How Soy Products Affect Health and Blood Sugar (2025)

You’ve seen them in the supermarket –soy milk, soy cheese, soybeans, the entire spectrum of soy products. Advertised as “healthier proteins”, these products have grown in popularity in recent years. However,there has been controversial research regarding the safety of these products and their potential effects on health. So, when it comes to soy, should you avoid it or enjoy it?

Issue #1: Soy causesbreast cancer

Research has shown thatexposure to excess estrogen can contribute to the development of breast cancer. Soy products contain plant hormones called isoflavones.Found in a number of legumes and vegetables, soybeans are the most concentrated source of isoflavones in our diet. Isoflavones do bind to estrogen receptors in the body, andcan have similar effects to estrogen. However, this effect is not nearly as strong as with animal-based estrogen, and our own human estrogen is over 1000-times stronger.

Issue#2: Soy isnot safe for the heart

Researchsuggests that eating foods containingthose same isoflavones every day, may help young adults lower their blood pressure, particularly African-Americans. The isoflavones work by prompting thebody to produce nitric oxide, whichdilates blood vessels and takes pressure off of the vessel walls.

Whole soy foods also contain high levels of healthy protein and fiber. A good balanceof protein and fiber is not only good for heart health, but overall health and blood sugar as well. When it comes to blood sugar, the more fiber, the better.

Issue#3: Soy is bad for the thyroid

Research suggests thatin individuals with normal thyroids, soy does not negatively affect thyroid function.

However, soy may be dangerous for those who are taking medication to treat an existing thyroid problem.This is because soy products canunderminethe absorption of the thyroid medication in the gut, making it less effective.Talk to your physician aboutthe affects that soy products may have on any medications you are taking.

Like all foods, consume soy in moderation. One to two servings of whole or fermentedsoy foods is the recommended daily intake. (One serving is a half-cup of tofu or 1 cup of soy milk.)

But not all soy products are created equal. Thanks to savvy marketing, most people thinkany soy product is a good choice, a healthier choice.Unfortunately, this isn’t true. How can we make the right selections to ensure we enjoythe best nutrition from soyfoods?

Avoidprocessed soy products.Look for the words “soy protein” on the label. This means the product has been processed. When soy is processed, the nutrients are stripped away, and all that is left is empty calories.Foods like these are also likely to containadded sugars, bad fats and refined flours.For example – soy burgers, soy bacon, soy cheese, and soy energy bars.

Soy milk is widely available, and depending on the brand you choose, can be a great way to get a serving of soy.However, you have to make the right choice. Mosttypes of soy milk in the supermarket dairy sectionare processed and are not made with real soy beans, but rather from soy protein isolate. Many also contain preservatives and a ton of added sugar to make the milk taste sweeter. Fresh, whole-bean soy milk is best, it’soften found at health food stores.

Be wary of the listedexpiration date. The further away the expiration date, the more likely the soy milk contains additives and preservatives to extend shelf-life.Also check the label for hidden or added sugars. “Brown rice syrup” or “evaporated cane juice”are ingredients you want to avoid.

Whole soy foods are your best bet. Just like with allfoods, whole varieties havenot been processed, so they havethe most nutritional benefits.

You have likely heard of whole soyfoods like tofu and edamame. Tofu, blocks of coagulated soymilk, is packed with calcium, is versatile in many different recipes, and is easy to find and prepare.Tofu is also high in omega-3 fats, which encourage healthy brain function and lower risk of degenerative brain diseases like dementia. Get your tofu onwiththis simple Asian stir-fry.

Edamame (young green soybeans) are a great source of protein.Increasing the amount of proteinin your diet can boost your metabolism. Just one half-cup of edamame provides 8 grams of protein – triple the protein content ofmost other vegetables. They steameasily and quickly and are a great snack by themselves, or enjoy as a crunchy addition to your favorite salads.

Other whole soy options include tempehand miso.These are made of fermented cooked soybeans. The process of fermentation allows nutrients to be more easily absorbed bythe body, asfermented foodscontain natural good-for-your-gut probiotics. Tempeh is high in protein and contains vitamins B2, B6, and B3 along with magnesium and iron. Miso is rich in vitamin B12, and aids in the body metabolizing fats and carbohydrates. Miso can be high in sodium, so be sure to choose the low-sodium variety.

Enjoying high-quality, whole, natural sources of soy can be a great way to increase your protein, fiber, vitamin and mineral consumption. In moderation, these products can contribute to more stable blood sugar, and overall health.


How Soy Products Affect Health and Blood Sugar (2025)


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