Doom wouldn't be Doom if it didn't have the ability to use hidden cheat codes. And there are a lot of them in Doom Eternal - from the invulnerability mode to constant rage. There's even code here that adds third-party viewers. They will cheer the Executioner, accompanying all your actions with a stormy burst of applause.
Using cheats is especially useful when you are replaying story levels in order to collect all the missing collectibles. Below are all 14 cheat codes that are in the game.
Where to find Doom Eternal cheat codes
To start with the list of cheats:
- Endless Lives
- Instant Stun Mode
- All runes
- Infinite ammo
- Boost Mode: "Onslaught"
- Silver bullet mode
- Upgraded suit
- Boost Mode: Fury
- Hunger Mode
- Party mode
- Boost Mode: Berserk
- QuakeCon mode
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Endless Lives
You get infinite extra lives. Do not confuse with the infinite health of the hero. You will continue to die, but you will keep coming back.
In the first mission - "Hell on Earth". When will you meet the first tentacles?? at the metro station. There is a right turn in the tunnel. Then the road turns to the left. Follow there until you find yourself at the crossroads, where there is a box on the right. Follow the ventilation and go to the end, where there will be a cheat code.
During the entire passage, the Armor of the Guardian will work.
You need the "Cultist Base" mission. After you get a super shotgun and go up to the arena with cages that you need to open with a melee strike. When you open all the cells and kill the demon, take a look at the central one. Use the bars on both sides to turn around to the platform inside the cage. There will be a cheat code here.
Instant Stun Mode
With a single hit from any weapon, you will stun enemies (they will begin to glow, ready for a brutal kill).
The second cheat code, which is located on the Nekravol II level. You will find it after you destroy both chains on the left and right. In the end. Do not enter the portal! Return to the elevator that brought you to the arena, jump down, turn 180 degrees and see a small tunnel with a code.
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All runes
All runes are available to you.
This cheat code is hidden in the Stronghold of the Guardians. Wherever you end up between tasks. From the center console you need to get into the outer tower on the right. It is not necessary to open the tower itself with a new suit! However, jumping out of it into the right hole at the bottom left is much easier. If you do not open the door, stand to the left of it, at the edge. Jump to the left around the tower using the double jump. It is difficult to get into the hole from this side. Therefore, we advise you to unlock the tower itself.
Infinite ammo
Infinite ammo for any weapon.
Look for this cheat code in the Bloody Super Nest level, right below the nest. If you look at it, then turn left and you will see a mouth with a destructible wall above the lava. Jump over the lava and make your way through the wall. Go through the tunnel to the cheat code.
Unlocked all weapons, modifications and gadgets.
Look in the laundry room on the "Committee Complex" level. This room is located just behind the large atrium where the Executioner's Gate is located. After destroying the demons, you need to find an open window and use the crossbar to get into another building. Look down and notice a small hole with a question mark inside.
Gain mode: "Hatisk"
Throughout the mission, the Onslaught buff will be active.
You are interested in the Core of Mars mission. It's easy to find, right after firing the cannon when you get to the space station filled with tentacled demons. When you get there. Next to the hole down, on the right, there will be a question mark.
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Silver bullet mode
All demons die from one hit or shot.
You are interested in the story mission "The Keep of the Guardians". Once you get past the laser grid obstacle and climb onto the moving lava platform, you'll soon find yourself at a wall (which you can hook onto) around a giant pillar. Do not rush to follow the marker. Instead, climb the wall to the top of the column.
Upgraded suit
All Praetorian armor bonuses are unlocked.
This cheat code is located in your base, where you go between tasks. You may have already spotted it on the platform under the ceiling, but have no idea how to get there. There are colored stained-glass windows under the ceiling to the right and left. One of them has a red target. Shoot it to make a red trampoline appear. Underclimb it up and find the descent to the cheat code.
Boost Mode: Fury
Throughout the mission, the Rage buff will be active.
At the level of "Taras Nabad". Near the hidden nest of blood, which is located just past the section with the catacombs, in front of the fallen Titan. You will find yourself in a room with barrels. When you enter it, go left. Look for a breakable wall. It leads to a nest of blood and cheat.
Hunger Mode
Upon death, demons do not drop any armor or health.
You need the Nekravol level. Go deep into the level. Look for the code right after the spinning spiked machine arena where you enter using the corpse cage as a lift. After leaving the arena and fighting the marauder in the next corridor, pay attention to the two elevators on the right. Pick up the moment and jump down. This is a secret level where there is a cheat code.
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Party Mode
When demons are destroyed, they will explode like confetti.
You are interested in the Nekravol II level. After the first major battle in the big arena. In the far left corner there is a corridor that leads to a descent down. Don't rush to fallat. Jump to the grate on the left and look to where you just jumped from. There is a crack on the wall below. Break it to pick up the cheat code.
Boost Mode: Berserk
Throughout the mission, the Berserk buff will be active.
The boost only works on some levels. Read the description.
You are interested in the head of "Urdak". After the second ring Exit the control room and look to the left. You will notice a niche with a small tunnel. Jump onto the ledge to find the cheat code.
QuakeCon Mode
You will be greeted by the public, approving different actions.
You will receive this cheat code at a certain point during the passage of the story campaign.