatever it is, is not the only or the worst diseasewhich is being communicated from the Indians in the Territory. Some whiteshave died and others are suffering from the most loathsome disease knownto humanitya disease too disgusting to name; besides vermin and filth. Ofcourse, we might expect that a people so low, ignorant, and brutish as mostof the Indians are, will have such among them; but it is humiliating beyondexpression that any member of the superior race should sink so low in viceand filth, as to be exposed to these vile disorders.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Prof. M. J. Stimson, late of San Francisco, California, where he hasbeen actively engaged in teaching music, and as Director of Music in theMetropolitan Temple for the past eight years, has located permanently inWinfield and will immediately engage in his profession. Mr. Stimson comesto us highly recommended from the people of the Pacific slope and from differentportions of our own state, and is well and favorably known by several ofour resident ladies and gentlemen. He has been a teacher of large experiencefor several years, of the piano, organ, and voice culture; also singingand sight reading. We ask for him the liberal patronage and hearty cooperationof our citizens.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We would mildly suggest to those who may overlook the matter, that J.P. Baden wants a few turkeys this week: some twenty or thirty thousand dozenwill be plenty to supply his present needs. He is a far-seeing man and notesthe danger to Republican institutions arising from a turkeyless Thanksgiving,so, like the patriotic citizen that he is, he rushes frantically into thebreechand we opine that the turkeys will be forthcoming.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The following persons have been licensed to commit matrimony by the ProbateCourt since the eleventh of this month.
F. F. Small to Eliza J. Gray.
George F. Clifford to Josephine Lane.
Henry J. Alberding to Minnie Carter.
David W. Kennedy to Laura A. Wilson.
Geo. C. Taylor to Sarah E. Castor.
Alfred H. Cochran to Minnie Castor.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Colgate case has been up since Monday morning and will probably occupythe whole week. The evidence is very slow and develops but few new points.What it will result in no one can tell. We have long since stopped speculatingon the effects of trial by jury. They are too uncertain.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson of Iroquois County, Illinois, have been spendinga few weeks visiting their son, E. I. Johnson, of Sheridan Township. Mr.Johnson visited here some five years ago, and is astonished at the improvement.He commends Winfield especially for its beautiful churches.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Madam Rumor has it that excursion trains will be run between Newton,Caldwell, and Winfield, for the accommodation of those wishing to attendthe Thanksgiving dinner, and ball, at the Opera House, Winfield, on November30. Dinner between 12 and 3 p.m.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. Isaac E. Schurtz was appointed administrator of the partnership estateof the late firm of Foster & Schurtz. Mr. Foster is the gentleman whocommitted suicide in the Territory recently, an account of which appearedin the COURIER of a few weeks ago.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Dr. Cooper has sold out everything and removed to Florida, where he willraise oranges and administer pills to the residents of that thriving country.While we do not like to see the Doctor leave Winfield, we wish him all thesuccess possible in his new home.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mr. Kirk is fitting up the old building removed from his Main streetlot for a grist mill. He is putting in a large engine and several runs ofburrs for grinding corn, exclusively. The building has been placed on thelot just back of Lynn's store.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
We received a very pleasant call Wednesday from Judge Stevens for twelveyears Judge of the twelfth district. He is at present practicing law atWyandotte, and appeared before our court on legal business.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
A big flour war is in progress, and you can buy flour now at almost yourown price. The drop was caused by merchants shipping in foreign brands,and our home millers concluded to stop it, so put their flour down to bedrock.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Strayed, from Ed. Nicholson, near Dexter, a light sorrel mare with alight face branded "M" on right hip, and three years old. If anyof our readers know of a stray, they should drop a card to Ed, at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The markets today (Wednesday) are slow, with but little grain or hogscoming in. Wheat brings from 60 to 68 cents, and corn still holds its ownat 32 cents. Hogs bring from $5.50 to $5.75.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Musical Union was organized Tuesday evening with eighty members.It meets again on Thursday evening of next week, after which full particularswill appear in the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
George Miller came up from his ranche Monday. He has his little pastureof one hundred thousand acres enclosed with a three wire fence, and is readyfor winter.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Miss Grace Scoville returned to her home at Durango, Colorado, last week.She was accompanied by Miss Kate Millington.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Jolliff has sold his lunch room on Main Street to Wells and McRorey,and retired from the business.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Gus Lorry, of Bolton, passed through the city Tuesday on his way to Wellington.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Supper and Oyster Supper.
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a supper in their meetinghouse on Thursday evening, for the benefit of the church. They most cordiallyinvite all the citizens without reference to cast or previous condition,to come from their respective callings, and meet their companions and childrenat the church. That all may be accommodated, supper will be served from5 to 10 p.m.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Employment for all Winter. Forty carpenters and foremen wanted at Bliss& Wood's Mill. Highest wages paid. BLISS & WOOD.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
There will be no services at the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath. Rev.Mr. Platter will be absent, attending the dedicatory services of the churchat Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Jack Foultz has found a baby's shoe and left it at this office for theowner to call for. Babies should be careful and not kick.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The memorial quilt will be on exhibition at the Baptist Church this Thursdayevening.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Hudson Bros. have engaged a new jeweler from Joliet, Illinois.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
New Salem Pencilings.
DEAR REPUBLICAN FRIENDS: The victor's wreath is not wholly ours thistime for our temperance hero has been defeated, but we shall not sit downand weep, nor hang our harps on the willow, for our ticket was not beatenaltogether. We trust the new Governor may be a good man and that our temperancebanner may be held aloft by a strong, firm hand. Some of our young men felta little crestfallen to think their first vote was not altogether on thevictor's side. Some of our staunch Republicans scratched their tickets andvoted for Hon. J. J. Johnson for Representative. They did not vote for PARTY,but for the TRUE MAN. We all congratulate Mr. Johnson and wish him well,and we feel quite elated that New Salem has a man so well respected by eachparty as to fill an honorable office. The hats in this vicinity weacknowledge are tipped by different gents than we anticipated. Mr. G. D.Vance won a half interest in a nice blooded hogand five more pigs are yellingGlick around his pig sty than do around that of his Republican brother.But there is no squealing done by the good Rep. It is time our Democratand Greenback friends can crow a little, for they have so often met withdefeat. But enough of my opinion on the political question, for I cannottell anything new on that subject.
Mrs. John Walker has been and is still very ill, and is attended by Dr.Phelps. We hope soon to hear of her recovery.
Mr. Dalgarn recently lost an excellent horse, with epizootic.
Mr. Shields has bought a horse.
Miss Merriam was so ill one day this week that she could not teach, butshe has recovered her usual health.
Some of the land belonging to Mr. Nelson of Indiana has been sold, butwe do not know to whom. Mr. Lucas we hear has also sold some land. Realestate has risen in value during the last year.
Mr. Edgar was suffering with a very sore hand at last accounts.
Mr. Wolfe was run over by a colt while trying to head it, and was knockedsenseless, but is all right now.
Mr. McMillen had to build another corn cribso Salem is not behind onthe corn question. Mr. Peters has put up a nice, large crib on the Gledhillfarm.
BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters have a new baby girl to stay withthem.
BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Hopping have a nice little hopper to gladden theirmarried life. It is also a daughter.
Rev. Graham is holding a series of meetings at Walnut Valley Church.Some of our young people have been attending Christian service at Floral.
Dr. Davis was in this neighborhood recently hunting. Some of his familyvisited at Mrs. Johnson's and the Dr. was anxious to be on hand for hisdinner. I am ready for mine.
Nov. 18th, 1882. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Teachers' Association.
The teachers of Rock Division met at Udall Friday evening, Nov. 17. Housecalled to order by president. Song by Udall Glee Club. An address of welcomeby Miss Strong, which was followed by several very interesting recitations.Association adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. Saturday.
Nov. 18th Association met pursuant to adjournment. After discussion ofthe topics which had been previously assigned, the following program wasassigned for the next meeting.
1st. Methods of teaching beginners in reading; [a] alphabetic, [b] word,[c] phonic, [d] sentence, to Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Limerick.
2nd. Causes of the Revolution, to Messrs. Maddux, Brooksher, and Goodrich.
3rd. Franklin and Hamilton, to Misses Strong and Perrin.
4th. The needs of our school system; to A. H. Limerick and C. M. Leverett.
5th. Our course of study, to Miss McKinley and Messrs. Corson and Walker.
A committee on competitive examination was appointed, consisting of A.H. Limerick, R. B. Corson, and P. Wilson.
Association adjourned to meet at Akron Dec. 8th, at 7 o'clock p.m.
L. T. MADDUX, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Public Schools of Cowley County, 1881-82.
The annual report of the County Superintendent shows the following statisticsfor the school year closing July 31.
No. Of districts organized: 135.
No. Of districts reporting: 135.
School population: 7,474.
Pupils enrolled: 6,192.
Average attendance: 3,870.
Different teachers employed: 169.
Average No. Of weeks of school: 19.56.
Average salary, male: $36.27.
Average salary, female: $30.55.
School bonds issued: $36,912
Av. No. Mills levied for school purposes: 9.3.
Estimated value of school property: $79,756.
No. Of school buildings: 121.
No. Of persons examined: 191.
No. Of applicants rejected: 55.
Certificates granted, first grade: 16.
Certificates granted, second grade: 44.
Certificates granted, third grade: 82.
No. Of schools visited by County Superintendent: 137.
No. Of visits made by County Superintendent: 203.
No. Of districts having school: 125.
No. Of districts not having school: 10.
Balance in hands of district treasuries August 1, 1881: $5,924.62.
District taxes: $31,108.03.
State and County school fund: $$7,208.84.
Sale of bonds: $6,272.
All other sources: $1,797.29
TOTAL RECEIVED: $52,314.69.
Teachers' Wages: $27,041.25.
Incidentals: $6,767.98.
Library and apparatus: $448.99.
Sites, buildings, furniture, etc.: $7,008.98.
All other purposes: $1,899.54.
TOTAL: $43,157.74.
BALANCE AUGUST 1, 1882: $9,156.95.
Normal opened July 6th, closed Aug. 26th.
Enrollment in July, 41; in August, 114.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Our San Francisco Letter.
To the Ministers of Winfield:
I have always heard it said that this cosmopolitan city was the wickedestone in America, but never until my eyes saw, and my ears heard, could Icomprehend the boundless extent of the assertion. New York and Chicago havetheir dens of vice, but I cannot think they have sunk so low in the scaleof immorality as San Francisco. Sunday is observed scarcely less than anyother day; and only for some of the business houses being closed, you couldbut observe the same see-saw the other six days. I am not surprised thatthose who are compelled to work all the week should seek recreation in variousdirections; but there is a becoming manner to do it, becoming at least tocivilization.
The theaters are open at night and Woodward's Garden hold forth everySunday as per the accompanying PROGRAMME.
WOODWARD'S GARDENS. Performance, rain or shine, Sunday Nov. 12th. Firstappearance of Professor Henry Tyler's Mastodon Dog circus, Canine wonders,etc., Messrs. Seigrist and Duray. In a brilliant display on the Double AerialBars and Acrobatic Feats. The Moore Family, the Arnold Bros., Mlle. Bertha,Miss Rose Julian, Miss Vergie, Kate Moore, and full company of variety Artists.
Imagine the shock it gives the stranger from civilized lands to beholdan audience of 2,000 people who enjoy the performance to its fullest extent.Men sitting with their hats on, women in ermine lined cloaks pronouncingthe thing fine. Shame! Shame! Every park has its band of music, and inside,whiskey and beer is as popular as water. Under ground dance houses are aSunday institution. Billiard tables and bars are made as attractive as possible,and a young man must be under good self-control, who can resist the wilesof the electric light, and the company of his mates; for there are few menhere, old or young, who do not indulge. An advertisement is daily seen inthe papers like this: "WANTED. A good looking young lady to sing andplay the piano in the back parlor of a saloon at No_____ Street."
The extent to which children are smoking opium, is alarming. A druggisttold me that it was first given them by Chinamen, the effect being so agreeablethat all sorts of deception was used to obtain it.
By the way, I wish to state the hatred which is springing up betweenthe Citizens and the Chinese, although their labor is every time acceptedwhere it is a question of cheapness. Say what they may abroad, there isno effort being made to encourage white help, by a fair remuneration.
I have the promise of going with a party, under the guidance of the chiefof police, through Chinatown at night, there we shall see it all.
Last Sunday evening I went to hear I. S. Kalloch (I cannot say Rev.,and I cannot say preach) for his utterances were too disgusting and disgracefulto be associated with either.
His prelude, which always occupies just enough time to denounce everythinghe wishes, is worded in the most abusive, low language you might expectfrom a being which had well earned a term in the jail. The occasion of whichI speak was to vent his anger on Mr. Joseph Cook; on the Boston Clergy forallowing him to speak against San Francisco and its people; and especiallyagainst the Y. M. C. A., their president, and the clergy here, for receivinghim again last week; and giving him an ovation at their rooms. I was tooshocked to remember the epithets which flowed from his coarse mouth, butthey were all his vocabulary could pro- duce, and when I looked upon the3,000 people, intelligent, well dressed people, who cheered him lustily,I said: "Is that the taste of the men and women whom he is vindicating?"Evidently it was, for that audience listens week after week to just sucha harangue.
My observation and information proves that this is an awfully wickedcity, and "if the bottom falls out some day, it will be all right."
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
After reading the letter of Mrs. H. P. Mansfield on first page of thispaper, showing what a "hell upon earth" is the city of San Francisco,we do not wonder that Republicans are scarce in that city.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The business of the Wichita Land Office indicates a large immigrationto this part of the State. Since the first of January, 1882, over one thousandsix hundred entries have been made, covering about two hundred and fortythousand acres. This divided into quarter sections represents fifteen hundredfarms. The most of which are in Harper and Kingman counties. WichitaEagle.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
From the San Francisco letter on first page it appears that the Chineseare contaminating the Young America of that city by leading them to smokeopium. There is one vice more destructive to the intellect, more filthy,disgusting, and beastly, than alcohol drunkenness, and that is, opium eatingand smoking. And even this is only one of the evils which are ruining thePacific slope caused by the immigration of the vicious and ignorant hordesfrom China. Civilize them at home if you can, but don't let them come hereto drag America down to their beastly level. This illustrates the evilsof inviting the vicious and ignorant of foreign countries to settle in ourmidst.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A special census bulletin just issued shows the number of illiteratepersons over ten years of age in the United States as follows.
Native whites: 2,255,460
Foreign born whites: 763,620
TOTAL WHITES: 3,019,080
Colored persons: 3,230,878.
The colored illiteracy is 70 percent of the whole colored populationand the illiteracy, both white and colored, is confined principally to theSouthern States.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Eight hundred dollars have been subscribed for a new Methodist Churchbuilding at Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Prof. Farringer's concert next week.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Capt. C. M. Scott came up from Arkansas City Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
McGuire Bros., have the best handmade boot in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Remember the meeting of the Library Association next Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Hon. Timothy McIntire came up from the terminus Thursday and spent aday at the hub.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
J. W. Browning has bought the David Frew farm at Tannehill and will nowbecome a Beaver farmer again.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Hapgood Plow Co., sent a man here to test Lee's Anti-friction Rolleron their sulky, and pronounce it a success.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The Library Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday,Dec. 5, at 3 p.m., in the Library Rooms.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The question is, "Had Judge Gans a hand in the mysterious deathof Lacy's mule?" An official investigation is in order.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Judge Torrance will hold court Thanksgiving day. He is bound to pushmatters if there is any opportunity to do so.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Rev. Cairns preached to the denizens of Fort Scott Sunday, and Rev. Platterassisted in conducting services at Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Rev. W. M. Friedley, the pastor of the United Brethren Church, is nowlocated in Winfield, living first door east of the Baptist Church.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. John D. McBrian, late Greenback candidate for Attorney General, wasan attendant at court last Thursday. He lives at Sedan.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The recorder of deeds reports less mortgages being recorded than formany months. Most of the loaning is now being done on chattels.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Commissioner-elect Walton was in the city Tuesday. He feels reasonablywell over the election outcome. Amos may prove better than he looks.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. J. D. Moore, postmaster of Sedan, made us a pleasant call last weekin company with his brother, W. H. Moore, of this vicinity. Call again.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. Frank Cook and wife, of Cambridge, Illinois, are visiting relativeshere. Mr. Cook is a brother of Miss Cook, a former teacher in our publicschools.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The United Brethren propose as a temporary arrangement to buy the oldChristian Church building and move it across the street on to their ownlots.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A large number of ladies were present at the argument of the Colgatecase. Many of them sat through the tedious proceedings during almost thewhole case.
Our reporter has attended the Colgate case regularly, and next week (ifthe case is concluded) will give an extended resume of the testimony andhis impressions thereof.
The charge delivered by Judge Torrance to the jury in the Colgate caseis the finest legal document ever prepared in this or any other districtcourt. It is a thorough, masterly document, and reflects great credit uponour Judge.
The stoves at the Courthouse smoked terribly Tuesday, so much so as tonearly suffocate the court. The chimneys are built between the combs ofthe roof in such a manner as to create a downward draft when the wind comesfrom northwest. Something should be done to make the room tenable when needed.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The Baptist folks had a very pleasant social at their church last Thursdayevening. There was a large attendance and the net proceeds will be upwardsof sixty dollars.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Drs. T. T. Davis and Wells removed a large cancer from the breast ofMiss Gibson last Wednesday. The operation was a very difficult one, butwas carefully and successfully performed.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Dr. T. T. Davis, who has settled among us, comes strongly recommendedas a physician and surgeon and as a specialist in the treatment of chronicdiseases, such as tumors, cancers, etc.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a supper and oyster festivalin the base- ment of the church on Thursday evening, December 7th, fromhalf past five until ten o'clock in the evening.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Hon. James Christian of Arkansas City has got his pension claim allowed,$72.00 per month. He has received the back pay: $1,200.00. We congratulateour friend on the success of his righteous cause.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The post of G. A. R. are preparing and will present on the 14th &15th and 16th of December the grand military drama, "Spy of Atlanta."The proceeds are for the benefit of the G. A. R. and the battery.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The drama of "Fruits of the Wine Cup," to be given in the OperaHouse next Thursday evening by the Temperance Dramatic Club, is one of thebest temperance plays published. The club has been about six weeks preparingit for the stage. The entertainment will conclude with the laughable farceof "A Drop Too Much."
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. N. M. Thorpe has left at this office a large bundle of celery whichhe raised in Beaver Township near Tannehill in this county. The stalks areover two feet long and very excellent. Some bunches weigh from two to threepounds each. He raised about 3,000 pounds this year and it selling at tencents a pound. The croak that celery cannot be raised in Cowley is explodedand the time is at hand when this country will quit importing celery andgo into the export business. Mr. Thorp is one of our most enterprising farmers.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
MARRIED. We have received a notice of the marriage of Miss Ella Waltonto Mr. R. K. Doolittle, which occurred in Douglass County Wednesday. MissElla is a sister of Mrs. G. S. Manser, and for some years was a residentof this city. She is an accomplished printer and together with the writerset type on the old Plow and Anvil, in 1876. Bright, intelligent,energetic, and independent, she made her way in the world, asking nothingbut that she might be accorded a way to her own maintenance. Such women,we regret to say, are few, but they shine the brighter when found. We wishthe bride and groom unbounded happiness and long life.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Our enterprising second hand dealer, D. Berkey, on Ninth Avenue, is makingthings boom in his line this fall. His store is crowded full of goods andcustomers all the time. The variety of his stock and unusually low pricesis making it headquarters for everything. Mr. Berkey's stock is by no meansconfined to second hand goods, but he also has a large supply of new goodsin furniture, glass, and queensware, tinware, etc., secured from bankruptstores at different places, which he is selling at very low prices. Givehim a call and avail yourself of some of the bargains he is offering.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
T. H. Jackson, the "Common Sense" Liniment man, has returnedto this place after an absence of three years, for the purpose of introducinghis new remedy, "Jackson's Common Sense Renovating Powders," forPink-eye, Epizootic, Coughs, and Colds. It is also a positive destroyerof worms, which are the cause of most of the diseases of horses. He willremain at Major & Vance's stable for a few days, where persons havinglame or diseased horses can consult him free of charge.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A young man whose name we were unable to learn shot himself in the rightbreast with a shotgun loaded with buckshot, while in the act of taking itfrom a wagon. At last accounts he was bleeding profusely through the woundand at the mouth, and will probably die. He was taken to Ponca Agency andwell cared for. It is thought he is one of party from Illinois who wentto the Territory last week on a hunt.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A man appeared on the streets last week with an entirely new gamblingscheme. He had a board in which was stuck a lot of pocket knives. The subscriberto his fund twenty-five cents worth was entitled to pitch eight rubber ringsat the knives and if he succeeded in "ringing" one, he could takeit. The thing looked so simple and easy that many invested and the knifeman seemed happy and prosperous.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Dr. T. T. Davis of Marion, Kansas, has been visiting our town for thelast year as a specialist in the treatment of chronic diseases, in connectionwith Dr. Wells of our city, as an assistant, extirpated a large canceroustumor from the breast of one Mrs. Doty, who resides near Winfield. The operationwas well borne, and up to the present time she is doing well.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The experience of the present term of the District Court speaks in thundertones of the necessity of a separation of the civil and criminal courts.Their divorcement would be a blessing to our district pecuniarily. Why waitfor years to do what should be done now? The coming legislature should giveus more terms; or as we think, more courts.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Judge Torrance entertained Man-walking-above, Crow-dog, and another CheyenneIndian at his residence Monday. His sister, who is visiting with him, hadnever seen an Indian, and the Judge, after many inducements, got them downto his house. Man-walking- above insisted that he had holes in his moccasinsand was therefore not presentable.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
This term of court has been an exceedingly slow one. But little businesshas been done. The Bassywather, Vanmeter, and Colgate cases have taken upthe term so far, with the exception of a few divorce and foreclosure cases.At this rate it will take years to get all the cases now on the docket totrial.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
DIVORCED. Divorces have been granted by the Court to Alice F. Post, onthe grounds of extreme cruelty; William D. Crawford, on the grounds of adultery,and plaintiff awarded the custody of child; Eddie Chaffee, on the groundof abandonment.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Frank Finch returned from a trip south Monday. He saw no grasshoppers,didn't hear of the man who broke his leg, or the news of the warin fact,our informant-pump failed to elicit a small local item from his anatomy.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Rev. Dr. Wallace, late resident in Old Mexico, with his wife is visitingJudge Torrance. He filled the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday eveningand delivered a magnificent dis- course. Dr. Wallace's wife is a sisterof Judge Torrance.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A number of our most enthusiastic young temperance workers have formedthemselves into a "Temperance Dramatic Club," and will presentthe drama "Fruits of the Wine Cup," to the people of Winfieldon Thursday evening, December 7th. The club is composed of excellent amateurtalent.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. A. D. Riddle and wife, of Bedford, Pennsylvania, have been spendinga week visiting their uncle, S. H. Sparks, of Pleasant Valley Township.They are better pleased with Cowley and Winfield than any part of the Westthey have yet visited.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The county is full of land-seekers, but little real estate is changinghands. They are look- ing preparatory to a spring move.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Last Tuesday morning Winfield was the scene of one of those sad occurrences,which have made our capital City of Topeka so notorious of latea suicide.The affair is all the more sad and serious because the victim was an oldresident of our city, well up in years, and whose meek and gentle characterhas been the wonderful admiration of all. After plodding through a longand eventful career, seeming perfectly satisfied with his surroundings,no one could suspect that he was meditating such a deed. The City Councilwas convened in special session and the following we clip from its proceedings.
"The clerk is hereby instructed to have the body of H. B. Lacy'smule removed from the tree in J. B. Lynn's yard, in which he now hangs,to some suitable place for interment, and fail not hereof, under penaltyof the law."
Yes, Lacy's mule is gone. Monday night he released himself from his stall,meandered into J. B. Lynn's yard, stuck his head between the forks of apeach tree, and deliberately "pulled back," and choked himselfto death. The post mortem examination, held by Drs. Lacy and Lynn, seemedto indicate that he had got his ears entangled in a tree on the next lot,and that death resulted accidentally; but to us it seems clear that theact was voluntary and premeditated. However that may be, let his ashes restin peace and the bone-yard. He fulfilled his mission in life faithfullyand well, ever hearkening to duty and his master's call. For years he propelledthe swill-cart through the alleys of our city as proudly and faithfullyas though it had been the car of a conqueror, never kicking when his stay-chainwas short- ened, or his rations reduced to a watermelon rind and four cucumbers.He was alike patient and serene mid sunshine or storm, and cheerfully assistedhis master, whether in the slums of politics or the broader and nobler workof garbage collecting. Only once did he allow the lion in his nature tobe aroused. After the arduous campaign of 1880 when he had traveled milesand miles and had double the pledges necessary to elect him Probate Judge,and was ignominiously defeated, he is said to have cried aloud that thepeople would yet regret the day they cast him aside for his handsomer competitor.From this on he relapsed into a kind of prop-me-up-with-a-pole condition,from which he never recovered, and which certainly produced the state ofmind that courted death rather than political dishonor. Mr. Lacy and theswill-cart are sadly bereft, and we tender our sympathy and fifty centsto buy a new mule.
After careful investigation into the charges made by Mr. Lacy, that JudgeGans and Mr. Lynn had conspired together to hang the mule, we have cometo the conclusion that although the circumstances are strong against them,there is a reasonable doubt in their favor.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A Winfield Institution.
If any of our people have not visited the store of J. P. Baden sincehis busy shipping season commenced, they should do so at once. We droppedin on Monday and found twenty- three persons at work. Back of the storehas been built a shed in which the chickens and turkeys are picked. Fivepersons are constantly at work picking. Around the outside are piled coopsof fowls as high as you can reach, and other men are at work packing thepicked birds ready for shipment. In a ware room nearby three men are constantlyat work "candling," and packing the eggs for shipment. The butterbusiness is in the hands of three men, who take the fine butter rolls asthey come from the hands of the country ladies, wrap them in linen clothsand pack them in boxes and buckets, in which they are transported to thehungry miners in Colorado and New Mexico. The business done by Baden inthis line is immense. He has paid this year in express charges alone a snugfortune, and has done a produce business amounting to over one hundred thousanddollars. Think of it! One hundred thousand dollars paid out in one yearfor poultry, butter, and eggsand all gone into the pockets of our farmersfor something that a few years ago would hardly command any price in themarket.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Music in the Schools.
One of the most commendable departures made of late by teachers in ourpublic schools is the attention given to music. Many of the schoolhousesare supplied with organs, and most of them have blackboards on which ispainted the staff, and the scholars are daily taken through a musical exercise.These school exercises give the scholars a knowledge of the elements ofmusic, and create an interest in it such as no other mode of teaching cancommand. It is astonishing with what rapidity some of the little girls advancein these music lessons. Last Sunday at Excelsior schoolhouse we saw a littlegirl (whose feet could hardly reach the bellows) playing for the Sundayschool, and she did it nicely. All she knew of music had been taught herin the public school. Every district should encourage music in its school.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Ladies fine French kid shoes that will not turn purple. Try a pair.
Buy your winter boots of us.
A good stock of children's shoes cheaptry a few pairs of them.
Our Common Sense shoes will afford ladies much comfort and relieve theirarches.
Fine pair French kid side lace shoes at $3.50 to close out the lot.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The markets today (Wednesday) are changed very little from last week,with but little grain or hogs coming in. Wheat brings 60 cents for best,and corn remains steady at 32 cents. Hogs bring from $5.50 to $6.00. Butter30 cents, and eggs 25. Potatoes 75 cents to $1.00. Cabbage 3 cents per pound,and apples $1.00 per bushel.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The furnaces at the Baptist Church are working splendidly. They are ofthe "Brennon" make and the flues are so regulated that the floorof the church is kept warm. The Baptist folks have exercised good judgmentin the furniture of the building, throughout.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The entertainment for the Library, to be given by the young folks, willbe one of the best we have had this season. The caste is a good one andwe hope that a large number will be present for the good of the cause. Ourlibrary has over 500 volumes and should be kept up.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. George Corwin have been called upon to part with theirbaby boy, who passed away Monday evening. It is a sad loss to the parents,one which only parents can appreciate, and we tender them our sincere sympathy.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
J. P. Baden employs twenty-five persons in conducting his two storesand immense pro- duce business. This is a big force for one man to handle,but Baden knows how to do it.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The regular weekly meeting of the Winfield Musical Union is unavoidablypostponed one week in consequence of the non-arrival of books. See nextweek's COURIER.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Mr. L. G. Martin of West Virginia has bought the Bushnell farm at OldNinnescah and will probably occupy it next year. He called to be furnishedwith the COURIER in the meantime.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Frank Manny beats the world for celery. He brought in stalks three feetlong last Monday.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The banks in this city close today for Thanksgiving.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Father Kelley's annual fair to be held at the Opera House the 28th, 29th,and 30th of November, is now in progress. Great pains have been taken byFather Kelley and his congregation to make it a grand success. Several articlesof value and use have been donated and will be disposed of during the fair.Among some of the articles are a fine organ, two fine heifers, two fat hogs,and other articles of value too numerous to mention. On Thursday nightthelast night of the fairwill be given a grand ball, which will furnish amusementfor those who appreciate a friendly gathering and social dance. The bestmusic that Winfield can furnish will be had for the occasion. A cordialinvitation is given to all. Nothing will be left undone to make it pleasantand enjoyable.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
SOME WOOL. Mr. H. L. Thomas brings us a sample of wool seven inches long,from a lamb six months old, bred by his father, J. W. Thomas, of Maple City,from a full bred Cotswold, crossed with a Colorado ewe. This was the firstexperiment of breeding in that direction, and if anyone can beat seven inchesfor a first six months' growth of wool on a lamb, we would like to hearfrom him. Mr. Thomas has got as healthy and clean a lot of sheep as canbe found anywhere and is a success as a sheep breeder.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
THE CREAMERY. Mr. Babb expects to get the creamery to running as soonas his butter-maker arrives, which will be this week, or early in next.The creamery at Wellington has been running about two weeks and is now churningcream from two hundred cows.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The regular meeting of the Ivanhoe Literary will be held at the residenceof Mr. M. L. Robinson Tuesday evening, Dec. 5. A full attendance is desired.The following members will resume the reading of "Kathrina," fivepages each, in the order named: Miss Crippen, Miss Klingman, Miss Hane,Mr. Wilson, Mr. Berry, Mr. Webb. Miscellaneous selections, Mr. Smith andMiss Beeny. FLORENCE A. BEENY, Rec. Sec.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
THANKSGIVING DINNER. A grand Thanksgiving Dinner will be given at theOpera House Thursday. All are invited to come and enjoy the sumptuous repastthat will be pre- pared to gratify the appetite of all those who appreciatethe luxuries of a well prepared and bountifully arranged dinner. Dinnercan be had at any time from 12 o'clock until 3 o'clock p.m. Price 25 cents.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The regular quarterly communion service of the Presbyterian Church willbe held on next Sabbath morning. Preparatory lecture on Saturday afternoonat half past two o'clock, at which time children will be baptized. JAS.E. PLATTER, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: The roosters have ceased crowing and the business of ourtown is again taking the "noiseless tenor of its way." The newschoolhouse is now ready, and school begins today. Our teacher, Henry A.Atwater, is one of the best in the county, if not the best.
Dr. Woods, D. S., is now attending to the dyspeptics and lank cheekedindividuals, by furnishing them with new teeth. The doctor has given themgeneral satisfaction.
Many of our citizens have gone to the Territory for recreation and game.
Our merchants are displaying commendable zeal by importing vast quantitiesof goods.
The new engine at the mill of Tabler & Maxwell keeps the buhrs running,and is a great accommodation to the surrounding country.
Sickness has abated and the M. D.'s are having a rest.
Tenement houses are scarce. Many families desire houses in town, fora time, that they may look over the country at leisure. The houses are notto be had, and we lose good citizens. The man who displays sufficient spiritto build several houses, will receive good returns for the investment, andbe a public benefactor. A good barber to shave the boys before going tothe dances is much needed.
The place made vacant by the death of the Rev. Hitchcock, Methodist,is filled by the Rev. Budd. GENE.
Cedarvale, November 27, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
An immense stock of gold pens of all grades and prices just receivedand on exhibition at Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Hudson Bros. have this week added another to their force of workmen.So bring on your watches and clocks for repairs.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
A fine selection of fancy decorated individual cups and saucers for children;also tony mustache cups, at Wallis & Wallis.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Winter is coming. Get your overcoats while it is yet time, and beforeI am literally overrun with business. ELI YOUNGHEIM.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Wanted. To rent a small farm with seed, team, and tools furnished mewith the place. Address E. Mitchell, Maple City.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Ladies, you can send your ostrich plumes and tips to Mrs. W. M. Henderson,Arkansas City, and have them dyed to any shade desired for a mere trifle.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
I have put in a stock of coal at the stand formerly occupied by G. A.Rhodes, on South Main street. Coal sold in the bin or delivered to any partof the city at lowest cash prices.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
It will do your souls good to see the new goods in furniture, mirrors,pictures, and frames that A. B. Arment is receiving weekly at the ChampionFurniture Store, South Main Street, west side.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
WANTED. The undersigned wishes to dispose of the Amusement gallery onNinth Avenue. The gallery is a paying institution, and anyone purchasingit can make a good thing. The investment is small. Address W. H. Shearer,or call at the Bankrupt Store on Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Buy the Hapgood Sulky Plow with Lee's Anti-friction Roller. With thisthere is no more dragging the bottom of the plow in the furrow, no morefriction on the land side; no more strain on the sulky, no more side draftor slipping wheels; no more running of the plow on the lay; no more changinglevers to finish up a land; no more trouble to make the plow take land enough;no more trouble to open a furrow in wet weather; no more strain on the armto throw the plow out of ground; best of all, no more unnecessary drafton the team. The plow runs now on three wheels and cannot drag or bind.W. A. LEE, Agent.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Troy Chief notices the death of Hon. Samuel W. Greer, of Winfield,and alludes to the fact that "he was a member of the company formedin Washington in April, 1861, known as the `Frontier Guard,' and which occupiedthe east rooms of the White House as a barrack."
Hon. D. H. Bailey, late consul-general to China, who was a member ofthat famous company, happening to be in this city, we called his attentionto the death of Mr. Greer and asked him for some reminiscence of that celebratedorganization. He has kindly furnished us with the following.
A large number of Kansans were in Washington City at the time of thefall of Fort Sump- ter. General James H. Lane, then recently elected UnitedStates Senator from Kansas, was, of course, the central figure of this group.
His rooms were at Williard's hotel, and were constantly filled with excitedand deter- mined men who were gravely considering the events then takingplace. On the 18th of April, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington,the Sixth Massachusetts regiment was attacked by a rebel mob in Baltimore,the railway tracks were torn up, and all communication between Washingtonand the northeither by rail or telegraphwas cut off. The capital of thenation was completely environed and filled with secessionists everywhereonthe streets, in the hotels, in saloons, in private residences; and in thepublic offices, secession was rampant. It was a period of infinite dangerto the beleaguered capital, and the excitement was more intense than canbe described.
Little knots of Union men gathered here and there, and although hemmedin and scowled upon on all sides, moved quickly about, if with blanchedcheeks, yet with steady purpose and firm resolve. On the day following theattack upon the 6th Massachusetts, Major David Hunter (then on Gen. Scott'sstaff) called upon Gen. Lane and informed him that by direction of Gen.Scott and Secretary of War Cameron, he was instructed to inform Gen. Lanethat owing to the turbulent condition of the populace and the very few troopsthen in the city, as well as from secret information, there were seriousapprehensions of an attempt to seize the president and overturn the government;and therefore General Lane was asked to immedi- ately form a company ofKansans for the especial protection of the president. He also said thatas the men of Kansas had been tried "under fire," and were knownto be true and brave, that they, with Gen. Lane at their head, would bea tower of strength in the crisis then existing at the capital. Lane withhis wonderful energy and fiery soul unhesitatingly assumed the task. Immediatelyrunners were sent out in every direction requesting all Kansans to reportat once at Gen. Lane's rooms.
Within twelve hours one hundred and eighty names were enrolled and theFrontier Guard was organized with Lane as captain. That night at about 9o'clock the company marched out of Williard's hotel and proceeding directto the White House, filed into the east room. In a few minutes case aftercase of Enfield rifles with sword bayonet, ammunition, and accoutre- mentswere placed in the blue, red, and green rooms, and the work of arming commenced.
Many amusing incidents occurred. Senator Pomeroy, who was large of girth,was in great perturbation about a belt long enough to reach around his aldermanicproportions, and many a laugh was had at his expense until the writer cameto his relief with a bit of leather, which enabled him to look as true asoldier as ever was Sir John Falstaff.
By 12 o'clock at night the company was fully equipped, and after surroundingthe White House and its grounds with trusty sentinels, the men stacked armsin the east room, each member lying down with head to the wall, touchingelbows, without covering, to dream of "war and rumors of war."Sentinels were placed at each door.
The writer was stationed at the north door of the east room. At about1 o'clock in the morning, there was a rap on the door. It was opened andPresident Lincoln and the Secretary of War walked in. Silence reigned; itwas a weird scene. The lights turned down were dim, and shadows of gloomseemed to flit over that historic room. The men were asleep and breathingheavily; the glistening of the polished steel under the sombre light; thetramp of sentinels in the halls and on the outer flagstones, gave ominoustoken of the great drama of blood then coming on. Not a word was spokenfor some minutes. The president was wrapt in his own thoughts and therepassed across his face a sad, weary look, an expression of deep but troubledthought, as if he were trying to solve the great problem before him. Hestood in the midst of a military camp in the Executive Mansion of the nation;but while there was dread portent in these surroundings, he seemed to feela sense of security in the presence of these loyal Kansans on whom he hadplaced his reliance and confidence in calling them so near to his person.
The spell was broken by Gen. Lane coming forward. A short conversationwas held by these three men, and the president and secretary withdrew. Thenext morning the company retired from the White House and in the afternoonwas again marched to the east room, where the president made a short, felicitousaddress, and the company was formally recog- nized as in the military servicefor a temporary emergency.
That night we were assigned to the Winder building, opposite the wardepartment, where we had our rendezvous until we were discharged.
A day or two after the organization of the Frontier Guard, Cassius M.Clay, of Kentucky, organized a similar company, nearly equal in numbers.
Our company was the first to capture a rebel flag. It came about in thisway: A report came that the rebels would make an attempt to capture thebridge across the East Branch of the Potomac. We were ordered out one nightin April. Marching down Pennsylvania Avenue, we were joined by Clay's companyand marched thence to the navy yard. After a short halt the Frontier Guardfiled out of the east gate across a ravine, and soon came in sight of thebridge. The moon was shining brightly and in the distance could be plainlyseen a brass cannon near the draw. The writer, happening to be in the frontranks, went forward with pal- pitating heart expecting every moment to becut down with grape and canister, but pride kept us all in line, althoughour knees smote together. At last, coming full on the cannon, we discoveredto our immense relief that it was a gun of Pennsylvania battery, and itwas point- ing toward the Maryland shore. This inspired us with courage.We urged Lane to have the draw lowered so that we might cross the riverand scout for the enemy. Finally he assented and a detail of twelve or fifteenwas sent across. Dividing the squad, we pushed out on differ- ent roadsand scouted the country for three or four hours. No hostile foes were found.One squad (led, I think, by Harry Fields) discovered a rebel flag flyingon a pole in front of a house. The owner was aroused and ordered to haulthe flag down. This he refused to do, but doggedly gave them permissionto take it down if they wanted to do so. The flag was imme- diately hauleddown, brought back with considerable exultation, and the next day it wasstretched across the avenue opposite Williard's hotel, with a great placardinscribed: "Captured by the Frontier Guards." The prowess wasnot great, but the thing captured was a trophy.
Soon after this Ben Butler arrived at Annapolis with the Eighth Massachusetts,and the work of opening up communication with the north via Annapolis, theChesapeake Bay, and Perryville (at the mouth of the Susquehanna) went forwardunder his energetic management with extraordinary rapidity. Union troopscame pouring into the Capital in an unbroken line and Washington resoundedwith the pageantry of war.
The exigency which had called the Frontier Guard into existence had happilypassed away, and on the 3rd of May the "Guards" filed into theeast room for the last time. It was received by the president, surroundedby a portion of his cabinet. Gen. Lane in a short speech said, in substance,that the crisis which led to the formation of the company having termi-nated by reason of the arrival of large bodies of troops in Washington,he requested per- mission to discharge the men in due form. Mr. Lincolnin very appropriate words, thanked the company for its exceptional services,and expressed, with warmth of feeling, his deep sense of personal obligationfor the prompt manner in which it had rallied to his support in an hourof great peril.
The discharges issued a few days afterward, dated "HeadquartersFrontier Guards," Exec- utive Mansion, Washington, D. C., signed byand containing the thanks of A. Lincoln, Simon Cameron, and Jas. H. Lane,are no doubt highly prized by those who hold them as memen- toes of a periodfraught with tremendous issues to the nation.
Among the names now remembered as on the roster were Senator Pomeroy,Judge Thos. Ewing, Marcus J. Parrott, A. C. Wilder, D. R. Anthony, UncleGeorge Keller, R. McBratney, Judge Burris, Job. B. Stockton, Col. John C.Vaughan, S. W. Greer, Maj. Dan McCook, father of the "fighting McCooks,"Harry Fields, Gordon, Wm. Tholen, Ed. McCook, and Geo. H. Weaver. Theseare a few of the names hastily recalled on the moment. Many others who sealedtheir devotion by giving their lives for the nation have a more enduringfame already written in brighter records. It is to be hoped that a fulllist of all the members will soon be published. Capt. Job. B. Stockton,who resides somewhere in Colorado, is supposed to have all the necessarydata for a full history of the Guards.
It may be safely said that the members of the Frontier Guards were notactuated with selfish motives, for they neither asked nor received at thattime or since, pay or rations for their service.
The dates here given may be in error two or three days, one way or theother, but they will not vary from the records of the company more thanthat.
Some of the members of the company belonged to other states than Kansas,but the pres- tige of the Frontier Guards, and it was very great at a criticaltime in Washington, was de- rived from its Kansas paternity.
It is to be hoped that the surviving members will soon take some actionlooking to a reunion, and to the preservation of the records of an organizationwhich is destined to hold a place in history. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A Lesson to be Learned.
The great good to come of these vast fortunes and the abuse of them isthe intelligent determination of the people to be more business like intheir contracts. Gould is Gould because of charters and patents granted,and these are from the people and ought to be for the people. Gould hasfound his great wealth in the opportunities of corporate management to makecapital out of the public. For instance, the opportunity of stock wateringis one which Gould has worked most successfully, and yet it could not existfor a day if the sanction of law were withdrawn from it. A common carriercharges rates to the public service which will not only pay the costs andpay dividends on the capital, but will also pay in capital itself. The distributionof this capital to stockholders who never pay a dime for it is robbery,and is the way many of these vast fortunes are accumulated. This has beengoing on for thirty years, and only just now have judges been found in thestate of New York who raise their voice against it. Thus if the artificialsanction of law were withdrawn from these illegitimate operations, theywould flourish less. Springfield Republican.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Wheeling nail factories intend to begin the manufacture of cut nailsfrom steel instead of iron at the beginning of the year. It is claimed thatthey have a process which is cheaper and better than the process for iron,and that steel nails need not cost more than iron nails do. Steel nailswould certainly be much more valuable than iron nails for all purposes andas the Wheeling nail manufactories make half of the nails of the country,this move is a long step in the march of progress.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A dispatch from Dallas says a prominent railroad man connected with theTexas system, who has just arrived from the city of Mexico, says it is statedthere the Mexican authorities are going to make a claim on the United Statesat the approaching session of congress for Galveston Island, including GalvestonCity. It appears in the Mexican cession of the republic of Texas, Galvestonbay, which is north of the island, was taken as the southern boundary ofthe ceded territory and the Mexican claim is said to be prima facie good.It is thought trouble or some international complications may grow out ofthis claim.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Santa Fe company is ballasting its road between Florence and KansasCity and Atchison at the rate of 500 yards per day.
The Indians of the Territory threaten to scalp hunting parties from Kansasthe first time they are caught killing game on their lands.
The secretary of the interior has decided to locate a government industrialschool for Indian youths, for which an appropriation was made at the lastsession of congress, at Lawrence, Kansas.
Reports are in circulation in the Indian Territory that the militaryhave been ordered to arrest Dave Payne, put a ball and chain to his leg,and set him to work on the rock pile, if caught again in the Territory.This will put an end to the Oklahoma boom.
J. F. Goddard, for years general freight agent of the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe, has been promoted to the position of general traffic managerof the same road, the appointment taking effect last week. Jim Goddard isone of the most popular railroad men in the West. He has all the polishof a general passenger agent, with the keenest knowledge of freight matters.
The commissioner of the Pacific railroads, in his report of the financialcondition of the Union Pacific railroad during the fiscal year ending June30th last, shows the gross earnings were $24,094,627, against $22,765,752during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1881. In round numbers the operatingexpenses during the year were $12,000,000; interest paid, $5,000,000; dividendspaid, $4,000,000. [NOT SURE OF LAST FIGURE...COULD BE $1,000,000...firstletter obscured.]
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Our Monday night "Literary" is well attended.
We are enjoying special advantages this year in our good schools, presidedover by the Misses Vaught and Elliott. We congratulate them upon their success.
On Thursday and Friday nights we have singing school, under the leadershipof Mr. Newton Hall. For thorough faithful work in explaining the rudimentsof music, and class drill, Mr. Hall will be hard to beat.
DIED. On last Thursday we laid in its last resting place on earth, thebody of Mrs. Walker, of this place, who died on Monday, after a lingeringillness.
Because the name of our little town is not often seen in the papers,because some grand trunk railway does not see fit to make us its centralpoint of attraction, becausewell, no matter whatthat is no reason that wedid not keep Thanksgiving and have a good time, too. "We are all here,"and we did ourselves no harm. Joint services were held at the schoolhouse,followed by a good dinner; but that does not tell half. If the table werea good sign, surely we ought to be thankful. Much credit is due to our Dexterpeople for the pleasant season of enjoyment they gave us. May they livelong and happily, and see many more such. QUIZ.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Walnut Pencilings.
Walnut needs a literary local to write up the news.
Mr. E. P. Hickock & Beaumont have purchased a herd of 2 year oldsteers and are keep- ing them on the farm of Mr. Hickok.
Joe Mack has added to the capacity and convenience of his granary bybuilding an addition and putting in an elevator. Mr. Mack let his threshingat so much per bushel, the machine man furnishing all the hands, and asa result got his straw stacked in fine order and no worry over lack of hands.
Mr. S. Cure now has 30 cows in his dairy and intends to increase to 50in the near future.
Mr. J. C. Roberts has the best filled cellar and a peep into the boxesof apples will convince the most skeptical that Cowley will grow fruit.There are also fruits in cans, jelly, marmalade, etc., but to realize howa thrifty farmer can live, just take a seat at his table after the productsof the farm, orchard, and garden have passed through the deft fingers ofMrs. Roberts.
G. W. Prater made a successful hunting excursion down into the Territory.Indeed,
G. W. is successful in everything he undertakes and should he reach outfor a county office next fall, he would be sure to "take it in."Let aspirants make a note of this and save themselves the ignominy of defeatprovided always that he should "reach."
D. Ferguson did not intend to remove from Walnut, but has concluded tostay since it gave a majority for Glick.
G. W. Yount has built a stone barn with a mansard roof, perhaps the onlyone in the county with that style of roof.
Robert Weekly has completed a substantial frame residence one and a halfstories high with seven rooms, four below and three above, has purchaseda fifty dollar kitchen range, and is "at home" to his numerousfriends, where they will always find a hearty welcome.
The gentleman who purchased the Murphy place has taken possession andis preparing for a crop in 1883.
T. A. Blanchard has been acting as bailiff during this term of court.T. A. deserves some county office and if it was not for his innate modesty,he might be elected.
The county poor now number nine persons. When the county commissionerspurchase a farm, S. E.'s occupation will be gone.
Messrs. Hogue & Mentch have completed their fall delivery of nurserystock and are preparing for the spring trade. SPECTATOR.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
AD. ON DECEMBER 14, 15, & 16 will be presented at the OPERA HOUSE,Under the auspices of Post 85 G. A. R. & Winfield Battery The GrandMilitary Allegory of "The Spy of Atlanta," IN SIX ACTS. One ofthe most thrilling and interesting plays upon the American stage.
SIX BEAUTIFUL TABLEAUX, in which will appear twenty of Winfield's mostcharming young ladies.
The proceeds to be appropriated for the benefit of the Battery and Post.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Spy of Atlanta next Thursday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Cups and saucers at Goldsmith's Bookstore.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Tom Lowry has returned from his long sojourn in Mexico and Texas.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Don't forget the temperance drama at the Opera House Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Christopher Columbus Harris is amusing himself in Topeka this week.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Rev. Platter was taken sick Sunday and the evening services in his churchwere dispensed with.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The next time you want your piano tuned or repaired, inquire for M. J.Stimson, Olds House.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Court sentenced Mrs. Quarles to the penitentiary for three years;Tom Quarles for three years, and Mrs. Freylinger for life.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Prof. Hager, of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, is visiting with Dr. Rothrock.He is very much pleased with Kansas, and especially with Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Mr. F. E. Moore, of Silver Creek TownshipSaturday. Mr. Moore is one of the COURIER's oldest subscribers.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Meckechee House at Geuda Springs will be the scene of a grand ballon the evening of the 13th of this month, which is next Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Concert and dramatic entertainment at the Opera House Friday evening.Admittance 25 cents. Reserved seats at Goldsmith's without extra charge.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
H. G. Fuller has moved to Hackney's new office on 9th Avenue east ofthe stone livery stable and has plenty of money to loan on real or personalsecurity.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Meckechee House at Geuda Springs is acquiring a wide reputation asan excellent hashery. Under the management of De Lesdernier it can be nothingelse but a success.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The victory won by Senator Hackney in the Colgate case, is certainlyone of the most remarkable legal garlands ever earned by a Kansas attorney.It was "snatching victory from the jaws of defeat."
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
There are two things that the wisdom of the most learned man cannot determinewhichway a singed cat will jump and how a petit jury will give its verdict.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The following are the names of the jurymen in the Colgate case: A. B.Tuggle, Jacob Smith, E. A. Hardy, E. M. Freeman, J. W. Hamlin, J. Camp,Wm. Johnson, R. L. Cunning- ham, Woods Retherford, Daniel Moffitt, J. W.Thomas, John Nash.
The legal battle over the Colgate case was magnificently fought. Thecounsel for the State brought in every particle of evidence which couldbe adduced to prove a circumstance, and carefully and skillfully built uptheir case until it seemed practically impossible to over- turn itand noone on earth could have done it before a Cowley County jury, but W. P. Hackney.His argument to the jury was startling and his theories in direct oppositionto those of his colleague, and they won the case in spite of the evidenceand the charge of the court. It is a victory which he may well be proudof.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
T. R. Bryan and family have been enjoying a visit from S. A. Hoyt andlady, old friends from Forest, Illinois. Mr. Hoyt was very much pleasedwith our city and county, and thinks it much the best portion of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
There is said to be a man in New Jersey so close that when he attendschurch he occupies the pew farthest from the pulpit to save the intereston his money while the collectors are passing the plate for contributions.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A convention of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of this districtmeets at Winfield in the M. E. Church commencing on Tuesday of next week.A large number of delegates from other towns are expected to be present.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Frank Clarke, of Vernon, made the biggest score last Thursday ever madeby any member of the Sportsmen's Club. It counted thirty-three hundred andsixty, and embraced fifty-three crows, thirty-one quails, six wild geese,a lot of rabbits, and other game. Frank is entitled to the belt.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A special meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held at the COURIERoffice, on Saturday, Dec. 16th, at 2 p.m. An article on the prospectivemarket for the fruits and vegetables of Southern Kansas, by Elder Cairns,and one from Mr. Hogue, on the most profitable apples to grow in our section,will be read and commented upon previous to publication. Come one and alland have an intellectual treat. County papers please copy.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Miss Jennie Hane, Mrs. Jewell, and Messrs. Buckman and Snow, Winfield'sbest musical quartette, with Miss McCoy as instrumentalist, have kindlyvolunteered to add to the attractions of the temperance entertainment Fridayevening by a thirty minute concert preceding the drama which is to be presentedby the Temperance Dramatic Club. The quartette has been practicing a numberof pieces especially for the occasion. Let all turn out and enjoy the bestentertainment of the season.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mrs. Freylinger was found guilty of murder in the second degree Saturdayevening for the killing of Noella, an account of which appeared in thispaper at the time. The facts as brought out in the evidence showed the actto be decidedly cold-blooded and repulsive. Mrs. Freylinger is over fiftyyears old and brutally ignorant. Her ignorance and vindictiveness make hera dangerous person in any community, and the sooner she is confined withinthe walls of the penitentiary, the safer will neighbors feel. From the evidenceit seems that she and her husband and Noella had been having a family row.That she suspected Noella of stealing her cabbage, and put poison on them;that Noella suspected her of stealing his cabbage, and also put out poison,and that finally Freylinger's horse got some cabbage and died, and the oldlady claimed that it was Noella's cabbage that the horse ate. After thisthe Freylinger's made it so warm for Noella that he got afraid to stay aroundthere, and left. After this, according to the testimony of the old ladyherself, she and her husband watched many nights for him to returnshe watchinghalf the night and he the other halfwith a gun, intending, as she said,to "shoot him shoost like a rabbit." He finally did come back,in the day time, and she carried out her threat and shot him like a rabbit,killing him instantly. There was no row or words previous to the shooting,as in fact Noella was afraid of her and when she appeared he retreated.It was the most cold-blooded affair we have knowledge of. The ignoranceand natural fierceness of the old woman's nature are the only palliatingfeatures of the case.
The Court sentenced her to the penitentiary for the balance of her naturallife.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
About Horse Medicine.
T. H. Jackson, the famous horse-medicine man and proprietor of "Jackson'sCommon Sense Liniment," has been in the city several daysnot for hishealth, as many might suppose, but to push his Liniment and to introducehis new "Common Sense Renovating Powder," for pink-eye, coughs,colds, and worms in horses. The powders are not put up for chickens, goats,dogs, and to cure the ills of the whole animal kingdom, but are exclusivelyand emphatically for the purposes set forth above. We have interviewed severalof our liverymen on the subject. W. L. Hands says: "Jackson's Linimentis indispensable in my barn. It saves me hundreds of dollars a year, andnever fails of a quick and permanent cure. If the powders do as well asthe liniment, they will be of greatest benefit to horsemen." Jas. H.Vance, of Major & Vance livery stable, says: "There is no use oftalking, Jackson's lini- ment is the best thing out. It cures sprains andbruises on a horse every time. The renovating powders, if they are equallyas effective, will do wonders for horse flesh." J. N. Harter says thatthe sale of Jackson's Liniment is greater and gives better satisfactionthan all the other liniments in the market. Druggist Brown also recommendsit highly. It is for sale by them and all druggists.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The entertainment to have been given this (Thursday) evening by the TemperanceDra- matic Club of this city, has been postponed to Friday evening, on accountof the Presbyterian social and Musical Union, which both hold tonight. Thereis nothing to interfere Friday evening with their having a large attendance."Fruits of the Wine Cup" is one of the best temperance dramaspublished, and will be presented by excellent amateur talent. The Win- fieldOrchestra will furnish the music.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Catholic Thanksgiving Fair at the Opera House last week passed offvery pleasantly and was a source of profit to the church. On Thanksgivingevening a social ball was given and a general good time indulged in. Theoccasion will long be remembered, by those who participated therein, asa very pleasant one.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mr. John Siverd, a brother of Capt. H. H. Siverd, dropped in on him suddenlyMonday. They had not seen each other for twenty-two yearssince before thewar, and the meeting was certainly a pleasant one. Mr. Siverd will spendsome time here.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Miss Mattie Coldwell came down from McPherson last week and will spendthe winter in Winfield. This will be gratifying news to her many friendsin this city.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Don't forget that Smith Bros., are going out of business, and that theywill sell you any- thing you want at cost, or about one-half or two thirdswhat others will ask.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The social by the ladies at the Presbyterian Church and the meeting ofthe Musical Union will make a fine combination for Thursday night.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Good Templars have postponed their meeting this week from Fridayto Saturday evening. The members will please take notice. S. B. D.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Ivanhoe Club met at Mrs. M. L. Robinson's Tuesday evening. They read"Kath- arina," and the evening was spent most pleasantly.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Musical Union meets in the audience room of the Presbyterian ChurchThursday evening. Concert by the Arions.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
M. Hahn & Co., are offering sixteen yards of gingham for one dollar.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Last Thursday ended the trial of W. H. Colgate, charged with arson, inthe burning of the Winfield mill of Bliss & Wood, with a verdict ofacquittal.
The verdict was received in this community with expressions of surprise,astonishment, and indignation. Even the counsel and friends of the defendantseemed to be surprised in common with others. The jury and some of the witnesseswere severely criticized and much feeling was manifested.
While we do not know on what theory the jury arrived at their verdict,we are disposed to assume that they did their duty as they understood it;and so far as the witnesses are con- cerned, though there were some glaringdiscrepancies between statements of different wit- nesses, we conclude thateach intended to tell the exact truth, and that amid the various excitementsand circumstances around the case, and on viewing things from differentstand- points, some facts got misplaced in the minds of some witnesses,or were forgotten by others, which caused the discrepancies, most of whichcan readily be explained. We have the highest respect for those witnessesand believe their statements were conscientiously made.
We shall therefore content ourselves with giving a short resume of theevidence and general features of the case, ignoring some unpleasant rumorswhich may be entirely desti- tute of foundation in fact.
The evidence showed that about the first of April last, Bliss & Woodemployed the defendant to keep their books in the mill. He had charge ofthe settlements with and payment of the hands and the payment of wheat purchases.He drew checks for these on the bank and kept all the accounts of the office.He was to make a monthly statement of his accounts for the inspection ofBliss & Wood, the proprietors. He had been in this position four monthsup to last August and had made no such statement. Wood urged him for a statement,and he excused himself on the ground that he had so much to attend to thathe could not get time. Wood employed a Mr. Curry to help Colgate write upand examine the books and make the required statement. Colgate excitedlyobjected to having Curry's assistance on the books, but Wood kept him atwork. Curry found the books in bad condition, not posted up and with someitems on debit side which should have been on credit side and vice versa.On Saturday, August 11th, he discovered a check which had been raised fifteendollars; or rather, the entry on the books was fifteen dollars less thanthe face of the check. This Colgate explained in a plausible way, and itwas agreed that the next day, Sunday, both Colgate and Curry should workat the books all day and try to straighten them out and make the requiredstatement. That evening three of the hands working at the mill were fishingjust below the mill at the race until half past ten when they left for home,and in passing by the office in the north wing of the mill, saw Colgatein there with a light at work at the books.
After midnight or about 2 o'clock of Sunday morning, the 12th, the millwas discovered to be in flames. Those who got to the fire first, saw manythings which together went to prove that the fire originated in the office.The office was in the south side of a wing extend- ing east from the mainbuilding. Between the office and the main building was the engine room inthe wing. The fire appeared to have been kindled on the office floor, burnedthrough two doors into the engine room through an opening into the stairwayof the main building, where a great amount of inflammable material and adraft above soon filled the whole inte- rior of the main building with flames.
Soon a considerable crowd of spectators were present and one of thempicked up a pocket book belonging to Colgate, about a hundred and fiftyyards from the mill in the direction of Colgate's residence. The book containedmill checks and had been usually kept in a drawer in the office of the mill.
A lawyer or detective by the name of Merrick was employed by Wood twoor three days later to help him investigate the case. Bliss returned froman absence two or three days after the mill was destroyed; and Bliss, Wood,and Merrick formed a plan to obtain a confession from Colgate. Bliss wasto get Colgate into a room in his house, while Merrick and Spencer Blissshould hear the conversation through a transom into the next room. The plansuc- ceeded. The interview lasted several hours and resulted in a confession,substantially that he, Colgate, was alarmed at the thought that some exposureswould result from the examination of the books the next day, returned tothe mill on Saturday evening, the 11th, and worked all the evening at thebooks trying to fix them up; that in his attempts he made some erasuresand changes that showed so badly that they would call attention to the falsifications.He left the mill in an agitated state of mind and went home. About midnighthe returned and tore out some of the mutilated leaves of the books; he thenconcluded there was no other way than to destroy the books. He attemptedto put them in the stove, but they were too large to go in, so he tore themup more, made a pile of them on the floor, poured kerosene oil on them,set them on fire, and left for home.
There is some discrepancy to whether at this talk or a subsequent onewith Bliss, Colgate said he put a sheet iron under the books before firingthem and that after the books were burned, he stamped out the fire and threwthe sheet iron out of doors, and that he did not intend to burn the mill;but the doubts expressed by Bliss, and the positive testimony of Spencerand Merrick showed conclusively that this was not a part of the first confession,and the outside evidence tends to show that there was no sheet iron aboutit.
Of course, we cannot give in one newspaper article all the evidence givenby fifteen witnesses in eight days, but can only give the general sum ofthe testimony. We will say here that the prosecution was conducted withconsummate skill that there were no omissions but every possible scrap ofevidence that could be found bearing on the case in any degree was broughtout.
It is clear that without the confession there was not evidence enoughto convict. It was mainly valuable as tending to confirm the statementsof the confession. A considerable portion of the time of the trial was consumedin evidence and arguments as to the admissi- bility of the confession inevidence; but it was admitted by the judge, and the jury was properly instructedthereon, and on other points as follows.
"In order to constitute arson, the act of burning the building musthave been actuated by a criminal intent. To use the language of the statute,it must have been done willfully, that is, designedly, and with an evilintent without justifiable cause. It is not necessary however in every case,that the accused should have entertained a specific intent to burn the buildingfor the burning of which he is charged. For instance; if a bookkeeper employedby a firm which is engaged in operating a grist mill, for the purpose ofdestroying the books of account kept by him for his employers, should willfullyset fire to and burn such books of account in the mill, under such circumstancesas that the firing and burning of such books would probably result in theburning of the mill, and such a result should follow, he would be guiltyof arson in so burning the mill. . . .
"When the verbal admissions of a person charged with crime is offeredin evidence, it should be received with great caution. It should be rememberedthat there is always danger of mistake from the misapprehension of witnesses,the misuse of words, the failure of the party to express his own meaning,and the infirmity of human memory. Deliberate and voluntary confessionsof guilt, however, are among the most effectual proofs of the law. Theirvalue, though, depends on the supposition that they are deliberate and voluntary,and on the presumption that a rational being will not make admissions prejudicialto his interest and safety, unless when urged by the promptings of truthand conscience. The jury should, however, in every case scrutinize closelythe circumstances under which they were made, in order to ascertain whatweight should be given to them.
"Where the verbal admission of a person charged with a criminaloffense has been offered in evidence, the whole of the admission shouldbe taken together; as well that part which makes for the accused as thatpart which makes against him; and if the part of the statement which isin his favor is not disproved and is not apparently improbable or untruewhen considered with all the other evidence in the case, then such partof the statement is entitled to as much consideration by the jury as anyother part of the statement. But the jury are not obliged to believe allof such statement; they may disregard such portions of it as are inconsistentwith other testimony, or which the jury believe, from the facts and circum-stances proved on the trial, are untrue.
"The credit and weight to be given to admissions of guilt dependvery much upon what the admissions are. If the crime itself, as charged,is proved by other testimony, and it is also proved by other testimony thatthe defendant was so situated as to have an opportunity to commit the crime,or that he had a motive for so doing, and his confessions are consistentwith such proof and corroborative of it, and the witnesses who testify tothe admissions are apparently truthful, honest, and intelligent, these confessionsso made, if they appear to have been made freely and voluntarily, and tohave been clearly identified by the witnesses, are entitled to great weightwith the jury.
"The jury are the exclusive judges of what facts have been provenin the case; of the credibility of the witnesses, and of the weight of theevidence."
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
DIED. In the death of Mrs. Mattie J. Bair, the truthful saying that "Deathloves a shining mark," has been fully realized. The daily span of lifealso proves to us that death is relentless and untiring, and strikes alikeat the high and the low, the rich and the poor. Sorrow follows in his footstepsand he makes a plaything of grief and causes the hearts of the living tobleed in the presence of the quiet rest of the dead.
The subject of this notice was in many respects a remarkable woman. Shewas gifted in both speech and song and was possessed of more than ordinaryintelligence. Although of a modest and unassuming nature, she never hesitatedto denounce wrong and injustice. Possessed of a gentle and loving disposition,she drew her family and friends around her by the most affectionate ties.Her friends were many wherever she was known, and those who loved her mostwere those who knew her best. The secret of all this was that kindness washer scepter. She was a faithful follower of divine inspiration. Her religiousbelief was not limited to time's short space or circumscribed by the narrowbounds of earth, and so with a clear brain and unclouded vision she calmlyand quietly passed away, undisturbed by the fancies and uncertainties ofphilosophy, trusting fully in that faith that is attested from Heaven andaffirmed by him whose word is eternal truth. And so she died. But no! Longfellowhas told us with poetic prophecy
"There is no death! What seems so is transition;
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life elysian
Whose portal we call death."
Floral, Kansas, Dec. 2nd, 1882. . . .
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The markets today (Wednesday) are about the same as last week. Wheatbrings 65 to 70 cents. Corn is down a little and now brings 28 cents. Hogsare quoted at $5.00 to $5.50. In the produce market prices are good, butterbrings 25 cents, eggs 25 cents, turkeys, live $7.50 to $8.00, dressed 9to 10 cents per lb. Chickens $2.00 to $2.75. Potatoes 75 cents to $1.00;turnips 35 cents; onions 50 cents to 75 cents.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Albro, Misses Ida McDonald, Cora Berkey, Ettie Robinson,Jennie Hane, and Jessie Millington, and Messrs. Noble, Berkey, Miner, Davis,Albright, Wilson, Zenor, Nixon, and others of Winfield, and Conductor andMrs. Miller of Arkansas City, attended the Opera at Wichita Monday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
I wish to thank the many friends who assisted in making my annual fairsuch a grand success. The net receipts will be about four hundred dollars,thanks to my friends and the public generally. REV. G. M. KELLEY.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Our entire stock of choice goods must be sold by February 1st, 1883.Come early; get all you want at cost. You will save 50 cents, $1.00, and$1.50 per pair and don't you forget it.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Two Cedarvale doctors, McFarland and E. M. Donaldson, had a set-to ina livery stable in this city on Tuesday, in which McFarland got the worstof it. The row occurred over a debt that McFarland had neglected to settle.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Miss Maggie Burrows of Oceola, Iowa, spent Thanksgiving week in our city,the guest of Mrs. E. P. Hickok. She leaves with pleasant memories of hervisit and a favorable impression of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Col. Alexander left for Florida Monday. His daughter, Mrs. Rhodes andfamily, accom- panied him. They have abandoned Winfield permanently, butleave many friends behind, who wish them much joy in their new home.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mr. A. M. Crotsley of the Cana Valley Herald at Grenola was inthe city Tuesday and paid us a visit. Mr. Crotsley is making an excellentlittle paper of the Herald.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A. B. Lemmon left the cares of journalism behind him, long enough tocome down and spend Sunday with friends here.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Charlie Harter has purchased C. C. Black's interest in the Brettun Houseand is now the sole landlord of that excellent institution.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Be sure to obtain a chance for the "Spanish Dancing Girl,"as you may be the lucky one that will get it. Each person buying goods tothe worth of one dollar is entitled to a ticket for the same gratis.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
A decorated cup and saucer given away with every package of browned coffeeat McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Be sure to visit Goldsmith's holiday emporium, for you will find thereanything in the line of holiday gifts at popular prices.
A full set of Dickens', 15 volumes, for $8.50 at Goldsmith's Book Store.
Look at the fine Autograph Albums at Goldsmith's.
Dolls in great variety very cheap at Goldsmith's.
Ladies' Bags at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Forty-five cents will buy three yards of heavy shirting flannel at theBee Hive Store.
Twelve yards of fair or ten yards of splendid cotton flannel for onedollar at the Bee Hive.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
We have a package of letters at this office belonging to T. S. Smith,which were picked up in the road.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Robinson came in Tuesday evening and will spend a weekvisiting their friends here.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
Homes' Electric Belt.
Mr. S. S. Holloway has been appointed agent for the celebrated Homes'Electric Belt, for this city and county. For all nervous diseases it isthe finest thing yet discovered. Of late years the wonderful efficacy ofelectricity in curing diseases has been recognized by all physicians ofany standing, and the electric battery is in constant use. This belt isa battery of itself. Mr. Holloway was first induced to try it himself, andits effects upon him were so decided and effectual, that he was convincedof its efficacy. No person afflicted with any nervous disorder should bewithout one.
After using Dr. Homes' Electric Belt for several weeks, Mr. Hollowaysays he is fully satisfied that it is really a wonderful remedial agentin the cure of very many diseases prevalent amongst usespecially in casesof low vitality, nervous prostration, general debility, disease of kidneys,indigestion, etc.
The electric Truss for hernia is warranted to cure in certain cases,and always to be easy to wearer without chafing or making sores inany manner.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Save Your Hair.
The Indians of the territory threaten to scalp hunting parties from Kansasthe first time they are caught killing game on their land.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Reported Indian Bald.
A report was received at the Indian Office from Fort Custer to the effectthat a party of twenty Indians, supposed to be Plegans, made a raid uponCrow scouts near Little Big Horn river and ran off four hundred head ofponies; that the Crows pursued and recovered the stolen stock and killedtwo of the thieves; that the Plegans threatened to steal the Crows poorthis winter.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Cars All in Use.
The unprecedented demand for cars, which is made upon all Kansas roadsat the present time, is due to several causes, principal among which isthe tremendous corn crop, and the desire to get this corn to market beforethe price falls. A very great quantity has been for- warded to New Yorkto catch the high price which recently prevailed there, and it will takefully two weeks before the cars can get back, as the roads to which theyare delivered are also short of cars and will use them until their own getback.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Tobacco Tax.
The report of the Committee on Ways and Means accompanying the bill abolishinginternal revenue taxes on tobacco, etc., says that the revenue derived fromtobacco in 1882 aggregated nearly $18,000,000, and adds that the committeeis persuaded that the time has come when these taxes should be repealed,as tobacco is one of the staples that enter into our international trade.The Government should at the earliest possible day remove every re- strictiontherefrom as a measure of sound commercial policy. Mr. Kasson, of Iowa,will probably draw up a statement containing the views of the minority.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882..
Trouble Below.
It seems that the Indian authorities are causing the cattle men alongthe Cherokee strip some trouble, and last Friday night a party of stockdealers from south of Sumner County passed through Oswego on their way toTahlequah to try to adjust matters. The party owns in round numbers 300,000head of cattle.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
An Iowa girl who ran away with her sister's lover took along the sister'swedding outfit also. This was out of pure tenderness, that the girl whowas left might not have her feelings harrowed up by looking at the clothes.
J. L. Geltfelter, late of New Sharon, Iowa, has located in our growinglittle city. He will engage in the implement business. He brings the verybest of recommendations and will no doubt succeed in anything he undertakes.
There has been more corn shipped from Burden in the last two months thanfrom any other point on the road west of Independence. We now have threeshellers in operation with a shelling capacity of 3,500 bushels per day.
J. R. Russell noticed the local in last week's Enterprise, statingthe Greenback party was lost. He says whoever found it had better give itup as there is a penalty for holding anything found awaiting for a rewardto be offered, when the value of the article does not exceed $1.50.
The COURIER complains of the telegraph operators at Winfield, and wehave noticed that the COURIER never complains without just cause againstany employee or officer, and would advise the company to heed their demandsif they expect to get along well with the good people of that place.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. Jessie Mulvane won the heifer at the Catholic fair on No. 10.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. Archer drives a fine team of Hamiltonians.
Mr. Roberts has returned to his home in Ohio.
Mr. John Walker is decidedly better than when I last wrote.
Mr. Miles and Mr. Baker have been off quite lately for apples.
Rev. Graham has closed his meeting at Walnut and is home again.
Mr. Allen is home from his visit and is a Salem businessman again.
Hoyland and sons sold quite a number of their cattle some time ago.
Mrs. Hopping received a box of fine fruit, jellies, etc., from her homein Indiana.
Prayer meeting will be on Friday evenings at the schoolhouse in "east"Salem.
Bovee's have the "boss" heating stove in this vicinitya baseburner, and a beauty.
Mrs. C. Miles has returned from her recent visit to Indiana, and we gladlywelcome her back.
Mr. McMillen is shipping corn from Salem, or has contracted to furnishsix hundred bushels.
Mrs. J. W. Hoyland was quite sick, but under the care of Dr. Davis soonrecovered her former health.
Mr. Miller is building a new house, or rather adding to one he has movedon to his land near the railroad.
Miss Mary Randall of Winfield has been the guest of Tirzah Hoyland forseveral days. Also visited Mrs. Vance and Mrs. J. E. Hoyland.
Mrs. Rief had the misfortune to lose her parrot. It suffered with a coldfor some time and then its busy tongue grew silent forever. Poor Polly!
Messrs. Avis and Edward Christopher have a corn sheller, and intend puttingit up at the Salem station, and will shell for all who desire their services.
Some times when we feel tired, sad, and weary in body and mind, it doesus good to sit down and have a quiet chat with those we love, and dare toimagine they think kindly at least of us.
Once in awhile I enjoy the privilege of attending Sunday school at PrairieHome schoolhouse. They have a very interesting school, and all seem to worktogether well. The school is superintended at present by Avis.
Mr. Sutton has been away for some time, but returned lately, bringinghis little motherless girl along, and she is now visiting with her grandmaChapell. Mr. Chapell has been afflicted with rheumatism all winter, butis able to be around.
Mr. Doolittle has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Martin, and seemed quitedelighted with our beautiful prairies. He has returned to his Illinois home,but we expect to some time see him in Salem as a resident. We do not thinkhe will regret his choice should he ever choose this as his home.
Mrs. Edgar spent several days with friends in Grenola and had a delightfultime, but Mr. Edgar does not enjoy "single blessedness," for hewas as glad to see his wife as though he had fasted during his stay. Sothus we see the truth of the old saying about man and woman"Uselessone without the other."
There was a very pleasant little social party of invited guests in thehome of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Vance on Thursday evening, the 28th of November,and although the evening was quite cold, there was much good cheer inside,and the delicious bivalves with the other good things which Mrs. Vance hadprepared, were enjoyed to the utmost by the smiling guests.
What glorious weather for old December to whom we always compare everythingthat is gloomy, cold, and forbidding. The sun is shining brightly and thepure air is inviting us to come out and drink in its sweetness, but I forone have to sit here alone and scribble for your perusal, and from manyof you I never even hear one word. It seems so very long since I last addressedyou, and yet I have not missed writing at the usual time.
A piece of land two acres in size has been bought of Mr. Perry as a placefor burying our dead. It is beautifully located and can be made to looknicely by spending some time and money on it. It seems as though the homeor resting place of our dearly loved ones should be beautiful with treesand flowers. May the time be very far in the future `ere any of the goodneighbors or friends in Salem are consigned to the silent grave.
Miss Merriam spent Thanksgiving in the city. Quite a number of our youngpeople attended the ball at Burden that evening. Others had an excellentsupper at the schoolhouse, and the ladies had allor very nearly allmadeneckties of the same material as their dress worn on that "occasion."They were done up in envelopes, placed in a box, and the men drew them,and then had to hunt up their partners and escort them to supper. It createdever so much fun, and it was a mixed mess of married men and maidens, singlemen and married ladies, and so on. Your Olivia chanced to get a single man,and one to whom I had never spoken until that eve, and as he was a verybashful youth, I fear he did not enjoy his supper, and I did not take timeto talk to him, but put most of my attention to the goodies on the table.OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. H. Fisher, formerly of Cowley County, has bought property and settledin our midst.
Doctor McFarland has left. Many are mourning for himor rather for theamounts he left unpaid.
J. T. Steves is here canvassing for Redpath's history of the United States.The work sells well. Our people appreciate a good book.
Mr. J. Stark, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, is visiting his sons, O. F. AndO. B. Stark. His daughter, Miss A. Stark, accompanied him.
Thanksgiving day was devoted by the Methodists to the raising of fundsfor the purpose of finishing their church. A festival and oyster supperwere the means by which they procured $51.50. Many of the young folks wentfrom the church to the dance. GENE.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The following is the monthly report of District 8 for the month endingNov. 24, 1882.
Names of scholars present every day during the month: Seland Bernard,Rosa Davis, Katie Hopkins, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Minnie Mock,Hettie Mock, Myrtle Mock, Delorak [?Deloras?] Mock.
The following are the averages received by the higher grades during themonth:
Ida Hurst 96, Carrie Jackson 96-1/2, Andrew Jackson 91, Rosa Davis 89,Thomas Mock 94-1/2, Esther Hopkins 95-1/2, Minnie Mock 95-1/2, Myrtle Hopkins97, Allie Hubbard 93, Emma Seibert 89, Parker 90, Arthur Buman 90. WILLTREMOR, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. A. C. Holland has purchased a farm in the classic Grouse Valley.
Elihu Anderson returned from Newton Thanksgiving day. We are glad tosee him at home again.
Mr. F. D. Givler and lady were visiting friends and relatives, and makingturkey scarce in this neighborhood this week.
Corn husking is the absorbing topic of conversation among the farmers,and comparing sore hands is next in importance.
Once more Thanksgiving is over and gone, and in consequence thereof manyan old turkey gobbler has gone to join the angels; yet the great, grasping,grinding world goes on just the same as before. Each day brings its toilsand its pleasures.
As pleasant a company of young people as one would care to see, assembledat the residence of Mr. Cronk on last Friday evening and tripped the lightfantastic toe, till the "wee sma" hours. It was one of those pleasant,good natured parties which one remembers with pleasure.
Mrs. Ed. Chapin gave an excellent dinner, on Thanksgiving day, to asjolly a party of friends and relatives as it has ever been our lot to witness.Mrs. Chapin's excellence in the culinary art was fully attested by the profusionof good things temptingly arranged before her hungry guests. To say thatthey all did justice to the many "goodies" would be using a mildterm. If you want a good dinner, go to Mrs. Chapin's. CAESAR.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The next meeting of the Winfield Division of Teachers' Association willbe held at the Excelsior schoolhouse, three miles south of Winfield, Fridayevening, Dec. 15, at 7 o'clock p.m. Program for the evening as follows:
1. Music by the school.
2. Address of welcome by Miss Sadie Pickering.
3. Response by W. R. Beaumont.
4. Exercises by school.
5. Needs of our school system, by Herriott and F. H. Burton, followedby general discussions of same by all present.
6. Music and adjournment to meet Saturday, December 16, at 9 o'clock.
Saturday's program, assigned as follows:
1. Methods of teaching beginners in reading: [a] Alphabetic, [b] Word,[c] Phonic, [d] Sentence, to Miss C. Bliss and J. H. Crotsley.
2. Cause of the Revolution, to Miss A. L. Hunt and Mr. R. S. White.
3. Franklin and Hamilton, to Miss Rosa Frederick and Mr. C. F. Ware.
4. Our Course of Study, to Miss Sadie Pickering and Mr. L. McKinley.
5. When should the Study of Decimals Begin, to Miss Emma Gridley andMr. W. R. Beaumont.
6. Miscellaneous.
The school Boards and patrons of Excelsior and adjoining districts, andall who are interested in school work are cordially invited to be presentand take part in the discussions.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The matter of fencing the Territory below Arkansas City and Caldwellis a subject of general conversation among stock men, and it is the prevailingopinion that the small stock owners are being shamefully outraged by it.Below Arkansas City the entire country for twenty miles south, and twenty-fiveeast and west is being fenced by parties from Pennsyl- vania to the exclusionof men who have been there for years and paid the tax regularly to the CherokeeNation, under the assurance that they would be permitted to remain thereas long as the Cherokees had control of the lands. It will prove not onlya great detriment to the farmers along the State line, but to every modeof travel, as gates will have to be opened and closed, and in time of highwaters when different routes have to be taken where there are no gates.The matter should be brought before the proper authorities and some actiontaken.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The following is the report of the Lone Star school for the month endingNov. 24.
No. of pupils enrolled, 30; Average attendance, 23; No. of pupils neitherabsent nor tardy, 6. Names of pupils who have been 100 in deportment: TracyStansbury, Altie Stansbury, Sherman Stansbury, Laura Warrenburg, Emma Keller,Ida Keller, Nora Corby, Annie Geiser, Allie Coulson, Jos. Bright, Ella Cadle,Sophie Geiser, Charlie Cadle, Mary Cadle, Allie Davis, Minnie Haven. FLORENCEM. GOODWIN.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The University at Ottawa, Kansas, has organized a Young Men's ChristianAssociation. There is also one in connection with Lawrence College with50 members. Would it not be well to have one in Winfield? What say our youngmen? C. J.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882. Editorial Page.
To close up the matter Arabi Pasha plead guilty to rebellion and wassentenced to death. England interfered and got the sentence commuted tobanishment. Arabi is grateful and will banish himself to London, where hewill show his English benefactors that he is the right kind of a man.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The report of the comptroller of the currency brings out the fact thatthe national banking system from the time of its inception to date has costthe government $5,400,000. During the same time the government has collectedtaxes from the banks amounting to $118,005,706.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The six leading agricultural productions of the United States, accordingto the census report for 1880, were in the following order: Corn, wheat,hay, cotton, oats, and potatoes. The value of the first was $600,000,000,of wheat $500,000,000, hay $330,000,000, cotton $242,000,000, oats $130,000,000,and potatoes $73,000,000.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Kansas City Journal has a report that a Russian officer isin this country for the purpose of organizing a body guard for the Czarto be composed of the most nervy, quick, and active men in the country,men of undaunted courage, quick and sure with the pistol and rifle who havehad great experiences in killing, such as Bat Masterson, Frank James, DickLiddell, Rowdy Joe, and the Earp brothers. They would be paid high salariesand could be trusted with the life and protection of the Czar for theirfortunes would depend upon his safety, while Russia is honey-combed withnihilism and has nobody which the Czar dares to trust.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The postal service of the country is self sustaining for the first timein thirty years. This has been brought about by wise legislation and wiseeconomy. Postage on letters and news- papers should now be reduced, or rather,on the latter it should be abolished altogether. Republican members of congresscan score a big point by attending to this. K. C. Journal.
Yes, the abolition of postage on newspapers altogether would be a fineticket for a Republican congress to go before the people with. As it is,the letter writers pay many millions of dollars annually in postage on theirletters to support the department in carrying newspapers at one-tenth ofthe actual cost of carrying them to the department. Letters pay an averagepostage of more than one dollar per pound. Newspapers are carried, say,one half of them at two cents per pound and the other half free, makingan average of about one cent per pound. The actual cost to the departmentfor carrying newspapers is much greater than for carrying letters, yet therevenue from letters is perhaps one hundred times as much as for carryingnewspapers. The only claim which is put forth for free newspaper carriageis that newspapers are educators and government should carry them free,to promote education and intelligence among the people. If true, is thatany reason that the letter writers should be compelled to educate the peopleat their sole expense? Is not letter writing a means of education too? Onthe same plea, why should not the government carry all letters free? Whyshould this means of education be taxed five or ten times its cost to thegovernment to pay for carrying the other means of education free?
But this is not the real reason why there is a clamor for free transportationof newspapers. The clamor originates with great monopolies in the east andis intended to secure a still greater monopoly. The great metropolitan journalshave all the advantage as it is, over the journals of the smaller citiesand towns throughout the country, in the fact that the govern- ment carriestheir paper in the mails at the rate of two cents a pound for any distancebecause it is printed before shipment from the headquarters of suppliesto the publishers in the other towns throughout the Union for less thansixteen cents a pound and then it is limited to four pound packages whilethe monopolists can ship their wares by the ton. Thus these great monopoliescan compete with the lesser journals of the country with an advantage offourteen cents a pound, given them by the government, and the governmentcollects this vast bonus to the monopolists from the letter writers.
But the monopolies would say: The country journals need not ship by mail,for they can buy their paper nearer home and ship by railroad when theirfreight need not cost them more than two cents per pound. We answer thatwherever we buy, the cost will not be less laid down at our door than ifwe should buy in New York, and to most of the country the lowest freightsfrom New York on printing paper is much over two cents a pound; but, ifit were not, it affords no excuse for asking the government to carry formonopolists free. Again they tell us that the newspapers published in smalltowns now circulate through the mails free in their own counties. True,and so do the great metropolitan journals, and these latter get many timesmore benefit from their free county circulation than the former.
Some of these great monopolies are supposed to make half a million ormore of dollars a year out of their newspapers. The New York Herald,for instance, probably makes consid-erable more than that. It pays perhapsa hundred thousand dollars a year postage on its circulation or rather asfreight through the mails at the extremely low rate of two cents a pound.Why should the government give that paper a bonus of a hundred thousanddollars a year in addition to the bonus it already gives it by carryingits circulation for half a million less than it costs the government?
How would it do for government to carry dry goods free for A. T. Stewart& Co., or other New York monopolists to customers in Winfield in orderto give them an advantage over Baird, Lynn, Baden, McDonald, and Hahn inthis market?
The newspapers all over the country ought to raise their voices, writetheir members of congress, and frown this thing down.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Extensive arrests have recently been made by the Indian police of partieshunting buffalo and other game on the reservations in the Indian Territory.There is a federal law against hunting on these lands, with the penaltyof a heavy fine and confiscation of effects. The Indian authorities saythey are determined to stop this government invasion, and have issued instructionsto arrest all outside hunting parties found on the reservation and confiscatetheir property. Hunters from Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Texas, and otherstates are already ar- rested, and will be arraigned before the nearestUnited States court.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The amount of money in this country on November 1, 1882, was about asfollows.
Gold coin: $567,105,456. Silver coin: $212,324,325. Greenbacks: $446,681,916.
National Bank notes: $362,727,747. TOTAL: $1,488,838,554.
If the total sum was in gold coin, it would take 275 railroad cars tocarry it, if you limited the carloads to twenty thousand pounds avoirdupoiseach. In silver coin it would take 4,387 cars. If one should count $100a minute, counting 10 hours a day and 300 days a year, it would take him82 years, 213 days, 9 hours, 45 minutes, and 36 seconds to count it.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The teachers of the Burden Division will meet in association at the Burdenschool building Saturday, December 16, at 10 o'clock a.m. The followingprogram indicates the teachers of the Burden Division and the work assignedthem for the next meeting.
1. Methods in teaching beginners in reading: T. J. Rude, E. A. Millard,Misses Jennie Hicks, Maude Leedy and Lizzie Burden.
2. Causes of the Revolution: Chas. Walch, R. O. Stearns, Chas. Messenger,Ansel Gridley, Misses Hattie Pontius, and Jennie Davy.
3. Franklin and Hamilton: P. L. Anderson, E. J. Johnson, Grant Wilkins,J. W. Rhamey [?NOT SURE RHAMEY IS CORRECT?], Misses May Christopher, andAlice Dunham.
4. The needs of our school system: J. H. Hutchison, R. B. Corson, R.S. White, J. W. Hilsabeck, P. E. Whitney, and Miss Kate Martin.
5. Our course of study: H. T. Albert, A. L. Crow, James Tull, D. W. Ramage,Morton Akers, and W. H. Lucas.
6. Miscellaneous: Let each teacher come prepared with some miscellaneousmatter.
The division embraces the townships of south Richland, Omnia, Harvey,Windsor, and Silver Creek. It is hoped that the meeting will be largelyattended by the teachers and others interested in the case of education.JAMES HUTCHISON, Secretary.
E. A. MILLARD, President.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup presiding.
Roll called: Present, Councilmen Read, McMullen and Gary; City Attorneyand Clerk.
Minutes of last regular session read and approved.
The Police Judge's reports for the months of September and October wereread and referred to Committee on Finance.
The following bills were presented, allowed, and ordered paid:
L. C. Fleming, Repairs City tools: $1.50.
S. C. Smith, services City Eng.: $12.50.
G. B. Rowland, street and alley crossings: $19.20.
City Officers, salaries Nov.: $67.90.
David C. Beach, services Reg. Books: $15.00.
The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissionersfor payment:
Wallis & Wallis, goods for City poor: $30.00.
J. A. Earnest: $5.00.
Bill of Horning & Whitney for scythe, nails, and scythe stone, $1.15,was referred to the Finance Committee.
The council were addressed by a committee of ladies in the question ofan appropriation to the City Library.
It was moved by Col. McMullen that the City Council appropriate the sumof $25.00 per month for a City Library in accordance with the petition filedin this case. Motion lost.
Bond of L. H. Webb as City Clerk, with W. C. Robinson, J. Wade McDonald,W. S. Mendenhall, and J. S. Mann, as sureties, was read and approved bythe Council.
The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Mayorand Council hereby tender their thanks to David C. Beach for the faithfuland efficient manner in which he has performed the duties of the officeof City Clerk.
On motion Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Items from Rock.
Rock is booming. Our school numbers 64 and is progressing finely.
MARRIED. Joseph Stuart was married last week to a sister of his firstwife.
Miss Lou Strong is teaching her first school near here, and doing well.
A Mr. Meech has about 1,000 head of sheep in the neighborhood feedingthem.
Geo. M. Turner sold his hogs a few days since at $5.60, delivering themat Winfield.
The Teachers' Association of Rock Division was held at Little Dutch lastSaturday with a good attendance.
Uncle Johnnie Holmes shipped to Kansas City last week 154 hogs averaging328 in Kansas City, selling for $6.25.
Give-a-dam Jones was hunting last Saturday and brought home with him10 quails. "Where did he git 'em?"
C. M. Leavitt began his night school last week with good attendance.He teaches bookkeeping, arithmetic, and penmanship.
Wm. Thompson has gone to Indiana to spend a few weeks with his children.He has not been back since he left over six years ago.
Miss Lida Strong has been quite sick for the past week, causing her todismiss her school at Udall. She will be able to continue this week.
Christmas is coming. Rock will have a Christmas tree, also music, recitations,etc., mixed in. A good time is hoped for, especially by yours truly.
Geo. Williams (Bro. Gardner) is doing a big business; selling more goodsthan anybody. By the way, George is one of the cleverest fellows going.Don't you forget it. JIM
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Notes from Fairview.
As "Nebecadnazer" is no more, Fairview Township is seldom heardfrom.
B. F. McKee sold his farm a few days ago. Mr. Christolear is the purchaser.
J. F. Curfman has ornamented his premises by erecting a handsome stonecorn crib.
Wm. J. Orr has purchased the Hahn farm recently. Mr. Orr is one of Fairview'swell-to- do farmers.
Mr. Jo Wright has sold his farm to Mr. Monday. Jo is a good fellow. Hopethe same may be said of his successor.
Mr. Handyside, the man that had a mule's foot taken from his head theother day, is able to be up and around again.
W. W. Limbocker has filled his old cribs to overflowing and is now erectingnew ones. W. W. is one of our best corn growers.
Mr. J. H. Crotsly, one of Cowley's best teachers, holds the fort in district#1 for a term of six months and is giving good satisfaction.
Mr. Hollingsworth has purchased the Howard farm in addition to the splendidfarm he now occupies. He intends going into the stock business.
Mr. N. Baird is making some substantial improvements in the way of buildingstone fence. He expects to enclose a large pasture. Mr. Baird is one ofour go-ahead farmers.
Mr. John Isom, one of our wide awake farmers and stock men, has returnedfrom his farm near Arkansas City. He expects to dispose of a hundred headof his fat hogs while here.
Mr. Smith is fitting up his farm by enclosing some four or five hundredacres with rock fence for grazing purposes, beside other valuable improvements.Mr. Smith's head is level.
Thanksgiving is past and Christmas is coming. The people of Fairview(Dist. 21) contem- plate having a Christmas tree at Fairview schoolhouseon Christmas night. They expect a good time. Old Santa will be with them.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Akron Twinklings.
Miss Green is teaching a successful school at Valley Center.
Mrs. Ahlrichs has been very low with fever for some time, but is nowa little better.
I notice that Mr. F. S. Green now rides to church in a fine two hundreddollar turn-out. Prosperity, my boy.
The teachers of this division meet tonight at the Little Dutch schoolhousein their monthly association.
J. O. Vanorsdal returned from the Territory this week loaded down withVenison and wild turkey. As a hunter J. O. is a success.
R. V. Cass, while at work blasting a well last week, had the misfortuneto explode a giant powder cap in his hand, damaging one thumb so badly thatamputation was necessary.
'Squire McCollim has returned home from his extended visit to Ohio andPennsylvania. He was accompanied home by his daughter, who lives in MiamiCounty, this State. She comes for a visit and expects to stay till afterthe holidays.
Uncle Robert Hanlen has added another farm to his broad acres, he havingpurchased the Ehrert farm, which is now occupied by Mr. Heffner. It is darkly,deeply hinted that J. D. is to occupy the farm at the expiration of Mr.Heffner's lease, provided his girl is willing.
Two of Fairview's schools are presided over by ladies this winter, andjudging from what I hear, they are a success. Prairie Grove school is beingtaught by Mrs. A. H. Limerick, wife of our County Superintendent elect.If he should make as good a Superintendent as she does teacher, Cowley willhave made no mistake.
J. S. Savage has the best lot of fat hogs in Fairview Township. J. S.and his boys have worked hard this summer, and their reward is a bountifulsupply of both wheat and corn. By the way, we've all got some corn up thisway this season, a great deal of which is still in the field. Hands arescarce and the farmers are compelled to husk their own corn.
What has become of all the correspondents from Fairview Township? "Roy"and his better half, "Chip Basket," and a host of others, myselfamong the number, once sought fame through the columns of the COURIER. Ifelt pretty badly "sot down on," when my last communication foundits way to the waste basket, especially after taking so much pains to giveyou all the news. That accounts for my long absence. But for fear the othercorrespon- dents from this township are in the same boat, and at the riskof again being cast aside, I venture (though very timidly) to jot a fewof the happenings of these parts for the COURIER.
Never fear, "Mac." Your "setting-down on" was purelyaccidental. The columns of the COURIER are always open for your remarks,which are highly appreciated both by its readers and editors.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Northwest Creswell.
Frank Leeper has left for his old home in Illinois.
Miss Goodwin is teaching a very successful school at Lone Star this winter.
David Carder and family have returned from their extended visit to Illinois.
Mrs. Aumann, accompanied by her father and mother, got home from Michigana few days since.
Several of our neighbors were gone for apples and managed to get homebefore the last cold snap.
Corn gathering is progressing very rapidly, and the common saying is,"I want to get my corn out by Christmas."
Miss Eliza A. Taylor of Illinois is visiting her sister, Mrs. Furry.Miss Taylor intends making her home in Kansas. She thinks of teaching nextsummer.
Wheat does not look as well as usual this fall on account of being sownso late. Farmers have been raising good wheat, no matter what time it wassown; but the prospects are now that the early wheat will be the best.
We had a pleasant time at Jesse Stansbury's. A lodge was organized, knownas the Royal Templars of Temperance. This is a new institution in Kansasas the Lone Star Council is the second in the State and is therefore placedon the books as No. 2. NOVUS HOMO.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Maj. Sleeth was in the city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Purest sweet cider at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Hill's Manual, only $5.50, at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Poems in all styles and bindings at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Buy your boys a drum or tool chest at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Only a few Chatterboxes at 75 cents are left at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Picture frames at Goldsmith's cheaper than any in the city.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The biggest stock of cutlery in Kansas at Horning & Whitney's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Only a few sets of Dickens' works, 15 volumes for $8.50, at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
1000 bushels of fine apples at McGuire Bros. Will sell cheap to the trade.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. William Trezise has returned from New Mexico for the winter.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A. E. Baird has put up a handsome gilt sign in front of his dry goodshouse.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Tomlin & Webb have put up a large and handsome sign in front of theirstore.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
BIRTH. Station agent Smith, of the K., C. L. & S., is the fatherof a bran new twelve pound boy.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mrs. Ledro Guthrie, of Wellington, is spending the week with her sister,Mrs. Dr. Mendenhall.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A few copies of latest edition of Bryant's Library of Poetry and Song,at $4.50 at Goldsmith's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The next time you want your piano tuned or repaired, inquire for M. J.Stimson, Olds House.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Cowley County shipped a million and a half pounds of wool this year.How is this for a ten-year-old?
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Have you seen the "Spanish Dancing Girl" at Goldsmith's? Itmay be given to you as a Christmas gift.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Hon. James McDermott and family left Tuesday for Kentucky, where theywill spend the winter among friends.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Have you seen Goldsmith's bargain counter? You can find books on mostany subject you choose, at only $1.00.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Charlie Bahntge has been treating his elegant little residence to a newcoat of paint turned off in a very tasty manner.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
J. P. Baden is howling for more turkeys again this week. Turkeys areworth more in Win- field than any place in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Baden received a telegraph order for two thousand pounds of dressed turkeysthis morn- ing. This is a big lot for one order.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
It is rumored that Messrs. Hands & Collins will build a new liverystable on Ninth Avenue next to the old Shoeb blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Whiting Bros. had forty wild turkeys and four deer hung in front of theirmeat market Tuesday. The game was killed in the Territory.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. M. C. McIntire has purchased the McInturff photograph gallery overWallis & Wallis' grocery store. He is reputed to be a very fine artist.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. J. E. Allen bade his many friends adieu Monday and returned to Illinois,where he will stay to cheer an aged mother in her declining years.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Ivanhoe's will meet on next Tuesday evening with Miss Florence Beeney,at which time the club will conclude the reading of "Kathrina."
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. John Camp, of Bushnell, Illinois, is in the city visiting friends.He left Illinois Friday. Ice was thick enough to put up and snow coveredeverything.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Vermilye Bros., have put out twenty-five thousand magnolia trees on theirSouth Bend farm. Their place is justly entitled to the name "MagnoliaFarm."
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The costs in the Colgate case, which come out of the county, amount to$636.00. Witness fees, $296; jury fees, $240; stenographer, $60, and Sheriffand Clerk, $40.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Senator Hackney has been quite ill for the past week with a fever, broughton by the severe mental and physical strain undergone during the last termof court.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Levi Quier returned from the Territory Tuesday, where he has been ona grand hunt. The party brought back a lot of deer and nearly a wagon loadof turkey.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Several excellent and spicy communications will be found on our firstpage this week. They should have gone in last week, but were unavoidablylaid over.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Rev. Tucker, assisted by Mrs. Rogers, is holding a series of revivalmeetings at Ottawa that seem to be stirring the foundations of that city.It is a pity that brother Sharpe is absent.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The first work on the new Christian Church was begun Monday. It willbe pushed forward rapidly. The church is located on the southeast cornerof Eighth Avenue and Milling- ton Street.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Temperance Dramatic Club desire us to extend their sincere thanksto the members of the Presbyterian Choir for the able assistance renderedthem at their entertainment Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. J. D. Hon, of Pleasant Valley Township, brought in a herd of hogsMonday that were the biggest attraction of the week. It was the most perfectlot ever marketed in Winfield, comprising over twenty hogs which averagedover three hundred pounds.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The air is thick with rumors of a gambling den somewhere in this cityin which a game is constantly run for high stakes; that the town is infestedwith gamblers; and that a man enjoying a position of trust in this cityhas lost six hundred dollars of his employer's money and is on the vergeof ruin and disgrace. If such is the case, the officers should do theirduty and clean it out. When Mayor Troup was elected, he pledged the peopleof this city that he would do all in his power to suppress these dens. Nowis the time for him to fulfill his pledges and instruct his Marshal to atonce blot out these places.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
On last Saturday evening Mrs. J. E. Conklin entertained a company ofher young friends at her pleasant home. The evening was most pleasantlyspent and all were sorry when the warning hand of time pointed to Sundaymorning, thus compelling the party to disperse. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin assistedby their charming guest, Miss Dinnie Swing, have the thanks of the personsbelow named for so pleasant a time, viz: Misses Hane, Scothorn, Beeny, McDonald,Berkey, and Millington, and Messrs. Fuller, Cairns, Robinson, Wilson, Davis,Miner, and Webb. [Note: Beeny sometimes appears as Beeney?]
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Rev. F. M. Rains left Monday for Texas, where he will spend the holidays,after which he will go to Leavenworth, where he has been called to fillthe pulpit of the Christian Church. We are truly sorry to have Rev. Rainsleave us. Aside from being a gentleman of high intelligence and culture,he is one of the most genial, pleasant acquaintances we know of. The goodpeople of Leavenworth are fortunate in securing such an excellent pastorfor their flock.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
On behalf of the "patent medicine department" of this journal,we desire to extend our thanks to a friend for a package received by mailcontaining a photograph, intended, we sup- pose, to illustrate some pointin the theory of evolution. It is labeled "a relect of the politicalcyclone of Nov. 7th, 1882." It is evidently a relict of most ancientand venerable years. It is an addition to our collection of family curiositieswhich we are certainly proud of.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
MARRIED. Tuesday afternoon Wes. McEwen appeared before His Honor, JudgeGans, and procured the necessary papers empowering the preacher to joinin the holy bonds of matrimony himself and Miss Sarah Bovee. Wes. has keptthe matter very sly. We take this early opportunity of expressing our congratulationsto the happy couple.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The County Treasurer has received so far since tax paying time began,upwards of $19,000. This is nearly $6,000 less than was received up to thistime last year, which indi- cates that our farmers are holding out for betterprices for grain and hogs.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Last Tuesday night a cattle man was attacked on Silver Creek by two highwaymen,who took from him sixteen hundred and five dollars. The robbers were ambushedalongside of the road and sprang out on him as he rode by. The cattle manwas from Wichita on his way to Sedan. We were unable to get his name.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
F. M. Friend is agent for Decker Bros., Mathaushek, Haines, Chickering,Simpson & Co., and Story & Camp Pianos at factory prices, freightadded. Also Estey, Whitney & Holmes, Chicago Cottage, Wilcox & White,and Story & Camp organs; and dealer in Howe, House- hold, Victor, Crown,and other sewing machines.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
William Duncan, living southeast of Winfield, was severely injured lastweek by his team running away, throwing him out of the wagon and bruisinghis head badly. He is in the care of Dr. Emerson and is doing well. At firstthe injuries were supposed to be fatal.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A neat fence around the schoolhouse grounds would be a wonderful improvementto the property. We feel warranted in saying that no taxpayer would objectto the expenditure necessary to fence them. It should be done this winterand trees set out in the squares in front of each building in the spring.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
We claim the right of discovery in a little paradise just over east.It is Grenola, and the reason we assign for its being so good is that thereisn't a solitary lawyer within its limits. Judge Brush was for a long timethe only one, and he has been elected to a fat office and taken to the countyseat.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Probate Court has so far during the month of December authorizedthe following parties to commit matrimony.
Thomas Ramsey to Elizabeth A. McCracken.
William Fowler to Josie Marshall.
R. L. Emerson to Mary Smith.
Wesley McEwen to Sarah Bovee.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. John Bates' little baby swallowed a pin Sunday afternoon, and theparents are in a deep state of anxiety over the result. We have heard ofnumerous cases of babies swallowing pins, but have never yet heard of acase resulting fatally.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Sol. Burkhalter traded his livery outfit, comprising eleven head of horses,buggies, and harness, to W. A. Freeman for an eighty acre farm in BeaverTownship. He still owns the barn, which he has leased to Mr. Freeman forone year.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The "Spy of Atlanta," under the auspices of the Battery andG. A. R., opens at the Opera House this (Thursday) evening and will continuethree nights. It is a magnificent play and those who fail to attend willmiss a rare treat.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
From the action of the council, it looks as if the public library wouldhave to wrestle for itself another season. It has been very near starvation'sdoor for a long time. It is too good an institution to die so young.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. P. W. Smith, of Udall, dropped in last week and made us a pleasantvisit. He reports the little city flourishing in an exceptionally activeway since their switch and depot became assured facts.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
J. C. Fuller has reappeared on our streets, but is looking almost theghost of his former self. He has had a severe wrestle with disease, butseems to be coming out ahead.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
During Thanksgiving week J. P. Baden shipped an average of six hundreddollars per day in dressed poultry, making thirty-five hundred dollars worthfor the week. How's this for poultry?
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The program for the next meeting of the district Teachers' Association,which meets at Excelsior schoolhouse Friday evening, will be found on thefirst page.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Friend's Millinery House will offer hats and millinery at very low pricesfor the next thirty days to close out winter goods.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Charlie Holloway, Cal. Swarts, and H. P. Standley were up from the cityTuesday and got their No. 10's under our mahogany.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A good top buggy will be sold at auction Saturday, Dec. 16tth, at 1 o'clockp.m., by Walter Denning, Auctioneer.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Sam W. Pennington has received $950.00 back pension.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
A lot of Kaw Indians were in town Monday buying provisions and trinkets.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Woolen Mill. Mr. John Siverd, an old and experienced woolen mill man,is in the city visiting friends. In conversing with him on the feasibilityof establishing a woolen mill in Winfield, he expressed the opinion thatno more paying investment could be made. This county turned off this yearover a million and a half pounds of wool, which was shipped east, made upinto goods, and sent back. The goods could be manufactured here as welland almost as cheap as in the East, thereby saving cost of transportationboth ways. Aside from this, if there were mills here, every farmer wouldkeep a little bunch of sheep, using the wool for himself. Mr. Siverd estimatesthe cost of machinery for a mill which will work a hundred thousand poundsof wool at eight thousand dollars, with about five thousand more for work-ing capital. He has been looking over the buildings in the city and findstwo that will answer the purpose very well and can be had at a nominal rental.He favors the establishment of a small mill that will pay well from thestart, and which can easily be enlarged as the demand for the work increases.Mr. Siverd has had thirty years of constant working experience in woolenmills and his opinions are entitled to great weight.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Cedar Township.
The family in Cedar Township mentioned by us two weeks ago are now recoveredin health so as to be able to be about. They have had good attention fromtheir neighbors and are now in comfortable circumstances. Our present informantsays that our former report was overwrought and much too highly colored.The number of children were eight: three of them have died of a kind offlux, having some symptoms of scurvy, but not called by that name by thedoctors attending. The three other children who were sick had only malarialfever. No blame or neglect attaches to the family or neighbors.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The entertainment by the Temperance Dramatic Club Friday evening wasa splendid amateur entertainment, and was tolerably well attended. The minstrelshow and Presbyterian social the evening before somewhat affected the attendance.The concert by the Presbyterian Choir preceding the drama was very entertaining,and combined with Prof. Crippen's Orchestra, made the musical part of theprogram most excellent. "Fruits of the Wine Cup" is a good temperancedrama, and every character was represented in a way that was very commendableand earned the hearty applause of the audience. . . . We understand thatthey will present another play about the first of February. . . . The clubis composed of young ladies and gentlemen of the Good Templar Lodge of thiscity.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Hi Henry minstrel troupe held forth at the Opera House Thursday eveningto an excellent audience, for such a bad night. It is the best minstreltroupe that has ever visited Winfield and afforded much enjoyment for thosewho attended. The fact that the Opera House was as cold as an iceberg interferedwith the comfort of the guests, and the further fact that the stove pipefell down just in the middle of an act, filling the room with smoke andthe ladies with terror, were rather discouraging to those who really appreciatea good thing. The managers of the Opera House should at once put up apparatusenough to heat the hall, or people will absolutely refuse to attend showsduring cold weather. They owe it to themselves and the public to keep thehall in a comfortable condition.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Musical Union held a very pleasant meeting in the audience room ofthe Presby- terian Church Thursday evening. There are now about 150 members,and under the leader- ship of Mr. Blair, the Union cannot fail to be a sourceof improvement to their musical talent. The officers for this month areMr. Geo. Cairns, president; Mrs. H. E. Asp, vice president; and Frank Greer,secretary. There is a half hour's social, and a concert of the same length,each evening. The remainder of the time is devoted to general practice.The Union will meet regularly on Thursday evening of each week in the basementof the church.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The Presbyterian ladies gave a supper in the basement of their churchThursday evening. A very large number were present, and the surroundingswere such that all who attended must have enjoyed a pleasant evening. Thebasement of the church under its present arrange- ment is as cosy and completeas could be desired. The furniture is all owned by the Ladies Aid Society,including all the dishes and cooking utensils and a large range. The kitchenis a model of neatness and convenience, with tables, cupboards, shelves,and drawers for every purpose. It is the most cosy, homelike congregationalaffair we have ever seen.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The State Teachers' Association meets at Topeka, Dec. 26, and continuesin session three days. George R. Peck delivers the address of welcome. Atthe evening session of the second day Prof. Trimble will deliver a lectureon "The Relations of the Teacher to the Moral Training of the Pupil."A large number of teachers from this county will attend. The railroad farewill be about one and one-fourth fare for round trip, which will amountto about $10.00. Hotel rates are reduced to $1.50 per day.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
F. M. Freeland is making the Ninth Avenue House one of the best dollara day hotels in the west. Everything is neat, clean, and the table is furnishedwith an abundance of wholesome, well-cooked food.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Garvey's little baby boy has been quite ill for thepast week, but on Monday the friends here received a telegram that it wasmuch better and now out of danger.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
From parties lately up from the Territory we learn the particulars ofanother of those terri- ble murders of which that country is so often thescene. This one is peculiarly horrible. From the Arkansas City Democrat,we clip the following account.
"Mr. S. L. Typton, who has a cattle ranch on the Cimarron River,about eighty-five miles south of this city in the Indian Territory, wasin the city last Tuesday and gave us the follow- ing particulars of anotherdark deed in the Indian Territory. He said, `Last Sunday morning, in companywith one of my cowboys, I started out to hunt up some stray stock, and aftertraveling some twenty miles up the river, it being about noon, we came tothe conclusion to stop and eat our dinner, and were riding into the timberfor that purpose when we discovered an old wagon in the bushes a short distancefrom the river bank, and thinking someone was camped there, we hitched ourhorses and went to the wagon, but were somewhat taken back when we discoveredthe bed was covered with blood. It was evident that a foul murder had beencommitted, and we commenced to look around for further developments andsoon found where a body had been dragged through the sand, and followingthe trail about three hundred yards, we discovered the body of a man withan old butcher knife buried to the hilt in his heart. The man had evidentlybeen dead for eight or ten days, as his body was in a putrid condition.I remained with the dead man and sent my cowboy to a ranch, about eightmiles distant, and in about three hours he returned with Mr. Haygood. AfterMr. Haygood arrived, we made a thorough investigation, and found three woundson the man's head, which apparently had been made with a club or some bluntinstrument, and the knife wound, which must have been inflicted after theman was stunned by the blows upon the head, as the garments were torn awayand the knife placed directly between his ribs and driven through his heart.On the body we found a small two bladed knife, ten cents in silver, anda letter which was evidently from his wife. It read as follows:
`DEAR SAM: As you said you would pass through Arkansas City, Kansas,I thought I would write to you there, as I would not have another chanceuntil you reached Texas. The children are all well, I am feeling much better,and will start for home next week, and remain until you send for me, whichI hope will not be long. I have sold all our household goods and Fred'spony and put the money in the bank with what you left me. I wish you hadleft all your money here, as I am afraid that man you took with you willdo you mischief. He knows you have money on your person. I shall feel uneasyuntil I hear from you. Don't fail to write as soon as you get to Texas.As soon as you find a location that suits you, I will come. Fred says youmust buy him another pony so he can learn to ride like the cowboys whenhe goes to Texas. I don't think of anything more this time. If you don'twrite on the road direct in care of father, as I will be at home beforeanother letter could reach me. Good bye. FLORA.
`P. S.: Mary is 13 months old today and said `papa.' F.'"
No other clue than the above could be found to show the dead man's identity.The body was buried near the spot where it was found. These Territory murdersare becoming so frequent of late that it seems as if something should bedone to rid out the nest of thieves and cut throats which infest it. Ifa man commits a crime in the state, he immediately flees to the Territory,where he follows a career of carnage and rapine unhindered by the arm ofthe law. If ever there was a case for a shrewd, determined officer to dohis duty in, it is to ferret out the perpetrator of this deed and bringhim to justice.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
WANTED. A girl to do house work. W. P. HACKNEY.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Smith Bros, sold twelve hundred dollars worth of boots and shoes at costthe first five days of their clearing sale.
Smith Bros., have thrown their large stock of boots and shoes on themarket at cost, to close business Feb. 1st, 1883.
Men's boots of all kinds at cost: you can save from 50 cents to $1.00per pair.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Mr. Jim Burns sold his magnificent 240 acre farm north of town on theWalnut, last Monday, for six thousand dollars in cash. This is one of thebest sales made for some time.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
There will be a grand masquerade at the skating rink on the evening ofthe 26th. It promises to be a very fine thing. None but masquers will beallowed the use of skates.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Last Tuesday evening Joseph Foster, a young son of J. L. Foster of FairviewTownship, had his arm broken while running after another boy. Dr. Emersonsplintered the arm up and it is now doing nicely.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
There will be a festival and oyster supper at Science Valley schoolhouse3 miles north- east of Winfield, Thursday night, Dec. 21. Funds to be usedto purchase an organ for the school and Sabbath school.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Billiard Hall for sale, doing good business; also city residence propertyon monthly installments. E. B. WEITZEL.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
The latest novelty in gents wear is a "lace cravat" in sealbrown or steel blue, at Eli Youngheim's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Bortree's Adjustable Duplex corsets. Money refunded if corset is notsatisfactory.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Take your wheat, flax, oats, and castor beans to G. B. Shaw & Co.,lumber yard before selling.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Cheese vat and press, in good condition, for sale. Inquire of S. A. Hanchett,or at Foults barber shop.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Fine gold rings, fine gold band rings, anything you want in the Jewelryline can be found at H. W. Faraghers.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Before purchasing you will do well to call and examine H. W. Faragher'sstock of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
If you want a bureau, you will never get another chance for bargainsas at present at Johnston & Hill's.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Geese, turkey, duck, and chicken feathers, fresh from the fowls, forsale by J. P. Baden.
These feathers are not scalded.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
We are selling out a part of our large stock at greatly reduced prices.Come and see us and be convinced. Johnston & Hill.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
On August 31, 1865, the national debt was $78.25 per capita of our population.It is now $31.72 per capita. The annual interest charge on the nationaldebt in 1865 was $4.29 per capita. It is now $1.00 per capita. By the way,what has become of the statesmen who, a few years ago, declared that "Ourpublic debt would be repudiated?"
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
A few weeks ago Jay Gould, who owns the Western Union Telegraph Company,seeing a formidable rival in the Mutual Union Company, had the latter arraignedand its charter vacated upon the ground that it had violated the law byoverissuing stock. Now comes a stockholder of the Western Union and asksthat the charter of his own company be vacated for the same reason.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
We believe the country demands that all internal revenue shall be abolishedexcept that raised from tobacco and liquors. Should these be abolished oreven reduced, there will be a big row and the members and senators who votefor it are likely to get left the next time. The party which causes it willnot get there in 1884. Whatever other reduction in revenues which the treasuryand country can stand should be taken from the duties on imports.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Wichitaare in receipt of an order issued by the Commissioner of the General LandOffice, suspending all cash entries made by single men on the Osage Indianlands in Kansas, since June 23, 1881, where the lands lie in the countiesof Sumner, Harper, Kingman, and Comanche. This order is the result of landfrauds and fraudulent entries of startling magnitude in connection withthese lands, perpetrated by cowboys preempting lands in the interest ofstockmen, for range purposes.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
It has been well said that the crying evil of our land system is thelocking up of vast bodies of land by the great railroad corporations. TheUnion Pacific company receives patents for about 12,000,000 acres; the CentralPacific for about 8,000,000. These lands are sold in driblets, trustingto future scarcity to enliven prices. Thus about 17,000,000 acres, nominallyassigned to these companies, have been virtually withdrawn from market becausethe companies will not go to the expense of surveying them. For these landsno patents are issued, and on them no taxes are paid. In the meantime, thesupreme court, by its decision that the failure to complete a land grantrailroad within the time fixed in the grant does not forfeit the lands promised,helps also to withhold these lands from market, to the injury of the actualsettlers, and to the detriment of the public generally. Congress has powerto remedy this crying evil. It should compel these great corporations topay taxes on the lands withheld from market.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The small-pox is raging in the Indian Territory, about sixty miles southof Coffeyville. Many deaths have resulted. Five persons, the entire family,were found dead in one house. The Cherokee council have appropriated severalthousand dollars and employed physicians and attendants, who visit the patients,and when any die or recover, the house and contents are burned and a newhouse built. Hospitals have been established where patients are taken whendiscovered to be sick and every precaution taken to prevent its furtherspreading. The authorities are hopeful of confining the dread disease toits present limits.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The bill introduced in the house by Representative McCord to providefor the regulation of inter-state commerce provides each railway shall onthe first of March each year publish a schedule of rates. Fifty percentof the schedule of rates shall be the minimum of rates, and 50 percent abovethe maximum allowed to be charged in any case. These rates are to be chargedfor loading, a mileage rate for hauling, and are to be fixed upon the principleof impartial service for a fair corporate profit from honest public service.Consolidating, discriminating, pooling, etc., are prohibited and punished.A committee of nine members, one from each judicial circuit in the UnitedStates, shall be appointed by each congress to supervise, investigate, andreport to congress as to the management and control of railroads under thelaw, and recommend amendments thereto.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
It appears from the reports of the land office at Wichita that therehas been considerable crooked work in the proving up of claims on the OsageReservation, and the Land Commissioner has directed that certain partieswho have made fraudulent filings in Sumner and Harper counties be arrestedand their filings set aside.
One thing is certain and that is the government will not wink at anyviolation of the land laws and people who attempt to prove up on land inthis country by perjury will find themselves involved in a sea of trouble.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
An ordinance is before the City Council to charter a city water workscompany and is being pressed for immediate action. The subject is one ofgreat importance, too great to be hurried through. We have not seen theproposed ordinance, but are informed that it contains two very objectionablefeatures. One is that it binds the city to pay the company $3,000 a yearperpetually. The other is, that it grants exclusive privileges to lay pipesin all parts of the city. If such features exist, they must be modifiedor the city will be placed under the heel of a monopoly. We give Frank Barclayand the promoters of the scheme the largest credit for working up a water-workplan intending to yield very important benefits to the city, but we knowfrom the experience of other cities that the cure will be much worse thanthe disease, that we shall find ourselves in a fatal trap if this thingis hurried through without being first laid before the people to be considered,discussed, and scrutinized, with plenty of time to determine whether themeasure can be improved so that its probable benefits will equal the costto the people and at the same time leave the city free to do better whenit can.
It is thought that the works proposed would certainly not cost more than$25,000, but if it should really cost $50,000 and the city should issue$50,000 in 6 percent bonds and then own the works, the yearly interest wouldbe only $3,000 and this is not necessarily perpetual. Besides if the citizenspay $2,000 per year for water rents with the probable increase up to $6,000,they would pay the cost of running a part of the interest and, in a reasonabletime, extinguish the bonds. Thus in a few years the city would own the worksclear of debt, with no perpetual $3,000 a year rents to pay. Look into thisthing before you jump in the dark. There are precipices around here.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Noting Jay Gould's recent purchase of a cemetery lot at a big figure,the Chicago Times remarks that "this may be regarded as thebeginning of an attempt on his part to get control of the route to the shiningshore."
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
El Dorado expects the completion of the St. Louis and Fort Scott roadto that city by January 1st.
Broom corn this past season proved one of the most profitable crops forthe farmers in southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Miss Hardy is visiting her uncle, Thomas Harp.
Alfred Harcourt is down in the Territory on a hunt.
"Gene" Wilbur has a new overcoat of the latest cut.
A good attendance at S. S. now Thomas Harp is Superintendent.
Maple molasses and buckwheat cakes at Geo. William's. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Tom Harp lost about $12 Friday. His pocket had a hole in it. No Christmasfor him!
Mr. Hoober living above here has sold his farm of 80 acres to QuincyThompson for the sum of $1,150.
Mrs. Cato Williams, who is visiting her folks near Lawrence, is expectedhome soon, and then Cato will once more look happy.
Rev. Hopkins (Baptist) preached at Rock Valley schoolhouse on Sundaymorning. He will preach here next Sunday morning.
James Walker had a valuable horse choked to death by the halter ropeby which he was tied in the stable getting wound around his neck.
Wm. Brown has sold his farm (160) to a Mr. Shoots of Indiana, for $2,900cash. We hope Mr. Shoots will prove as good a citizen. [?SHOOTS? SHEETS?SHOETS?] JIM.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup presiding. Roll called. Present:Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson, City Attorney and Clerk. Minutesof last meeting read and approved. Finance committee given until the nextregular meeting to report on all matters referred to them.
The following bills were presented, allowed, and ordered paid.
Jas. H. Bullen & Co., lumber: $3.43.
Hendricks & Wilson, tools: $4.10.
Petition of certain draymen to change the ordinance relating to draylicenses was pre- sented. A motion was carried that the prayer of the petitionbe granted and the City Attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance inaccordance therewith.
Petition of citizens in reference to water works was presented. On motionconsideration of the matter was postponed until the next meeting.
The report of the Police Judge for the month of November, 1882, was presentedand on motion referred to the Finance committee.
The reports of the Treasurer for the months ending Oct. 15, Nov. 15,Dec. 15, 1882, were presented, and on motion referred to the Finance committee.
The bond filed by the Police Judge was read and on motion was approvedand accepted by the council.
The report of the City Clerk for the quarter ending Dec. 15, 1882, waspresented and referred to the Finance committee and ordered published.
The Street Commission was ordered to report at the next regular meetingthe number of those liable who have paid their road taxes and the numberin default.
On motion the Council adjourned to meet on Friday evening, Dec. 22, 1882.
Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. Dalgarn threshed this week.
Mr. Chapell has put up a good cow shed.
Mr. C. Miller has moved into his new house.
Mr. McClellan is boarding with Mr. Douglass.
Mr. Watsonberger lost a horse recently by death.
Mr. More has pitched his tent near Mr. Brown's.
Prayer meeting was well attended on Friday evening.
Mr. Rhodes is visiting his friends, the Dalgarn family.
Hoyland and sons bought a few young cattle recently.
Mr. Brooking, we hear, is going to start for Kentucky on a visit.
Mrs. Hopping and little baby have not been feeling well lately.
Mr. Palmer, a cousin of the Misses Bovee, has been visiting them.
Mr. Middleton of Nebraska visited Mr. J. E. Hoyland this week and theyenjoyed the review of their Wisconsin life.
Mr. Buck intends to leave us; will be a Winfield man for a time, at least.Miss Nellie Buck is at present in the city.
Olivia sits alone, as all have retired, but as the hour is late, I willsoon bid you good night, and remember you in my dreams, perhaps.
Mr. Martin is around having the people test his liniment, and he refersus to Mr. Greer of the COURIER for testimonials of its excellent qualities.
I forgot to tell in my last that Mrs. Wolfe gave an excellent dinneron Thanksgiving to a few invited guests. She knows how to entertain guestsright royally.
Some sneak that can't think of anything else mean to do, fills the organbox lock with wood. He is suspected strongly and will not think it fun whenfully detected.
We miss the genial countenance of Mr. McMillen and his amiable wife,as they are off to Illinois to visit his father, friends, and acquaintances.
New Salem is turning over a new leaf in the matrimonial way.
MARRIED. Mr. Wesley McEwen and Miss Sarah Bovee were united in the holybonds by Rev. C. P. Graham, in the happy home of the bride's parents, onWednesday the 13th. They took the train the same day for Iowa, where theyintend to spend the winter. The very best wishes of all their Salem friendsfollow them.
There will be a Christmas tree at the old Salem schoolhouse on Mondayevening and we anticipate a fine time, and I hope no one will be slighted.We learn that our good neighbors at Prairie House schoolhouse or districtwill also have a tree, and as we understand it will be on Saturday evening,we invite them and all others who may feel interested to call and participatein our literary exercises, etc., and I for one am anxious to visit theirtree. OLIVIA.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
A Card to the Public. Having bought the Photograph Rooms formerly ownedby A. McInturff over Wallis & Wallis' Grocery Store, and having remodeledit and refitted with side-light, making it second to none in the state,we feel confident that with our present facilities we can please the mostfastidious in taste and style of pictures. We make a specialty of copyingand enlarging old pictures and working them up in Oil, Crayon, India Ink,or Water Colors. We also keep on hand a full line of frames, albums, etc.,cheaper than the cheapest, for framing our own work. Please give us a calland examine our stock and work before going elsewhere. We are practicalworkmen, having operated in some of the largest cities in the East. We hopeby strict attention to business and promptness in doing our work to merita share of your patronage. J. S. McINTIRE, Artist.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Senator Hackney is out again after a most severe wrestle with sickness.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Sheriff's house has been removed across the walk east of its oldposition.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman completed the sale of twenty-two pieces of land lastMonday.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Miller, Dix & Co., are having some nice improvements put on theirSouth Meat Market.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The street commissioner is doing some work on Millington Street, between8th and 9th.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
From a card received from Henry Sutliff, Maple City, we judge he is goingto Florida.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Gene Wilbur brought down a lot of fine wethers Tuesday, which will beused by the butchers for Christmas decorations.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Wilbur Dever has been tendered, and we understand has accepted, the positionof Treasurer of the Kansas Loan and Trust Co.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The program for the "Shittier Day" celebration at the OperaHouse Friday evening is an exceedingly interesting one.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Wm. Fleagel, of Trenton, Iowa, had been spending the week visitinghis friend, E. A. Henthorn. He left Tuesday for Pawnee County.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The A. O. U. W., of Burden, will give a grand ball at their hall Christmasevening.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
A committee of bright young misses from Sheridan Sunday school were inthe city Tuesday selecting presents, candies, etc., for their Christmastree. The little ladies comprising the committee were Misses Hattie Brown,Cora Julian, Nettie Funk, Edith Burt, with G. I. Brown and E. I. Johnsonassisting.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
We spent half an hour at the Creamery Tuesday evening. The work is incharge of Mr. R. C. Russell, an expert butter maker and formerly with theGlen Rose Creameries, of Clinton County, Iowa. The place is as clean andneat as soap and water can make it, and the machinery and appliances inperfect order. Several churnings have already been made, and some of thebutter shipped to Topeka. We were favored with a roll of it, which was aspure and sweet as any we have ever tasted. The Creamery is just gettingin running order, and it will be some time before it is running in fullblast. We shall soon give a description in full of the building and appliances.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Tom Wright says that the man murdered in the Territory, an accountof which appeared in last week's paper, must certainly have been SamuelCovington, a gentleman who was for some time in partnership with him inthe pony business. His wife's name was Flora, and he had a little boy, Fred,and a baby. He left here with eighteen hundred dollars, intending to goto Texas while his wife went to Eureka, Arkansas. This is probably a solutionof one step in the dark deed.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Opera House programs for some time past have been advertising Mr.Crippen as leader of the Winfield Orchestra. This is a mistake. Mr. Crippenis the leader of the Courier Cornet Band and a member of the Orchestra.Albert Roberts is the leader of the Orchestra, and his skill and fine musicalability has made the institution one of the most popular in the county.As skilled musicians the Roberts Brothers are not excelled in this sectionof the country.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Saturday's Horticultural Meeting was one of the most interesting yetheld. Excellent papers were presented and read by Rev. Cairns and R. I.Hogue, and discussion was general and animated. During the discussion Mr.J. P. Baden was highly praised for his successful efforts in building upa trade and demand for produce which furnished a ready cash market for everyparticle raised in the county.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Fred Hayden, a prominent fruit grower of Alton, Illinois, spent severaldays of last week looking over our county with a view of locating a colonyof Illinois fruit men who wish to find a suitable place in the west. Hewas present at the meeting of the Horticultural Society and was highly pleasedwith its deliberations. He likes Cowley and may be instrumental in bringingseveral valuable additions to our community.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Wichita will soon celebrate the completion of her water works, whichare built by a private corporation something after the fashion of the worksproposed for this city. These works will be of priceless benefit to Wichita,and we are certainly glad that men of capital have seen fit to invest theirmeans for public improvements in the queen city of the Arkansaw.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Next week will be a gala time for masquerades. The masquerade skate atthe rink next Tuesday evening is attracting considerable attention, whilethe masquerade ball by the Young Men's Social Club on the evening of the28th will be the crowning social feature of the season. Carriages will befurnished for the ladies who attend the masquerade at the rink on the eveningof the 26th, by leaving orders at the rink. Each masker must give his orher name and the character they represent before entering the hall. A smalladmission fee will be charged spectators.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Geo. L. McDonough, traveling agent of the K. C., L. & S., has beenchaperoning a party of tourists through Cowley in quest of homes. He tooka sheaf of our big wheat to show Eastern people what Cowley can do in theway of grain.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Wellingtonian has been enlarged and is now a nine column paper.Allison seems to be as enterprising as ever. A new roller would add toneand interest to the paperat least the devil needs a lecture on the subjectof ink distribution.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Spy of Atlanta given last week by the Battery and G. A. R., was wellpatronized and realized a handsome sum for the companies.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Probate Court has issued marriage licenses during the past week tothe following.
Chas. H. Holloway and Annie E. Crow.
Jas. C. Hill and Ella Johnson.
Augustine W. Hume and Charity D. Hager.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The mumps have taken a deep hold on the West side, and when a leadingcitizen appears on the street with his jaws wrapped in swaddling clothes,it is not best to interrogate him on the subject.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. F. H. Ayers is at present located here for the purpose of writingup this county for the Western Historical Company. He is a printer, an oldnewspaper man, and quite an adept at historical writing.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
DIED. Mr. Jacob Seeley, an old resident of this county, and who has foryears resided a few miles south of town, died Tuesday of pneumonia. He wastaken sick Friday night.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Messrs. T. W. Harpole and Jas. Duncan,of Cedar Township, Monday. They were up on a tax-paying expedition.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Mr. Frank Barclay is circulating a petition to the Council to grant himthe right of way to lay water mains through the streets and alleys of thecity. He proposes, if this right of way is granted, to go immediately towork and put in a complete system of Water Works for the city at a costof not less than fifty thousand dollars. He asks this right of way, anda company stands ready to put the works in at once. Mr. Barclay has purchasedthe mound east of town, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, where he willlocate the reservoir. The water will be pumped from the river into thisbasin and conducted by mains throughout the whole city. The height of themound will give the hydrants on Main Street a throwing capacity of sixty-nine feet, which will make a magnificent power for fire protection. Thewater will be furnished private residences at a cost of not exceeding sixdollars per year. We regard this as one of the most important enterprisesfor the welfare and prosperity of our city ever inaugurated. The fire protectionalone will be worth thousands of dollars. As it is now, we are liable atany moment to be swept out of existence, without being able to raise a handto stay the devouring element. With the pressure Mr. Barclay claims, anordinary fire could be drowned out in fifteen minutes. Aside from this theworks will be of priceless benefit to us for household purposes, for irrigatinggardens, grounds, and public enclosures, and make Winfield as attractiveas any city in the country.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
We received a telephone message from J. P. Baden Tuesday to report athis store imme- diately. Upon arriving there we found the proprietor ina high state of excitement. He said, "I tell you the COURIER is thebest advertising medium in the state of Kansas, and if you don't believeit, go out to my warehouses and see what those poultry advertisements havebrought in!" We went out and found the warehouse alleys and adjacentlots covered with poultry, while a large force of men were unloading wagons,packing dressed turkeys, labeling baskets and boxes of nude fowls, whilea lot of fellows were stringing live turkeys up by the legs and snatchingthe feathers off in great handfuls. A turkey was picked by one of the expertfeather grabbers in less than a minute. After looking over the very animatedscene for a few minutes, we reluctantly concluded with the proprietor thathis advertising in the COURIER did count for something and that the peoplecertainly read them and profited thereby.
Mr. Baden has frequently used the columns of this paper in building uphis immense business, and he seems to be most highly pleased with the result.We certainly are satisfied.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Doctor Mendenhall of this city has probably the largest ranch in theeast half of Kansas. It commences about thirty miles southwest of Winfieldand embraces upwards of forty-five hundred acres, being two and three-quartersmiles wide and four and a-half miles long, the south line being the IndianTerritory. It is all splendidly watered, and in the middle of the tractthere is a large area of Timber. We understand it is the intention of theDoctor to place it all under fence before spring.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
About fifty members were present at the regular weekly meeting of theUnion last week, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mesdames Buckman,Shenneman, and Albro, and Misses McCoy, Beeny, Bard, Hane, Fahey, and Walliswill furnish the concert program this (Thursday) evening. The Union meetsat 7:30 o'clock in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. F. H. GREER,Secretary.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Winfield division of the County Teachers' Association met at Excelsiorschoolhouse pursuant to appointment, Dec. 16. The teachers were greatlyencouraged by the large number of patrons present, thereby showing theirinterest in educational work; and all were pleasantly entertained with theexercises by the school. The address of welcome was delivered by Miss Pickeringand responded to by Mr. Beaumont in behalf of the Association. The exercisesfollowing consisted of essays, recitations, and readings, interspersed withsongs and music by the orchestra. Tthe subject for discussion, "TheNeeds of Our School System," on account of the absence of a numberof the teachers, was postponed until the morning session. . . . SADIE PICKERING,Secretary pro tem.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Floral Library is getting under headway. Any person who has booksof any descrip- tion which they can spare would do well to donate them tothis Association. They will be thankfully received.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Creamery furnishes cans and a tank for setting cream to those whodesire, on trial for thirty days, after which if the patron is satisfiedwith the workings, he can purchase the outfit.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
John R. Tooman, arrested at Maple City recently on a requisition fromthe governor of Iowa, for forgery, has plead guilty to the charge in hispreliminary examination.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church and congregation will beheld in the audience room of the church on Thursday evening at the usualhour.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The jewelry firm of Hudson Bros., have been doing business here goingon nine years. During this time thirteen jewelers have sprung up, flourishedfor a time, and then faded out; while Hudson Bros. have gone steadily on,giving good goods at fair prices, treating the public fairly, and have prosperedaccordingly. They are a permanent fixture here, have spent their money inbuilding up the city, as the magnificent brick store on Main street attests.It is a credit alike to their enterprise and to the city. They enjoy a goodtrade because they always sell goods just as they are represented, and arealways here to make their guarantees good. Trade with them and you willalways get your money's worth.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
We must close out this week our entire stock of photograph and autographalbums. We shall not hold over these goods. Note prices of our new goods.
3 dozen splendid albums: from 50 cents to $3.75.
Life of James A. Garfield: 85 cents.
Chatter box books: 50 cents.
14 Volumes of Dickens' works: $7.50.
Velvet frames: 50 cents.
Walnut frames: 75 cents.
Checker boards: $1.00.
Silk handkerchiefs: 50 cents.
Suspenders: 25 cents.
Fur trimmed gloves: 60 cents.
Buckskin gloves: $1.00.
Writing deska splendid Christmas present: $2.50.
Large dollssleeping beauties: 75 cents.
Small dolls: 25 cents.
We have a No. 1 buyer in market and receive goods every week. Our mottois "quick sales and small profits." Bargains! Bargains! No endto bargains at the Red Front Building.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
A number of young folks enjoyed a very pleasant time at the residenceof Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Lowry Tuesday evening. An evening spent with a familywho are all such royal entertainers could be nothing else but one of themost enjoyable.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Markets today (Wednesday) are active with corn steady and higherat 27 cents. Wheat brings 67 cents for best. Hogs are selling lively at$5.40 per hundred. Hay brings $6 per ton. Eggs bring 20 cents, butter 20cents.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
MARRIED. Charlie Holloway and Miss Anna Crow were married at ArkansasCity last Wednesday. We thought Charlie looked rather nervous on the occasionof his recent visit to the county seat.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Take your Babies to McIntire's Photo rooms over Wallis & Wallis'Store. He is always pleasant and courteous to all and especially to thebabies.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The Committee on behalf of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R., and St. John'sBattery of this city, wish through your paper to express our high appreciationof the presentation of the Spy of Atlanta given here on the evenings ofDecember 14, 15, and 16 by Col. L. D. Dobbs.
Col. Dobbs gave us a first-class entertainment, surpassing the expectationof everyone who witnessed it; and causing our best judges of theatricalsto pronounce the Spy of Atlanta the most interesting entertainment evergiven in our city.
To say that the performance under the skillful management of Col. Dobbswas a com- plete success, and to commend the Spy of Atlanta under the managementof the Col. to the Grand Army of the Republic of Kansas is only an act ofjustice.
S. V. Devendorf as "Jake Schneider," was immense, a completeshow in himselfhis every appearance convulsed the audience in roars of laughter.Devendorf as a comedian is an artist and will always be welcomed in Winfieldwith a crowded house.
Mrs. R. Jillson was as fine a conception and presentation of the characterof Maud Dalton as could be wished; natural, graceful, and original. Shewon the hearts of the audience and gave to the character of "Maud"a sublime pathos that melted and moved our hearts and tears at her bidding.
The Post and Battery most cordially thank her for contributing so muchtalent for our benefit.
Mrs. Haight as Mrs. "Dalton," showed all the true motherlyfeeling of the character she represented. She was a true mother and we knowno higher praise.
Miss Josie Bard, as "Carrie Dalton," was just what you wouldexpect her to be. Her presentation of the flag was perfect, her singingof the "Star Spangled Banner" grand, and when her wonderfullysweet and cultured voice accompanied by her guitar rendered the "VacantChair," we were glad the chair was vacant, that we might hear the song.
R. M. Bowles as "Edwin Dalton the Spy," was equal to the leadingcharacter of the play. Mr. Bowles is a cultured actor, and his renditionof "Edwin Dalton" was grand. As husband, brother, soldier, prisoner,and spy "Richard was himself" a natural artist.
George H. Buckman represented "Farmer Dalton" so naturallythat we thought we were in the country, and felt like we wanted to staythere the balance of our life with the grand old gentleman.
Col. Whiting as "General Sherman," was a fine conception ofthe character of the general of our army. He looked and acted the soldierand though surrounded by a brilliant staff was the hero.
The children, Harry and Lottie Caton, as "Little Willie and Nannie,"captivated the audience. Brave "Willie!" Gentle "Nannie!"God will surely bless such noble children.
The tableaux were the finest we ever saw and the young ladies who composedthem are as beautiful off the stage as they were in the tableaux.
We would like to describe the beautiful angel, but if we speak of onejustice would demand the same of all and our communication would be suppressedon account of its length.
We must thank the "Sisters of Charity," Misses Ida Bard andMary Berkey, and felt like we would be willing to be wounded ourselves,if we could look up into their sweet faces.
Samuel Davis as "Pete," was a life-like personation of a truesouthern darkey. He was one of the best actors in the cast.
To the soldiers commanded by Capt. Finch and others, we tender our thanksfor their assistance and military bearing.
In this notice is it impossible to do justice to all, but rest assuredthat we feel grateful for the kindness shown us by the entire cast.
Committee: SAM. BARD, Chairman; H. L. WELLS, N. A. HAIGHT, J. E. SNOW,
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
N. J. Henry is buying calves.
J. C. Stratton has a new organ.
Wm. Herren has lately purchased several cows.
Frank Blue has sold out and gone back to his "wife's people."
Mr. Steve Elkins is doing a thriving business with his corn grinder.
Mrs. E. A. Henthorn spent last week visiting with her brother, Mr. Baker.
Mr. Lisk Harned a few days ago sold $500 worth of hogs and cattle toa Mr. Casberry.
Mrs. Amos Henthorn has a new cooking range that is a complication ofbeauty and convenience.
Mr. Joseph Baker has gone on a trip to look at other portions of thestate with the intention of moving in the spring.
Before this reaches the readers, St. Nicholas will have made his annualtour. May he make happy the heart of every reader of the COURIER.
Omnia schoolhouse has been repaired and re-seated, and the school presidedover by
A. L. Crow, is prospering finely. Mr. Crow is bending every effort possibleto make it a success, and his efforts are being appreciated by the patrons,as all seem to be well pleased.
We received yesterday a visit from Mr. Wm. Fleagle, of Henry County,Iowa, who is visiting friends here. He left last evening for Winfield, afterseeing all that could be seen here. He will go to Pawnee County, Kansas,to visit relatives, and then probably return and settle in Cowley. He ismuch pleased with our county, and tells us that when he left Iowa the thermometerwas eighteen degrees below zero and lots of snow was on the ground.
We are writing these items in a room without any fire and the door open,and the sun is beaming in like a May dayand all of this on the 19th of December.ELIZER.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Address of the Senior Editor of This Paper to the City Council TuesdayEvening, December 26th, 1882.
On Monday of last week, Frank Barclay asked me to sign a petition, askingthe city council to pass an ordinance granting him the right of way to laywater mains in the streets and alleys, with a view of establishing a systemof water-works. I certainly wanted to give anyone a chance to put in water-worksif he would, and signed his petition.
The next day I was informed that Monday evening an ordinance had beenpresented to the council granting him and associates an exclusive rightof way and giving him $3,000 a year bonus for twenty-one years; that ithad been pressed vigorously for passage that very evening, and that someof the councilmen had insisted on more time for examination and had causedthe council to adjourn to the next Friday evening to consider it further.
The features of $3,000 a year and exclusive right, as reported to me,struck me as fatal objections; and the haste to pass it as a suspiciouscircumstance.
As the COURIER was to go to press before I could examine the ordinance,I sounded a note of caution, or rather of alarm, in the COURIER, and calledfor delay and time to investi- gate and consider. I then obtained the ordinanceand read it carefully. I did not find therein that the ninety-nine yearfranchise given by it was exclusive in terms or necessarily so in any sense,except as a construction of law; but I did find the provision that the cityshould rent forty hydrants at $3,000 a year and an additional and practicallyunlimited number of hydrants at $75 a year, each for a term of twenty-oneyears, with practically no provision by which it could be possible for thecity to buy the works and terminate the said rentals until the end of twenty-fiveyears, if ever, as it seemed to me. Yet I felt that I had not had time tofully understand it.
On Friday evening the council met, but the ordinance was not to be found.It was traced into the hands of Judge McDonald, where it was placed by myassociate, and what the judge did with it was not known. The council adjournedto the next Tuesday evening. On Saturday morning it was given out that theordinance had been found and the mayor called a special session of the councilfor that evening to consider and pass it.
This haste and the fact that it had been falsely charged that the ordinancewas found in the COURIER office, the source from whence opposition was expected,tended more strongly to confirm the idea that the ordinance would not bearinvestigation.
I was present at the Saturday evening meeting to continue to study theordinance, and if possible, to get to the bottom of it. I think I succeededto some extent. As the council adjourned before coming to a vote on itsfinal passage I did not obtrude my views on your attention. Since then Ihave investigated all I could in the limited time, but should need a monthto correspond with persons in such business as contractors, and with others,to get a complete understanding of the matter. I have gone far enough howeverto be positive that this is not the best proposition for water-workswe can get, and that if it is, we can far better afford to do without them.So now that this matter is still crowded upon you, demanding immediate action,before you can possibly have found out what others would do the work for,or how enormous a burden this will put upon us, I must now say what I haveto say, though none of us can yet fully understand the matter, or it maybe forever too late.
I do not underrate the great advantages to this city and its citizens,of a well organized system of water-works; but we must remember that itis possible to make it cost in taxes and water rents so much that it wouldbe a grinding curse rather than a blessing. We must remember that we knowtoo little about this business, to jump into the only proposition beforeus at this time, without taking ample time to find out whether it is thebest we can do, and if it is, whether we can afford to accept it.
The total city assessment this year is $520,000 in round figures. Itis a rule of taxation that you must count off one-fifth for losses and delinquenciesin the collection of taxes. One- fifth off from $520,000 leaves $415,000.A seven mill tax on this sum produces only $2,905. So it will take morethan a seven mill tax to raise $3,000, the very lowest sum which the ordinanceproposes to raise by taxation.
This sum, $3,000, is the interest on $50,000 at 6 percent; therefore,the binding of the city to pay $3,000 a year for a long series of yearsis nearly equivalent to issuing $50,000 of six percent city bonds runningthe same time. Under the ordinance, everytime 600 feet of main is laid,after the first five miles and 40 hydrants, another hydrant will be addedand $75.00 per year added to the city tax, which is nearly equivalent tobonding the city $1,250 every additional 600 feet of main.
Now if you will look over the city carefully, and look over the platwhich accompanies this ordinance and shows where the first five miles ofmain are to be laid, you will find that there are more than 24,000 feetof streets, not touched by the first five miles of main, where the ownersof buildings, six within 600 feet, can demand and require under the ordinanceand in equity that mains be laid at once, within the first year; and thiswould require the city to pay a yearly rent on 40 additional hydrants at$75.00 each, as well as requiring the company to lay 4-1/2 miles of additionalmain. It would be outrageously unjust to tax these men heavily to pay thecity water rents and then compel them to lay pipes at their own expenseto a mainone or several blocks awayor be excluded from the use of the water.This would probably double the city tax the first year, raising it to $6,000a year, or 14 mills, and would be together nearly equivalent to issuing$100,000 of six percent city bonds. If anyone will take the time and troubleto examine the matter, he will find that this statement as to the streets,is substantially correct.
Thus we see that this rather big looking ordinance is a much bigger thingthan it looks at first view. Though we might pass by this item of a 14 milltax to pay $6,000 a year for 21 years, as no killing affair, the taxpayerswould soon find out that it was a cursing affair if not a killing affair.
We have not yet gathered sufficient information to determine more thanapproximately what such works as the ordinance proposes would cost shouldthe city wish to let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.
Two or three years ago, Russell & Alexander estimated the cost andproposed to put in a system of works for $16,500, but after they had beenmanipulated some time in the city they raised their estimates to over $20,000.I think the works they proposed were not more than three-fourths as expensiveas the works proposed in this ordinance. They proposed to take city bondsin payment. After a considerable talk and figuring, their offer was rejected;and they requested as a particular favor that whenever the city should beready to go ahead with a water-works system, they should be notified, andwould bid against anybody who might propose. I suppose their propositionon this plan could be had in a reasonably short time and that they wouldput in this works for about $25,000 or $26,000 in city 6 percent bonds.
One Perkins has been figuring on this matter and may have made a proposition.He evidently wants a chance to make one if he has not done so, but I havenot had time to look this matter up. I do not doubt that there are manyother persons and firms who would like to bid if they had a chance.
From estimates which I have got from Frank Barclay and others, and frommy own knowledge of figures, I conclude that the entire cost of work proposedby the ordinance, including engine, pumps, engine house, reservoir, 40 hydrants,and over five miles of main, all complete and in working order, would beperhaps over $25,000, but certainly less than $30,000; and that with anadditional five miles of main and forty additional hydrants, the whole costwould certainly be less than $40,000.
If the city can afford to pay $3,000 to $6,000 a year for 21 years aswater rents, she can certainly afford to issue $30,000 to $40,000 of sixpercent bonds to own such water-works and save those rentals.
Let us figure on ten miles of main and 80 hydrants. Under the ordinancethis would compel the city to pay $6,000 a year for 21 years, or $126,000;and then it must pay some $40,000 for the works and what the franchise shouldbe worth, or not own the works. The issue of $40,000 in 6 percent city bondswould require the city to pay the yearly interest, $2,400, which would in21 years amount to $50,400, and also the $40,000 principal to extinguishthe bonds. The difference in the two plans is that the ordinance plan coststhe city $75,000 more than the bond plan in addition to whatever the cityshould have to pay for the franchise on the ordinance plan. By the ordinanceplan, the city gets no income and pays no expenses except the $6,000 a year.By the bond plan, the city gets the water rents collected of individualsand citizens and pays the expenses and repairs.
Frank Barclay estimates, that with five miles of main, the water rentswould start in at $2,000 a year and increase annually. He made that estimateto show us that the water rents to citizens would pay so little that itwould be necessary to make the city pay $3,000 a year. I estimate that withten miles of main, double that on which he estimated, the water rents wouldbe $4,000 a year and increase to $5,000. It is probable, or at least possible,that the running expenses and repairs would not exceed $1,600 a year; atleast it is reasonably certain that they would not exceed the excess ofthe water rents above $2,400. In that case these rents would pay the expenses,repairs, and interest on the bonds, and the city would have absolutely nothingto raise by taxation for the first 21 years, or even after, until she paidthe principle of the bonds, after which she would have a net income of $2,400for general revenue from the rents.
If the city should get the boom which it is predicted the water-workswould give it, the water rents would probably increase enough to sink thebonds in the 21 years and give the city the "franchise, works, andchoses in action," and all without it having ever cost her a cent,or a mill of taxation; while in the same time the ordinance plan would havecost the city $126,000, all of which would have gone down into the pocketsof Frank Barclay, his associates and assigns, and the city would not owna franchise, a work, or a chose in action. There is a wonderful differencein the two ways of getting water-works. There is no wonder that every manwants to be one of the associates or assigns if this ordinance is to pass.
One thing is in its favor. Frank Barclay and all his associates, we believe,are Winfield men and taxpayers.
If this city has such a tremendous franchise to give away, it shouldbe given to the taxpayers of this city that they might put into one pocketwhat they take out of the other. It is especially important that the ownersof buildings, of real estate, should all be in on the ground floor and havea chance to recover from the crushing drain upon them. It would be particularlyrough on those who pay taxes on personal property only, but they have achance to escape. They can get out of here with their property, but thereal estate has got to stay and pay taxes. Every real estate owner in thecity should be an "associate" of Frank Barclay with an interestin proportion to the amount of taxes he has to pay on his real estate.
All we know of John Worthington is that he is not a real estate ownerin Winfield, and that is against him. I do not believe he will ever be anassociate or assign of Frank Barclay in this matter. He probably would liketo take the contract to put in the works for somewhere from $25,000 to $40,000and would probably be willing to take his pay in the bonds of Frank Barclayand associates if secured by such gilt edged security as a mortgage on sucha franchise and works would be. It would be about as good security as citybonds. There are probably other men and firms in the water-works businesswho would be glad to do the work and take such bonds in payment.
Much stress is laid on the alleged reduction in insurance rates on goodsand other property which would be caused by the erection of water-works.
As the effect would be the same whether the works were built and ownedby the City or by Frank Barclay & Co., the insurance question cuts asmall figure in this case; but we are informed by insurance agents thatthere would be very little reduction of rates in any case, and absolutelynone unless the city should organize a paid and efficient fire department.The water-works is the engine, but the engine is useless in extinguishingfires without the accessories of a trained organization ready to use itat all times night and day; and it needs all the aids of hose, hose reels,hook and ladder company, etc., that any other fire department does. It mustbe remembered that all this costs money and taxation, so that what the ownersof goods may reduce from their insurance fees they must pay in additionaltaxes.
We are told that $3,000 or even $6,000 a year is a consideration notto be compared with the dangers of losses from fires. Here we take issue.It is doubtful if all the losses from fires in excess of the insurance,in all the past history of Winfield, would amount to $3,000, much less to$3,000 a year. In calculating the chances of such losses, to put them ashigh as $1,000 per year in our present condition, would be extravagant.Of course, it is possible that a loss of many thousands should occur inany one year; so it is possible that a cyclone may destroy nearly everyhouse in the city, but these chances are so remote that they do not affectour calculations or probabilities to any great extent and should not.
However, we are not arguing against water-works, but against this peculiarmode of getting them.
I have saved to the last, the worst feature of this ordinance, whichI would now present to your attention.
If you pass this ordinance, you give away to Frank Barclay and associatesa certain something called the franchise. Whether this something is worthlittle or much, the city gets nothing for it, and if it is to be worth anycertain sum of money in ten years, it is really worth that sum now. If atthe end of ten years, you conclude that the city can no longer stand thetremendous burden of taxation which this ordinance imposes, and want tobuy the works and end the taxation; you have not only to buy at an appraisedvaluation the works which have cost money, and the choses in action whichhave been earned, but you must buy back this franchise at an appraised valuation,which you now donate to the company.
Should Frank Barclay and associates now, on receiving the franchise,mortgage it and the future works and choses in action for $25,000, $30,000,or $40,000, and issue 6 percent bonds thus secured for such amount; by thesale or hypothecation of these bonds, they could raise on them the moneyto build the works as fast as it was needed, or could contract for the workspayable in these bonds, and Frank Barclay and associates, without advancinga cent of money from their pockets, would own the "franchise worksand choses in action." Now if their receipts from water rents and fromthe city should be only sufficient to pay the interest on these bonds andthe running expenses and repairs, the franchise would prove of little valueand might be appraised at one dollar. If such a condition was probable,neither Frank Barclay nor his associates or assigns would do a thing towardsthe construction of the works, and you have no means to compel them, nomeans to collect damages of them for breach of contract, nothing but towait and see if they will perform. But if the yearly three to six thousanddollars from the city, and two to five thousand from the citizens from waterrents are sufficient to pay this interest, expenses, and repairs, and leavean annual surplus of $3,000, the franchise is worth $50,000, for that sumat six percent will produce only $3,000 per year. If this annual surplusshould amount to $6,000 ten years from now, it would prove the franchiseto be worth $100,000, for the $6,000 net profit would simply represent theinterest on the franchise.
Now, as I have already shown, it is highly probable that this surpluswill reach $6,000 long before the first ten years expire. With interest$2,400, expenses and repairs $1,600, and surplus $6,000, it makes only $9,000a year to be raised from both the city and the citizens together, and wehave shown that it is highly probable that the city will pay $6,000 andthe citizens $5,000, making $11,000 a year, or $2,000 a year more than isnecessary to make the franchise worth $100,000.
Then at the end of ten years when the city can purchase, the appraisementwill read about like this: Franchise $100,000, Works $40,000, Choses inaction $5,000: total $145,000all of which the city must pay in twenty yearsin yearly installments with legal interest. Probably $5,000 of this wouldbe the floating debt of the company, $40,000 the company's bonds, and $100,000in our city bonds. The legal interest is 7 percent, and the average of thetime to run is ten years. The interest on $145,000 at 7 percent, for tenyears, is $101,500, which added to the principal will raise the amount whichthe city must pay in twenty years to $246,500, which is $12,325 each yearfor twenty years; and the city, after taxing its citizens from $3,000 to$6,000 a year for ten years must raise the yearly tax up to $12,325 peryear for twenty years longer or she cannot buy the works; and most of thisis to buy back the franchise which it has donated.
I tell you this is a big thing when you look down to the bottomof it. It binds the city hand and foot and loads it down into the mire;and every struggle it makes for relief will crush it in deeper and deeper.
Even if it could be made to appear that this surplus would not be over$3,000 a year and the franchise not worth over $50,000; with the works $40,000and choses $5,000; the appraisal would amount to $95,000 in all, which with7 percent interest thereon for an average of ten years$66,500amounts to$161,500, and must be paid in twenty years or at the rate of $8,075 peryear, and you are really no better off. The sum is so large as to make itimpossible for the city to buy the works.
There is much that might be said against the ordinance on minor details,but the great points I have elaborated sink all minor matters and make itspassage too dangerous to contemplate.
You are making a record in this matter. That record will be a sad oneif you make a mistake of such fearful import.
I would recommend that you appoint a committee consisting of yourselvesand citizen taxpayers other than Frank Barclay and his associates, to investigatethis matter for the next thirty days, correspond with men in the water-worksbusiness and others, get estimates, plans, offers, terms, and information,and report by ordinance or otherwise at a meeting of the council not lessthan thirty days hence, and then postpone this matter to that time.
If you are determined on final action on this ordinance now:
First, amend it so that it shall plainly state in words that neitherthis ordinance nor the contract therein shall exclude the city from grantinglike privileges to other parties or from making like contracts with others.
Second, amend it so that the city shall not pay more than $1,600 peryear for the rentals of the first 40 hydrants, nor more than $20 each peryear for the next 20 hydrants, nor more than $10 per year for each subsequentadditional hydrant. This will probably keep the city taxes, for this purpose,down to $2,400 per year.
Third, amend it so that when the city may buy the works it shall notpay a cent for the franchise. Make it clear and certain that the franchiseshall then return to the city as freely as it was given.
Fourth, limit the interest that the city may have to pay to six percent.
Fifth, require Frank Barclay and associates, or whoever takes this contract,to give sufficient bond and surety that they will build the works and carryout the terms of this contract.
Give Frank Barclay and associates the first chance at it; but if theyrefuse or neglect to accept the terms and file the bond in a reasonabletime, offer it to others on the same terms and if after thirty days withnotice as far as practicable, it finds no takers, it will be early enoughto offer better terms, should you then conclude that the city could affordthem.
[NOTE. In reading to the council, the introduction and minor points wereomitted because of the lateness of the hour. The council then adjournedwithout taking the vote on the final passage of the ordinance.]
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
S. H. Myton is building a large implement house at Burden.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Billy Hands has sold his livery outfit to a gentleman by the name ofGray, from Illinois.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mr. Bishop, of Wellington, the old Press man, dropped in on usTuesday on his way to Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
For Sale, a house and lot, corner of Sixth and Millington Streets, cheapfor cash.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Miss Gertrude McMullen is spending the holidays in Kansas City with MissMadilene Carruthers and other friends.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mr. J. W. Ganes and family from Lowell, Wisconsin, have been visitingfor some time with his mother, Mrs. Winters, in Tisdale Township.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A gambler known as "Slim Jim," was arrested and brought before'Squire Soward and fined fifty dollars, last week, which he put up withouta murmur.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. A. W. Railsbeck and Miss Mary Holmes were married last Sundayat the residence of the bride's father, John Holmes, in Rock Township. Theyleft Monday morning for a trip east.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Farmers, bring in your plows to Jack Heller and have them thoroughlyoverhauled and put in shape for the spring work. He has just received alarge stock of plow steel, of the finest quality.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Fred Banks, a colored boy, was brought before the Police Court Thursdayfor swearing at a colored girl in violation of the ordinance. The chargewas not proved against him, and he was discharged.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The public schools of Burden held a supper Friday night for the purposeof raising money to purchase books for the school. The entertainment nettedfifty dollars. T. J. Rude is a worker in building up schools.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will give a socialand oyster supper in the basement of the church on Friday evening next.All are invited to come and enjoy a pleasant evening. Oysters in all styles.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
W. A. Lee has purchased the lots and buildings on Ninth Avenue formerlyowned by Max Shoeb, and will extend the buildings back and make them twostories high. He intends to have room enough hereafter to accommodate hisrapidly increasing business.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Every lady should go to the New York Store and look at those new patentlace kid gloves in all colors. Something new. Does away with all hooks andbuttons. Please call and examine them. They are just what you want. A. E.Baird is sole agent.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Frank Williams has sold his farm north of town to a brother of JacobRinker, for four thousand dollars. The Jim Hill place just north of it wasalso sold the other day for sixteen hundred dollars. This quarter was bareof everything but stone and grass.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
We were favored last Tuesday with a call from Mr. H. H. Arthur, AgentsClerk at the Ponca Agency. Mr. Arthur is a son of T. S. Arthur, the famouseditor and author of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." He is one ofthe most pleasant, intelligent gentlemen we have met.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mr. B. B. Vandeventer of Versailles, Illinois, is visiting this cityfor two or three weeks. He is the owner of the C. M. Wood farm adjoiningthe city on the north, including the Island Park, all of which is very valuableproperty. He is hale and hearty and seems to enjoy life in a rational way.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
At the reading club Tuesday evening there were thirty ladies and twogentlemen, and at the dancing club on last week Wednesday evening therewere eighteen ladies and twenty- four gentlemen. The ladies evidently carrytheir brains in their heads, the gents in their heels. Query: Which sexis most likely to be fitted for suffrage?
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A couple of our hog buyers, Dave Frew and W. J. Hodges, had a set-toon the street Thursday, which resulted in no blood-shed and ten dollarsto the city treasury. The boys must pay for their circus. The only bad featureabout it is that the fellow who gets licked has to contribute just as muchas the fellow who licked him.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
George Foster, a cattle feeder in Dexter Township, sold Miller &Dix two prize Christmas steers. They were the best that could be found inCowley or Chautauqua Counties and were raised by O. P. Darst, landlord ofthe Dexter Hotel, and fed by Foster. The price paid was almost two hundreddollars. Good for Dexter!
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
A Washington special says that Capt. Scott, of Arkansas City, Kansas,is there to consult with the interior department respecting the conflictingleases of land in the Indian Territory made by the Cherokee Nation to variouscattle men of Kansas and Missouri for grazing purposes. This is the inaugurationof a big fight between the original lessees, who are small cattle owners,and the large companies, who are striving to acquire control of these landsto their prejudice.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Frank Smith, living in the east part of town, had an experience withcoal gas a few nights ago which came near proving fatal. Just before retiringhe filled the stove full of coal, leaving the stove door open, but neglectedto open the damper in the pipe. About three o'clock in the morning his littlegirl woke up crying, and soon after the baby began to gasp and seemed tobe going into spasms. Frank got up and started to strike a light, but beforehe got half way across the room, he was overcome by the gas and sank down,unable to move. His wife started up to help him and just as she reachedthe door, she too fell, but was able to reach up, grasp the knob, and throwit open. As soon as the fresh air came in, Frank revived, picked his wifeup and placed her on the bed, where she soon regained consciousness. Thebabies were almost gone, but revived on being carried out into the freshair. Both Frank and his wife suffered during the two succeeding days withsick headache,; otherwise, they appear to have sustained no serious injuries.Frank says had his wife fallen a foot farther from the door, they wouldall certainly have died, as he was powerless to move a hand. This is thefirst instance of the kind we have known.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Winfield butchers have long been noted for the magnificence of theirChristmas displays. This year they have far outdone any former efforts inthat direction. The meat market of Whiting Bros., was decked out in excellenttaste. Evergreens graced the walls and ceilings, while the hooks were linedwith mammoth quarters of beef, fat porkers, and dressed specimens of everykind of feathered bird. The counters were loaded down with meats arrangedin every conceivable shape to please the eye. The markets of Miller, Dix& Co., were also especially fine. Their exhibit of beef stock on thestreet Monday was as fine as any we have seen. Their markets were deckedout in evergreens and blooms, and over all a rooster crowing lustily. BothGeorge Miller and J. G. Kraft are adepts in the art of meat market decoration,and their taste was exercised to its fullest extent. It would pay anyoneto make a tour of the markets and observe the decorations, which will remainall week.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Prof. Farringer's concert last Wednesday evening was one of the besthe has yet given. The music was excellent and the scholars each and allshowed evidence of careful training. Especially was this the case with MissMinnie Fahey, whose splendid playing was highly appreciated by the audience.Her musical education has been exclusively under the charge of Prof. Farringerfrom the start. During the concert the Professor made some very timely remarkson the subject of Winfield's musical future. He also stated that he intendedremaining in Winfield permanently, and would soon open a regular musicalacademy where students who desired would be furnished with boarding accommodations:in other words, a musical "boardin' school." This will probablyresult in gathering together in Winfield students from all the surroundingcountry, which innovation Winfield can heartily afford to welcome.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
MARRIED. A quiet, but very pleasant wedding took place last Thursdayevening at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Platter, at which time Miss EllaJohnson was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. C. W. Hill, ofWellington, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating. The ceremony was performed at7-1/2 p.m., and after partaking of an elegant supper, the happy couple lefton the 10 o'clock train for Wellington, their future home, where the groomhas resided for some months. Mr. Hill formerly lived in Winfield, and wasa member of the hardware firm of George & Hill, and has many friendshere. Miss Johnson has grown to womanhood in this place, and by her sweetdisposition and pleasant manners, has won a place in the hearts of her friends,who join with us in wishing her every happiness in her new life.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Last Wednesday Mr. Smith, the agent of the K. C., L. & S. Railroadat this place, was arrested by the Company, charged with embezzling eighthundred and thirty-five dollars of the Company's funds. He is now in jailin default of fifteen hundred dollars bail. Mr. Smith has heretofore bornean excellent reputation and has been a trusted employee of the Com- panyfor ten years. After coming here he got into the habit of gambling and hadassociated with him one Chambers, the telegraph operator, who evidentlyconspired to rob him in this way. Chambers has since jumped the town.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The children of the Episcopal Sunday school had a lively time on Mondayevening, at their Christmas festivities. The tree was very beautifully decoratedand the gifts very generous. "Tony," with his goat team, was acomplete surprise to the children and was loudly applauded. The school isin first-rate working order, growing gradually, and will make a fine showingwhen another year rolls around.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
There were five cases before the Police Court in November. Three werefor peddling without license and two for intoxication. During the monthof December to date there have been eleven arrests in Police Courtfour forfighting and quarreling, two for draying with- out license, one for shootingwithin the city limits, one for swearing at a girl, and three for drunkenness.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Frank Jennings returned from a visit to his old home, last week. He wasglad to get back. The clammy atmosphere of Ohio in no way compared withthe free, invigorating air of Kansas, and it made him heartsick to breatheit, so he returned after six days, during which time he accomplished muchmissionary work in the way of turning people in the direction of this partof the vineyard.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
If you wish Johnson's Cyclopaedia, latest edition, I can obtain it foryou in the 4 volume edition at $45, which is $6 less than agents' prices;or the 8 volume edition of the same at $58, which is $7 less than agents'price. I will guarantee this edition the same as sold by agents. The quantityof sets is only limited. HENRY GOLDSMITH.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The regular meeting of the Musical Union will be held on Thursday eveningin the basement of the Presbyterian Church. A full attendance is requestedas the officers for January are to be elected at this meeting. The programof the concert is an interesting one, comprising piano solos, duets, quartettes,etc.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
W. A. Lee has bought the Max Shoeb property, known as the Max Shoeb blacksmithshop, and hopes to be able in another year to build an Implement House.He starts this morning to lay in a large stock of implements. He takes pridein getting the best, and seeing his goods give satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The Markets today (Wednesday) show but little change from last week.Wheat is quoted at sixty-seven cents per bushel, corn twenty-seven cents,oats twenty-five cents. Hogs bring five dollars and fifty cents per hundred.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Uncle Robert Hudson received a valuable Christmas present from his sons,in the shape of a large gold-headed ebony cane. The present is a nice oneand highly appreciated by Mr. Hudson.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The masquerade skate at the rink Tuesday evening was a very fine affair.About forty maskers were on the floor, and many of the costumes were quiteunique and tasty.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The "Winfield Minstrels" is a new organization which will soonpresent an entertain- ment for the amusement of the citizens. It embracesexcellent local talent.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Last Friday Harry Bahntge, who has been for a long time running a gamblingden in a room back of his billiard hall in the Brettun House, was arrestedand brought before Justice Buckman. He plead guilty to running a gamblingtable, was fined one hundred dollars and costs, which he paid, and wenton his way rejoicing. In about an hour he was again arrested on anothercharge, which he likewise settled up. But the majesty of the law was notsatisfied, and he was immediately arrested a third time, on another charge,and after it was settled, he was again pounced upon for the fourth timeby the sheriff. This was more than even Mr. Bahntge's proud spirit couldbrook, and he prayed the Court for mercy. When it was inti- mated that theend was not yet, and that the next case was five hundred or the pen, hewilted like a cabbage plant at high noon, and swore by all that was goodand great that if they would but spare him the last dose, he would pay allthe rest up, throw his room open, turn the gambling devices over to theofficers, take the bars from the doors and the blinds from the windows,and let the bright sun of heaven pour into its iniquitous recesses forevermore, amen; and further, that he would never do so any more. Upon theseconditions he was let off, after paying two hundred and fifty dollars infines and costs, and turning over to the constable his gambling table andchecks, which were, by order of the Court, destroyed in the public street.The execution of the table was witnessed by a large concourse of people.
Mayor Troup and his associate and assistant in breaking up this business,Frank W. Finch, are entitled to the thanks of the community in additionto the knowledge of having done their whole duty in the premises.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Funeral Sermon for Mr. Wellman at South Bend schoolhouse, Sunday, December31st, at 11 a.m. Mr. Wellman was killed some time ago at the south bridge.He was a soldier of the late war who wrote the history of his regiment.The sermon will be preached by Rev. J. Cairns of this city.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Constable Frank Finch and Marshal Herrod had a severe tussle with TomWright and Mr. Smith last Saturday in which Tom came very near getting awaywith all of them. Finch and Herrod had a warrant for Tom's arrest, but whenthey went to serve it he objected strongly, and Frank got out his bill,when Smith interfered. Frank then turned around and belted Smith, when heslipped and fell. At this Tom Wright came to the front and lit on Frank'sprostrate form, and things assumed a war-like aspect until Marshal Herrodgot hold of him, after which he surrendered. Tom is a good one when he getson his muscle.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
DIED. Miss Hanchet, a deaf and dumb girl living east of town, died verysuddenly in spasms Monday evening. Drs. Davis and Emerson made a post mortemexamination Tuesday and found that she had died from the effects of strychninepoison, probably administered by her own hand. She had been despondent eversince her brother, Frank Hanchet, died, and had threatened suicide. Shewas twenty-eight years old and could read and write fluently. The funeralwas held Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mr. Wm. McRaw returned from Florida last week and laid upon the editor'sdesk a magnificent lot of oranges and lemons of prodigious size and fineflavor, which he had picked from the trees just before starting. He willremove to Florida with his family.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mrs. Snider, the widow of Wesley Snider, who was killed on the streetlast year, fell in an epileptic fit in Pryor & Kinne's office Wednesday,and many thought she was dead, but she finally came to.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Hon. John Speer, the veteran editor of Kansas and member-elect of thelegislature from Douglas County, was in the city last week and made theCOURIER a pleasant call.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The COURIER Job Office will get out a five thousand edition of Green'sReal Estate News in a few days, for distribution by the K. C., L. &S. Railroad company in the East.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Rev. Cairns will preach on next Sunday evening from the text, "Theharvest is passed, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mrs. H. A. Booth, fashionable dress maker, residence 2-1/2 blocks westof the post office, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
The Water Works question is engaging the attention of our citizens atthe present moment.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Justin Porter is visiting friends in the city.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Teachers' Association.
The Winfield Division of the Teachers' Association will hold their nextmeeting at Mr. McKinley's schoolhouse, five miles west of Winfield, Fridayevening, Jan. 12th, at 7 o'clock p.m. Program for the evening as follows.
1. Music (vocal).
2. Address of Welcome by Mrs. McKinley.
3. Response by Miss C. Bliss.
4. Exercises by school.
5. Needs of our school system, by Stuber and Herriott, followed by generaldiscussion by all present.
6. Music; adjournment to meet Saturday, Jan. 13, at 9 o'clock a.m.
1. Music by all present.
2. Best Methods of teaching History, Miss Pickering and J. H. Crotsley.
3. Morals and mannersMiss C. Bliss and Mr. Tremer.
4. What should boys and girls know when leaving school at the age offifteen?
A. Staggers and L. McKinley.
5. How can we best teach penmanship? W. R. Beaumont and Charles Ware.
6. Technical grammar and practical language compared. Miss Anna Huntand A. D. Stuber.
7. Miscellaneous business.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Rock Items.
Our Christmas tree Monday night was a success.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of Ike Tourley, December 21, A. W.Humes and Charity Hagar.
John Worthington has sold or swapped his farm for cattle, and he willshortly move near Arkansas City.
DIED. A young man across the river by the name of Rob Martin, died verysuddenly last week from a paralytic stroke.
Geo. Williams had a Christmas present of a fine euchre deck enclosedin a box, which has an apparatus on it for both counting games and points.It is the nicest thing of the kind we have seen.
MARRIED. Married on Dec. 26, at the residence of the bride by Elder Rose,Mary J. Holmes and A. W. Railsback. Quite a crowd was in attendance, mainlyrelations. After the ceremony the happy couple departed for Ottawa, Kansas,where they will visit the brother of the groom. May happiness ever strewtheir pathway, and may they pass quietly down to a ripe old age.
The following note was picked up on the road near here, it being writtenby one of our leading Democrats. It will explain itself. Alfred Harcourt,who has been down in the Territory hunting with several others, met withbad luck. The prairie fire caught their tent, burning up everything excepta can of powder, which, strange to say, escaped. They lost their overcoats.Being out of everything, they were obliged to come home. They had good luckhunting while they were at it. We are sorry for the boys. JIM.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Baltimore Items.
The Baptists have called Eld. Thompson to preach for them for the present.
Health good, Greenbackers dead. Democrats rejoicing, Republicans growingstrong.
There are a great many plowing in this part of the country, for earlyplanting in the spring.
Mrs. P. F. Thompson arrived from Manhattan last Saturday to spend a fewweeks with her parents and friends.
We understand that Dr. S. Daniels and his son, L. A. Daniels, with theirfamilies, will start for the Pacific coast about the 1st of March next.
Our school had a nice time on last Friday afternoon in the way of a Christmasjoy. Our teacher knows how to please the little folks. All received a present.
MARRIED. On the 17th inst., Mr. R. L. Emerson and Miss Mary Smith calledon Elder Thompson as two. After a short stay they went away as one. Maythat oneness always exist.
We have a young lady in this township who can take the ribbon for shooting.The dog on the farm where she lives ran a rabbit under a sorghum furnace.She took the shotgun and went to the place, and lo! And behold! There wasone of those things you call a "pole cat." She took aim and shot,killing both cat and rabbit at one shot. DAD.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Troup in the chair. Present:Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson, and the City Attorney.
In the absence of the City Clerk, D. C. Beach, Esq., was elected Clerkpro tem.
Petition of W. F. Bowen and others in reference to dray licenses waspresented and read.
The City Attorney presented proposed Ordinance No. 166 entitled "AnOrdinance amending Sec. No. 1 of Ordinance No. 135, providing for the levyand collection of certain license taxes," as instructed at the lastmeeting, which proposed Ordinance was read and considered by sections, withthe following result: The proposed Ordinance as a whole was then submittedto a vote on its final passage, with the following result. Those votingaye were Councilmen Read, McMullen, Wilson, and Gary; noes, none; and theOrdinance was declared passed, and was approved by the Mayor.
On motion the Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Wanted! An experienced male teacher for ten white children at Ponca Agency,Indian Territory. References must be first-class. For further particularsaddress L. E. Woodin, U. S. Indian Agent, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.Compensation not less than $40 per month.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Agents wanted to sell good, standard books. Call upon or address H. A.Booth, P. O. Box 929. Residence 6th ave., 2-1/2 blocks west of Main Street.Winfield, Kansas.